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Calculator Doom

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Has anyone tried this? If you have a TI-83/84 Plus Calculator you can put games on them. People have attempted to put Doom on them, and it looks pretty cool. I would try it but I don't have enough room on my calculator.

Video with download link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuupoxmeQ6U

Other Doom Games:
TI DooM v1.3
Doom: Epoch Chron

Oh yeah and here's Wolfenstein 3D: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/214/21441.html

And here's a tutorial on how to put games on your Calculator

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This reminds me--I swear there used to be this site called something like "Will it run Doom?" that archived a bunch of different systems and machines that were hacked or configured to run Doom in some way. I can't seem to find it anymore, but I don't think it was that old. Anyone recall this?

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Nomad said:

This reminds me--I swear there used to be this site called something like "Will it run Doom?" that archived a bunch of different systems and machines that were hacked or configured to run Doom in some way.

The closest a google search could find was our very own What CAN'T run Doom? thread.

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Maes said:

The closest a google search could find was our very own What CAN'T run Doom? thread.

Curiously enough, in that thread you posted the exact same video that appears in the OP.

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Zed said:

Curiously enough, in that thread you posted the exact same video that appears in the OP.

No wonder, since that TI-83/84 "Doom" thing dates back to the mid 90s -predating the Doom source code release, and of course the very first videos you'll find of it will also be the oldest one around -2008, "old" by Youtube standards.

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Nomad said:

This reminds me--I swear there used to be this site called something like "Will it run Doom?" that archived a bunch of different systems and machines that were hacked or configured to run Doom in some way. I can't seem to find it anymore, but I don't think it was that old. Anyone recall this?

Probably thinking of Itplaysdoom.com, which sadly hasn't been up since March 2007, it seems. Here's the latest wayback link:

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Ah ha, that's the one! Thanks Xaser! Too bad it's defunct, but at least my memory was true!

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Xaser said:

Probably thinking of Itplaysdoom.com, which sadly hasn't been up since March 2007, it seems. Here's the latest wayback link:

Interesting, but some of the information on it is now outdated -if not actually wrong and blown out of proportion e.g. DOOMCOTT was never functional to the degree suggested by that screenshot -it was just a Java applet displaying the titlepic and a screen wipe.

Also, rather than Calculator Doom, nowadays we could also have a Doom Calculator ;-)

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Maes said:

Also, rather than Calculator Doom, nowadays we could also have a Doom Calculator ;-)

OK, I read the damned thread like ten times, but I'm not a programmer and I barely understand anything (and what I understood is probably wrong). The numerous technical terms didn't help. To make matters worse, the download links doesn't work. So, a couple of questions. Can you explain me in simple terms what's the general idea? How did the final attempt (this is, the links in the final post) resulted? I know this sounds extremely n00b, but I honestly don't understand. Thanks in advance, and good day.

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Zed said:

To make matters worse, the download links doesn't work.

I can at least help you out with the calculator wad, which was sitting on my hard drive. Zom-B might re-upload the others if asked nicely.

The wad's using voodoo dolls to simulate simple logic devices, which can be combined to implement more complex functions. In this case it's a simple binary calculator.

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Zed said:

Can you explain me in simple terms what's the general idea?

The TL; DR version is this: someone used Boom's (not Doom's) mapping features to emulate the very basic functions of an electronic calculator, with considerable effort, too. If a calculator was a car, what he achieved can be compared to emulating a single nut and bolt or the spark from the spark plugs, so to speak.

It's mostly a proof-of-concept, which is unlikely to have any practical application:

CONJECTURE: you can emulate the functioning a complete, functional computer (electronic calculator) just by using Boom's game logic with a properly created map.

PROOF: with enough mapping effort, you can indeed re-create the functionality of a few very elementary components of a true electronic calculator using just Boom's mapping features. Once this is done, it's simply a matter of incrementally emulating more components until you get to the point of emulating an entire calculator. Hence, a Boom Calculator, Q.E.D.

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Thanks Grey & Maes. I somehow understood the calculator part, but at some point they began talking about Pong and Doom inside Doom and a programmable computer, and there's where I got lost. Thanks again.

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Maes said:

Also, rather than Calculator Doom, nowadays we could also have a Doom Calculator ;-)

I completely missed this thread. Awesome! One of my colleagues actually has a Digi-Comp II, and I was thinking it would be neat to make a Doom level recreation of one. Looks like I don't need to now :)

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@fraggle: It seems like you've done it, too. A quick search on idgames came up with this and THIS. I don't know how that ones compares to the other one, but they are cool enough, I think.

EDIT: missing word.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Doominator2 said:

Ha Ha you could play Doom in class with out getting caught!

Wrong on both accounts :-) What you'd be playing wouldn't be Doom except in the loosest sense possible, and getting caught would always be a possibility. IMO, not worth the effort.

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Zed said:

It has been done with much better results. Those ones look like Maze Wars or something like that.

I'd never seen this port before; definitely far more impressive. I'm not sure in a practical sense what the difference between the Doom and Wolf3D ports in the OP would be.

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StupidBunny said:

I'd never seen this port before; definitely far more impressive.

It must have something to do with it having been developed for a calculator that's, conservatively speaking, a few thousand times more powerful than the TI-83. Actually, that more modern calculator is more powerful even than the computers that most of us veteran Doomers first played Doom on.

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codeslicer said:

you could also get a mobile online download

In 2002? Most cell phones weren't even Java enabled, at the time. You had to make do with the built-in games, if any. Nokia Snake galore ;-)

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Maes said:

In 2002? Most cell phones weren't even Java enabled, at the time. You had to make do with the built-in games, if any. Nokia Snake galore ;-)

i hear that! :D

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