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reality 2.0 said:

You're not mistaken because from 1994-2011 doom could not be advertized, sold, rented, or otherwise given to minors. Its safe to cut the Berlin museum some slack in this case.

German and crazy laws. I remember as we made class trip to berlin years ago with our school. I remember teachers warned us not to use combat boots because fine was about 300€ or something close to that.

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This has nothing to do with the game having been "on the index" - something like that doesn't affect a museum in the slightest.

Factual errors aside, every museum and exhibition has its own composition and emphasis, and apparently in this case they weighted the importance of the games different than you would. It's probably less about games that had an impact on their particular genre (FPS), but more about the big picture.

I guess it's pretty cool there's a video game museum in the first place.

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Isn't that screenshot a stock one, BTW? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere before.

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negke said:

This has nothing to do with the game having been "on the index" - something like that doesn't affect a museum in the slightest.

Factual errors aside, every museum and exhibition has its own composition and emphasis, and apparently in this case they weighted the importance of the games different than you would. It's probably less about games that had an impact on their particular genre (FPS), but more about the big picture.

I guess it's pretty cool there's a video game museum in the first place.

Sure, but overlooking a game that has been such a success that it has been blamed for lowering productivity in some enterprises is beyond me.
Doom has been a stepping-stone in gaming introducing full-scale network play, it goes much farther than merely being "an influential fps".

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Maes said:

Isn't that screenshot a stock one, BTW? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere before.

Nope - though I've seen it often enough in eBay listings to start accepting it as one.

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GreyGhost said:

Nope - though I've seen it often enough in eBay listings to start accepting it as one.

Doing a reverse Google image search shows that this screenshots is all over the internets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's pretty sad, a museum of video games being dead wrong twice in the space of a paragraph.

Doomguy clearly isn't impressed.

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Doom changed the industry. It turned the PC from an expensive luxury item to something that was desired. Before Doom, PC games were either text adventures or simple side scrollers that had graphics that didn't compare to the home consoles. Doom's success turned the PC from a work machine that had games as a secondary feature into an actual gaming platform. It also opened the way for western game developers to actually make games without having to rely on the consoles(it's well-documented that Japanese game companies looked down on the US and European developers) as well as opening the way for indie game devs and individuals to make and publish games without the need for the consoles. There would be no PC gaming industry today if not for Doom.

Yet every time I watch a video on You tube of some guy listing the most influential games ever, Doom is never on the list. It's going to be 90% JRPGs, and if they do list a western game series, it's Halo or COD because it's the only western franchises they allow themselves to play. Look, I like Chrono Trigger, but I haven't been tempted to play it in years. I personally think FF7 is horribly overrated. I can't stand Metal Gear or Kojima, and Japan has openly abandoned innovation in gaming these past few years because they want to stick to "safe" games, the "guaranteed sellers". Maybe it's why they haven't had any sort of major innovation or industry-changing game in over a decade.

Doom made another major step in allowing game modding which is why it still has a strong community. It's why certain games perhaps do very well these days because they followed in those footsteps- Elder Scrolls, for example. Without game modding I think TES would be an incredibly bad franchise because I can barely tolerate the vanilla, unmodded games. They tend to have broken, awkward leveling systems, numerous bugs, and for all the hours of content they ship with can be somewhat repetitive. I don't think TES would have done well without a modding community, and I think Bethesda knows it which is why they don't put in effort. They let the fans fix it. I dread to think of playing those games on a console... but if Doom hadn't brought game modding into our hands, no game would have that feature and I don't want to think about how bland the PC gaming industry could be if we were still limited to the rules of console games.

Doom changed things. Too bad some people won't acknowledge how much it changed.

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I can't believe they would get so many things wrong with that picture. It just looks insulting, really.

At least they didn't mention Columbine, that would make me more pissed than I already am.

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Even worse is that when someone in the comments pointed out that the engine was different, other people told him that he was wrong because:

Actually it was the same, but it had some updates. No way Id Software would use another company's engine to their game.

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Excellent post diosoth. I might quote you sometime if the subject comes up elsewhere on the internet.

diosoth said:

Doom made another major step in allowing game modding which is why it still has a strong community.

I've had discussions with people online about how much of an influence Doom was because of it's modding capabilities alone, and how much that contributed to the games longetivity. Many people argue that splitting resources up the way Doom did and allowing modding was an "obvious" thing to do, not realizing that part of the reason it's obvious now is because it's so commonplace these days whereas prior to Doom, official modding support was extremely uncommon.

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Enzo03 said:

Actually it was the same, but it had some updates. No way Id Software would use another company's engine to their game.

Oh wow.

"Doom brought what I call the "BOOM" of videogame industry, he brought the fith generation of consoles to us,"
Doom is a he now. I thought it was an it.

"Doom was polemic and had dark themes, with pentagrams representing the love by Devil and also the episode where the player had to kill demons in hell, was judged by the catholic church as a game to make persons 'kill and hail the demon'."
What? How can I hail the demon, if I kill it?

If the guy who wrote this was a regular on these forums, he would be helled so many times. His writing almost seems like ignorant and misplaced trolling. Something tells me this guy's first language was definitely not English.

I don't know which is more insulting, the placard or this article...
Also, I found this interesting comment on Doom's boxart:
"one of the demons is pointing a gun at doomguy's crotch"

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I agree that Doom is one of the most influential games ever, but you all have to remember that Donkey Kong was the first game that made Nintendo huge in the states, and enabled them to later sell the first Nintendo successfully, which basically saved the videogame industry after the 1983 crash. Sure, you could argue some other company would have filled the gap, but let's give DK its due, guys.

Both games deserve many accolades.

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Crasger said:

"Doom was polemic and had dark themes, with pentagrams representing the love by Devil and also the episode where the player had to kill demons in hell, was judged by the catholic church as a game to make persons 'kill and hail the demon'."
What? How can I hail the demon, if I kill it?

They probably meant that it makes people kill other people (and animals and other living beings) and hail the demon, not kill the demon and hail him afterwards.

Also, I found this interesting comment on Doom's boxart:
"one of the demons is pointing a gun at doomguy's crotch"

Damnit now I can't unsee that.

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