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Which Ultimate Freedoom maps are still buggy / unfinished?


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I'm playing through "Ultimate Freedoom" for the first time so I'm not aware of everything that is still under development.

Everything was fine until I reached E1M6. It's quite a big level, but I noticed there are no monsters whatsoever. No items either. At first I thought it was intentional - the whole level seeming to be abandoned only for a horde of monsters to eventually emerge somewhere, but then I realized that the blue key was nowhere to be found... and the blue door opens without it. Therefore, the whole level can be finished in about 30 seconds.

However, E1M6 at least could be finished! In E1M7 I reached a maze consisting of very narrow corridors and inhabited by invisible monsters. I picked up the computer map, pressed a switch and... I couldn't make any further progress! After roaming around helplessly for a dozen or so minutes I quit the game... and read on this forum that the level is bugged!

So before I lose more time - could someone please inform me which Ultimate Freedoom levels are bugged/unfinished?

EDIT: For the record, I'm using PRboom. I know other ports make it possible for the level to be completed, but I don't want to download and configure a different one just because some stupid door won't open when it should.

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Now that my emotions are a little calmer I'd like to say that the previous post made me feel ashamed and I'd like to apologize to Freedoom's dev team for acting like an asshole. Having no knowledge about the project being incomplete I got surprised and frustrated, but the most important thing to remember is that Freedoom is being developed without any monetary compensation and it exists solely because of the developers' good will and willingness to sacrifice their free time.

Therefore I'm sorry. I'll try to take things easier from now on.

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No need to apologize, you said a lot of what I think about the maps in their current state too. Why have maps that literally break the game and make it incompletable in the WAD? You weren't even rude in the way you were asking about it either.

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Having looked at the level in an editor I'm at a loss as to why the door didn't open for you. The linedefs & door are bog standard vanilla doom functions. Needless to say it played through perfectly ok in my port (I use my own source code port under Risc OS, so I can easily make changes when something doesn't work).
It clearly isn't practical for the level designers to make sure that their maps work correctly on all possible source ports, but I can only assume that either there is a bug in your version of prdoom, or you somehow failed to walk across the necessary lines or failed to spot the hidden door open.

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I walked back and forth making sure I pressed / stepped on everything that was possible. Then I watched a walkthrough on youtube and mimicked the movements to trigger desired effects and then I read somewhere on this forum that the level was bugged. I don't want it to work with each and every possible source port, I just want it to be vanilla-compatible and based on what you have written, it is.

Perhaps someone else can play FreeDoom using PRboom+ and see if the problem appears on their computer as well.

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Patrol1985: It looks like there's a walk trigger in front of a door so you can't press on it (linedef 1201, 38 W1 lower floor). I guess that's where you got stuck. This is, hopefully, easily fixable...

edit: fixed, in the most minimal way possible.

jeff-d: nice to hear RISC OS still has source ports :-) I used to use DIY years ago.

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Thanks for the reply and for crediting me about finding the bug! :)

I used "no clip" to see what's behind the door where I get stuck and simply speaking: I can't open the door which leads to the blue key. Have you updated the IWAD and, if "yes", can I download it somehow?

Also, I may have found another E1M7 bug, but I don't know exactly how to recreate it. When you start a level and head north-west, you find a rectangular, blue-grey structure which can be accessed via an elevator. Once "up", there is a button you can press to lower a wall containing an invisibility sphere. When it works "properly", the sphere lowers itself to align with a nearby elevator. Sometimes it will go slightly lower, which still allows you to exit this small area, but sometimes it will lower a lot more than it should so you fall into an inescapable "pit". Even though the elevator is right next to you, it cannot be activated with the "use" key (I think you have to stand on the elevator to activate it).

Has anybody else encountered it?

EDIT: when I "no clip" through the door leading to the blue key, I can open it from the other side. Then, I can operate it from both sides, but if I play the way the level is to be played, I cannot open the door initially.

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