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Going Down

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yeah, Going Down is truly a stunning piece of Doom auteurism.  The music alone needs its own mention.  I'm kind of happy to hear nothing else has come close, the continued WTF moments as you progress were exhilarating and an inspirational benchmark for anyone thinking about creating their own megawads.


maps like Insanity had me cackling/hysterically crying like a lunatic.  mind-blowing.


cheers @Big Ol Billy, next stop The Eye.

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  • 1 month later...

This is one of the best Doom experience of my life : that was awesome !

Just one bug in the entire journey : the special spider mastermind's death didn't trigger the end of the level.

BUT, I was playing with Trailblazer so, it might just be that.

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  • 1 year later...

Quite a mod. Only gone a few levels into it so far. But the music kind of reminds me of the old Fatal Labyrinth game for the Sega Genesis. Some randomized maps would be cool but probably not possible with the game engine. I know this is a kind of old thread but I needed to say something :p 

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  • 1 year later...

Have played with combination of Complex Doom on UV difficult fine until the end of level 29. Seems to mod changes custom spider boss to regular one and somekind type of a trigger doesn't work. No problems with other maps, including 31 and 32, were. I've tried to left spider as last enemy - same thing happens. Level 30 seems short and nothing too much interesting on it, but still.


I've tried to turn off the mod. But in this case can't load the game. Perhabs I can use console to jump on level 30 directly somehow with all the things?...


Tried also "MAP MAP30" in console with is pistol start only. MAP30 seems to bugged also - no enemies spawn / cubes. Or, perhabs, it last version of the WAD this moment was changed?


I've attached savegame file. So. Perhabs someone can take a look.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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There’s a custom boss monster on MAP29 which will very likely not play well with some mods that mess with enemies. I believe it uses the KeenDie action.


MAP30 actually does has combat, even though it can trick players into thinking it’s just a progression-stopping “goodbye” map. Try interacting with some stuff in the apartment. It’s a fitting conclusion! ;)

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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Big Ol Billy, missed small green switch.


There two switches that you need to click here to proceed further - red small one, near TV. And green small one - on the wall.


Well. This map is kinda about what can happen if you play Doom too much all the day down... Or, by other hand, some Silent Hill 4: The Room vibes here, for those who played one.


Some strategy. Better stick to the second level and wait till the elevator appear. Otherwise later you will have close to zero change to go in there - too many enemies. My record is about 70/91+ enemies killed/died on this level. Decide to exit when only few shots left as for shotgun and high tier version of mancubus appear neat the elevator entrance. UV difficult, pistol start in case of glitch on level 29, Complex Doom combo.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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  • 2 years later...

Hey there - after discovering you through overboard - I have been meaning to experience this for the first time. Looks like you are still updating it just last month lol - maps are never done are they? I am interested in how hard this starts off I expect to be in for a wild ride - played 2 today - I absolutely love your style man - have a good 1  !




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1 hour ago, mouldy said:

I haven't updated this wad since 2015. Have fun!

Lol I read that as August 15th 2022 - I mean that's a close date. It's funny how numbers work. Don't mind me 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did some more - dont mind the weird pinky stuff thats just weird pinky stuff - I will do more here and there - have a good one - its getting cold out there eh - I saw a branch that looked like an arrow today but it didn't point to anything interesting






these maps r tasty -

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy almost halloween - here is a few more - I really liked map 7! and 6 - they're all great





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  • 3 weeks later...

more maps - more good times - I played 8 on halloween lol - fitting - 9&10 are insane and fun - I love how frantic and crazy things are - a very interesting thrill - excited for more!





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  • 3 weeks later...

here is some more - I was gunna play even more more and post more than 2 vids here but time you know


I had an awesome time playing and felt great getting through these - excited for more ... when I have time eh





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Having lot of fun did a bunch more. I forgot the bonus maps and went back. Love the story and connectivity lol 












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10 hours ago, Clippy said:

Having lot of fun did a bunch more. I forgot the bonus maps and went back. Love the story and connectivity lol 


glad you are still enjoying this wad. You seem to be running out of ammo a lot though. It might be because you dont use autoaim (or just shoot the walls a lot lol), but to be honest this wad was designed to be played continuous primarily so pistol start kind of expects players to already know the maps a bit, which makes people a bit more ammo efficient I think. Something worth thinking about from a mapping perspective

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2 hours ago, mouldy said:

but to be honest this wad was designed to be played continuous primarily so pistol start kind of expects players to already know the maps a bit


