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Is it worth buying?

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Crendowing said:

You HERETIC!!!!! (no pun intended)

Well uh if Heretic had an active modding/dm community larger than 10 people it probably wouldn't be true.

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Zaldron said:

I don't wanna waste TF's space either.

Hehehe, fair enough. As far as I can tell though it's just Quake DM except, you know, interesting. Although I have played maybe a collective 5 minutes of Quake DM so I probably shouldn't say that.

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I'm sure is fun for some people and stuff but I can't stand the Gluon Cannon's noise. Among other things of course ;)

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Liam the Bard said:

Well uh if Heretic had an active modding/dm community larger than 10 people it probably wouldn't be true.

Crendowing said:

(no pun intended)

I wasn't referring to the game, moron (shoot me for being one as well ;)

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Um I know, I'm stating why I don't play as much Heretic nowadays. I guess it confused you that I forgot to talk about doom, well, whatever, all the servers on zdaemon nowadays run dwango5 and dwango5 is pathetic, and it's hard to find a game on zone, so I pretty much wait for the next cool megawad to come out.

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Dark-tenshi said:

Undying is worth buying

If you don't mind the fact that the entire game was one giant texture misalignment.

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i do mind

anyways, i've narrowed down the games I will be buying:

Ultimate Quake pack

Unreal Tournament

Half-life (not sure which version)

Return to Castle Wolfenstien

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Max Payne is boring :

*Walk Around

*Bitch because you can't aim at enemies without making Max fill up 60% of the screen.

*Hit the Slow Motion key because you just remembered it exists.

*Eat painkillers

*Watch nice cutscene/prerended art with captions written in Engrish.

What I did liked was how mature the game felt. Seeing your dead baby was quite shocking.

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Zaldron said:

Max Payne is boring :

*Walk Around

*Bitch because you can't aim at enemies without making Max fill up 60% of the screen.

*Hit the Slow Motion key because you just remembered it exists.

*Eat painkillers

*Watch nice cutscene/prerended art with captions written in Engrish.

What I did liked was how mature the game felt. Seeing your dead baby was quite shocking.

-ok, and I suppose you skateboard around the maps in Dues Ex right Z?
-he doesn't take up any more space than a bfg does
-you just never played the game enough to get used to it
-it's better than medkits, and more realistic
-it helps the storyline, plus it doesn't make a half life rip off.

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orion said:

-ok, and I suppose you skateboard around the maps in Dues Ex right Z?
-he doesn't take up any more space than a bfg does
-you just never played the game enough to get used to it
-it's better than medkits, and more realistic
-it helps the storyline, plus it doesn't make a half life rip off.

I wasn't pointing out bad things about the game. I was just writing the instructions manual.

I did finished the game, mind you. True, the last scenes are almost impossible without Bullet Time. But I managed my way in the rest of the levels without it.

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Zaldron said:

I did finished the game, mind you. True, the last scenes are almost impossible without Bullet Time. But I managed my way in the rest of the levels without it.

Those matrix style moves he can make are just way too much fun to pass up for me. They just made the game something special. Otherwise it would still be a good game, but none of that zest to it.

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Heh...my friend showed me that game the other day. The bullet time thingy is okay, but pretty damn repititious. Dodging sucks, because half the time, you end up with your head in the wall (lame). But there were certain cool things in the game...have you ever heard the Program on one of the TVs about the Pink Flamingo? Heh...and that one part: 'You're in a video game, Max'. Oh, and that screaming...THE SCREAMING...I just can't get it out of my head because its so cool and creepy:


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the_Danarchist said:

have you ever heard the Program on one of the TVs about the Pink Flamingo?

No but I've seen the movie.

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orion said:

you are all too used to doom =P

Yeah, that's probably the reason I prefer RtCW to MoH:AA.

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Lüt said:

No but I've seen the movie.

Err...are you refering to the 5 random blurry pixels displayed on the TV, or an actual movie?

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I liked Max Payne, especially the dream where you walk out into the darkness with the red snow falling. (I was stoned the first time i played that) Also, the Matrix lobby mod is pretty cool, aside from the fact that the soldiers are just piled up in tiny black rooms to the side...oh well.

Diablo 2 is gonna give me a nervous breakdown. I've never been as absorbed by a game in my life, and if my hardcore character dies...

RtCW seemed like filler to me for some reason. Like, "Doom 3 isn't going to be out in a while, better give them something to chew on." Maybe i'm just prejudiced. Quake 2 was fun, especially Action Quake (the handcannon!)

But if you're broke and need some entertainment, DL an NES emulator and get Megaman 2.

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Lüt said:

Oh yeah, I saw that at the video store. I was talking about something in Max Payne. Anywaste:

thehighesttree spat:
I liked Max Payne, especially the dream where you walk out into the darkness with the red snow falling. (I was stoned the first time i played that)

Um, are you talking about when you have to walk across the blood trails? Because that wasn't snow, it was blood, i'm pretty sure.

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yeah, it was a trial of blood. I don't know if the snow was red or if it was just raining blood, I didn't play it in a while.

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It was red blood snow falling. I jumped when I end up at the wrong path and a baby start to cry louder and louder, my speakers were near max volume when I was alone at 1am with no lights. Scary, very scary...

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Q3A Gold (for Team Arena), UT, Heretic, Heretic II, Hexen + DK, Hexen II, and way too many to list, but Soldier of Fortune Gold is a good choice too

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TheHighestTree said:

Megaman 2.

that is one of my all time favourite console game.when i'm bored,i will play it.the BGM kick ass.

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