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Going Down

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Linguica said:

No offense but is mouldy aka Cyriak an internet celebrity? I had never heard of him before Going Down

He's an animator on Youtube well known for some damn freaky animations. This is probably his best known one:

Leave your sanity at the door. :P

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Cyriak is known for making crazy, obscene images that make you want to scratch your head and either enjoy it or get scared by it. Nostalgia Critic made a mention of him in the "Twister" review and even used his work in his "Top 11 Nostalgic Mindfucks".

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Yeah, I already I knew it for some months, but mouldy asked me not to shout it into the public cause he rather wanted to be judged here by his quality of maps instead of his popularity.

Well, he's a good mapper too. ;P

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mouldy said:

Fair comment of the cramped nature of some of the maps, not a lot of space to play with given the setting, though I did my best to avoid any 64 wide corridors at least.

Excellent utilization of the space that you did use, no doubt about that. Even in "Crawl Space", which for me was claustrophobic, I got the feeling that I'm crawling even though Doom guy can't do it.

Katamori said:

Yeah, I already I knew it for some months, but mouldy asked me not to shout it into the public cause he rather wanted to be judged here by his quality of maps instead of his popularity.

Makes sense, however I assumed most people knew since it's stated outright on the Onemandoom blog which I think is widely read and even in the README file (just checked) "Cyriak" is in the email address.

Tip: Don't watch one of those damn videos before you go to bed... ;)



Obsidian said:

This is probably his best known one:

Cows & Cows & Cows has almost 30 million views. Personally though, I like Cycles better.

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i really like this wad, compact and hard

but i can't find the secret number 3 in map 17, any idea?

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Amph said:

i really like this wav, compact and hard

but i can't find the secret number in map 17, any idea?

Press the central pillar to get a computer map, that should help find the others.

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Platinum Shell said:

Hey Mouldy, do you have a repository for all your maps?

Not really, but if you want to seek out other stuff I've done here's a list:

The Eye

Nova: maps 19, 25 (with dobu), 28

D2ino: maps 20, 25, 28, 30

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You did maps for Doom 2 In Name Only? Right, I'll be playing that now then at some point! I'll also check out The Eye as well.

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Suitepee said:

You did maps for Doom 2 In Name Only? Right, I'll be playing that now then at some point! I'll also check out The Eye as well.

Cool, let me know if you do and I'll try and check out the stream

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dannebubinga said:

Nice maps mouldy :) Loving the 200 mega hurts theme in the AV room.

cheers old bean, looking forward to sunlust as well

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  • 2 months later...


I noticed the most recent version did not incorporate a fix for the bug I mentioned a while back in MAP15:

If you linger in this spot (or better yet, attack) the Hell Knight will wake up and kind of shatter the illusion. Great job fixing the other stuff though.

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Platinum Shell said:

I noticed the most recent version did not incorporate a fix for the bug I mentioned a while back in MAP15:


If you linger in this spot (or better yet, attack) the Hell Knight will wake up and kind of shatter the illusion.

There's also something odd with the stimpack on the bottom. (?)

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Dunno what that stimpack is down there, some kind of custom hud thing maybe? I'm pretty sure its not in the map..

Anyway yes, this is one of the minor things that wasn't important enough for me to remember to fix, and at this point I will probably only bother fixing stuff that seriously breaks the gameplay. Another bug I never fixed is on map07 where its possible to push the switch without climbing the pillars, I don't mind leaving in quirky mistakes like that though. You can also rocket boost yourself out a window in map04..

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scifista42 said:

There's also something odd with the stimpack on the bottom. (?)

mouldy said:

Dunno what that stimpack is down there, some kind of custom hud thing maybe? I'm pretty sure its not in the map..

It's Hideous Destructor, but it happens in vanilla too.

I don't think I agree with you on quirky, unless you mean it's sort of a scenario where the knight is a patient audience member who loses his cool when Doom Guy starts hanging outside of his field of view (since he knows he's totally making faces at him and flipping him off)

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  • 6 months later...

Just a little bump to say I've updated the file on idgames to address a few minor bugs:

map14 - fixed monsters getting trapped outside the map under certain circumstances
map15 - that hellknight shouldn't wake up now
map23 - fixed broken monster teleport
map25 - fixed getting stuck in the rev turret
map26 - fixed bfg trap bypassed while floor dropping

I also added some office furniture to map02 because I am george lucas. It doesn't effect movement at all, but will probably still desynch demos, so apologies for that.

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I will admit, I'm feeling all excited knowing Cyriak is a Doom Mapper. I played some of his maps the other day (with Brutal Doom, big mistake on my behalf I got slaughtered so often). While I was playing I picked up on the music quickly and was thinking "This guy got permission from Cyriak himself? He better have not stolen it" but I was too lazy to read the readme :P

It's a pleasure Cyriak. Great videos, cool music and impressive maps. Creativity is strong with you.

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Thanks Chezza. Brutal doom screws up the mechanics of some of the traps, but its nothing game-breaking. Should be a bit more playable on the lower difficulty settings.

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The 3rd patch update does desynch map02, but it's worth it for the new furniture! I'll be checking out the improved maps 14,15,23,25,26 soon.

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  • 2 years later...

for the first time ever I played and (just) completed Going Down on Brutal Doom v21.




Wonderful wad!  Amazing balance of fun, fury, puzzling and comic brutality.


i know i'm late to the party but thanks @mouldy.  You've made my doom downtime over the last month an absolute joy, maybe i just got lucky to not hear of going down until i had brutal doomv21.


my next question is what's next? can anyone recommend a similar mega wad, bearing in mind i've played the usual suspects, maps of chaos was nice.  

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Well this necro-bump certainly got my attention. Sadly, there is nothing comparable to Going Down for me--it's my favorite Doom (and by extension, gaming-related) thing ever, better imho than the IWADs, Sunlust, whatever. Not a brutal doom user but it's cool that it apparently holds up well with a gameplay mod like that.


You at least owe it to yourself to play mouldy's excellent single-level release The Eye. I would also recommend Swift Death as something that comes close to scratching the same itch for me. It's a different can of worms in a *lot* of ways--probably harder than GD and often intentionally, proudly frustrating. But to me it has a similar "chaotic evil" feel for me with smaller levels and a weird (although much drier) sense of humor.

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