That's honestly fascinating to read, since it always seemed the opposite as if these levels were designed primarily around pistol start which is how I opted to play. I believe there's just so much flavour packed into certain levels all because of their unique pistol starting scenarios, distinctly part of the Going Down experience as these finer moments helped solidify its immense variety across several short yet densely packed levels, creating a well paced and memorable journey from start to finish. Having difficulty speculating if a continous playthrough would have had the same effect on me. I also touched on a few examples in my 2016 review:



Having played through every level twice from a pistol start, they’re all individually balanced around their starting weapon choices aiming for distinctive playstyles between maps. Players carrying over previously acquired weapons might miss out on these finer moments; MAP03’s claustrophobic chainsaw onslaught; MAP07’s close quarter Rocket Launcher fights; MAP15’s arena weapon progression; or MAP19’s BFG ammo management.



MAP15 – Gladiator

[...] mouldy spices up what may initially appear to be a rather generic arena setting, creating not only a strong scene but wave based combat based around pacing and item management. I could just grab every weapon right off the bat and have a miserable experience trying to tackle an entire onslaught, all odds against me. Alternatively I could snatch one weapon at a time in any order against compositions depending on my chosen firearm.


Edited by quakis
minor corrections

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42 minutes ago, quakis said:


That's honestly fascinating to read, since it always seemed the opposite as if these levels were designed primarily around pistol start which is how I opted to play. I believe there's just so much flavour packed into certain levels all because of their unique pistol starting scenarios, distinctly part of the Going Down experience as these finer moments helped solidify its immense variety across several short yet densely packed levels, creating a well paced and memorable journey from start to finish. Having difficulty speculating if a continous playthrough would have had the same effect on me. I also touched on a few examples in my 2016 review:



I think i chose the wrong word to use there, because it was "designed" for both continuous and pistol start. There's no intended way to play this wad, but continuous play was expected as the primary method, since thats just how doom is made. Thats why there is a strict weapon progression that spans the first several maps, where each map introduces a new weapon for your collection. Thats something I always loved about the original game, gradually building up your arsenal over the space of an episode.


Since most players were expected to play continuous the first time, that allowed pistol starts to be designed as an alternative experience, almost like its own difficulty setting, where each map has its own self contained progression. The pistol starts in going down were made to be kind of combat puzzles, like you say. Often they revolve around specific weapons. I guess mappers have this expectation that people will replay their maps and look for higher challenges like that, but the reality is a lot of players just want to jump in on the end-game experience. Nothing wrong with that of course, as long as players don't mind some of the maps being a bit unbalanced for blind max runs.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thought I would take a dive back into this. This map was really out of left field lol but it was fun getting to mow down hoardes of Archie's here haha 




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4 hours ago, mouldy said:


appologies for the confusion, i confused the 22 in the tread title's date for the year

Edited by No-Man Baugh

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  • 1 month later...

I rotate around the cosmos and play like 50 things at once in small chunks lol - I felt compelled to finally back here


man - I gotta tell you - SO MUCH FUN


I shouldn't be weary bout seeing 500+ monsters when it comes to you, I know that - and boy did I have fun - I even felt compelled to see how fast I could try this map - great stuff as always - your gameplay is so fun and engaging - frantic and fun right up my alley


In fact I had sooo much fun I dove right into 21 and that may be my fave map of yours yet - the theme and imagery and with stock textures blew my mind - it looks and feels so cool


listen I cant say enough good things


Map 20 is public and 21 will air a lil later so here it is




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  • 2 weeks later...

still at it lol


Played a couple more.


Each map is awesome but map 23 really amused me lol - so many fun things to discover and look at - that room with all the science and platforming lol - just having a blast with this.


When I started I thought it would be frustratingly hard but its just been a joy ride the whole time - that ending almost got away from me there lol


good times





can't believe I'm down to the last 7!

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  • 1 month later...

May 23 is still my boy - finally came back to play another and got wrekt lol


I maybe didn't use my ammo the best or played wrong or didnt let enough infighting happen or something but it was super tight and I had to leave like 100 monsters behind eh


way she goes still fun - I did get a little frustrated at my dire situation in the end tho haha


its prolly gunna get even harder right - I'll be back

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20 hours ago, Clippy said:

May 23 is still my boy - finally came back to play another and got wrekt lol


I maybe didn't use my ammo the best or played wrong or didnt let enough infighting happen or something but it was super tight and I had to leave like 100 monsters behind eh


way she goes still fun - I did get a little frustrated at my dire situation in the end tho haha


its prolly gunna get even harder right - I'll be back

wow, I don't think I ever saw anyone make such a mess of this map. i guess thats partly my fault for assuming everyone who plays will immediately get what they are meant to be doing.


At the start you can kill most of the smaller stuff in that room by blowing up the barrels, then you should concentrate on any surviving revs with the chaingun, it stunlocks them. The first bridge fight you need to focus on the stuff crossing the bridge, the imps behind you are mostly a distraction. This is where dodging rev missiles in a limited space plays a big part. Sobad made a good video about this:


Then there's the mastermind. The main mistake you made was fighting it. Any time you meet a mastermind you should be thinking about infighting. There's a blur sphere right next to it which mitigates a lot of damage even if you stay in that room, so hide behind it and let it deal with everything coming over the bridge. Its even worth helping the mastermind if it gets pinned by imps. At this stage there isn't a lot for you to do until the cybers eventually make it across. Sometimes they dont even all make it because of the infighting.


Infighting is the general theme of this map. The clue is in the starting room, with all the monsters facing away from you, waiting to cross the bridge to attack the opposite side. You are just caught in the middle of a battle they are already having. I think it was inspired by a scene from The Good The Bad and The Ugly where two armies are endlessly fighting each other from opposite sides of a bridge.


Good luck with the remaining maps. Maybe try to move less erratically, you end up bumping into a lot of stuff and rocketing yourself in the face. Movement is key in a lot of doom maps but in going down there is often nowhere to move, so you have to be a bit more precise.

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lol leave it to me to mess up this map worse than anyone - sorry for making such a mess of a great map but I thank you for writing back. The worst part is I always go on about how much I love infighting but for some reason I was just not connecting the dots here and trying too frantically to survive by eliminating way too fast. Way she goes - that sobad vid is fantastic btw. Not sure where my head was but I'll also admit that going down is certainly above my skill, I just keep trying to fake it to make it - I still want to experience it but yeah I realize I will never be fantastic at doom because I dont have the time to truly practice and hone in any skill, literally any time I drop a vid is about the only time I am truly playing or practicing.


But yeah reading your statement makes perfect sense  - and hopefully I will do less horrible in other maps - so far I think this is the one I screwed up the most haha


Regardless I am having fun and still want to experience the rest, I absolutely admire what you've done here and find it inspiring - maybe at the end of the road I'll get a little better for having gone through it haha


kudos man

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Easily the best time I had playing Classic Doom yet, Going Down both as a Doom Wad and as a one person creative endeavor is about as close to being ideal as it can get.

A remarkably cohesive piece of work, described as chaotic evil, the wad carries a mischievous spirit , but at points it can turn that into malice and quite lives up to that description.


The two main thing of this wad that I love is first the combat is the combat, I like that you keep using a small compact area as the playground, where any action you take can and will cause enemies to ambush you or appear in an area you have to go back to, keeping the player consistently paranoid about doing anything in this map as any interaction could mean lurking death for the unwary. This feeling is enhanced by the music which sounds like someone organizing a circus in my head where you should be really careful if you want to check behind the stages or you might not come back alive. As more and more enemies get released the game seems just gets more chaotic and increase my heart rate. And sometimes the floodgates seemed to be opened hundreds of monsters at a time, when the wad seems to get tired of playing with the player. There are 2 fights namely Buried Alive when the Cyberdemons arrive and then picking up the Blue Key in Necropolis in this set that I would say straight made me break through my Doom skill ceiling and because of how fun the design is I enjoyed the failures as well. Black Mass is definitely my favourite combat wise. I must add I played on Hurt me Plenty the difficulty is a bit out of my current skill level for Ultra Violence.

The other thing I love is the weird humour mixed with his eye for detail, easily the best looking Vanilla Doom wad I have played, with the believable environments with stock Doom 2 textures, the whole idea of this wad is funny in a way, Doom guy going down floor to floor clearing demons. One floor might be an office building where a Baron of Hell jumpscares you from behind the boss's chair or Doom guy might decide to take the emergency exit to the roof to call his mom. It's just this weirdness that makes the whole thing so charming. Really elevates the experience a ton for me. The small densely detailed levels I enjoyed enough that for the first time I found 100% of the secrets in vast majority of the levels.

There's endless creativity here, while similar no two levels are truly the same and while not every level hits the same peak, their sheer uniqueness ought to win you over. One level you might be crawling through the vents of a building to get around the monsters, another one where there might be a elaborate key hunt through an area. And somehow while these sound boring on paper, none of these actually are boring.

Then there is the last third of the map, there are sections here that are genuinely jaw dropping not only for Doom but for any FPS campaign I have played, Insanity will stay in my head for a long time and so will 200 mega hurts.

Thank you for making this wad, absolutely loved it.

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Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you went for HMP, I think of that as the fun difficulty.

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