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What's your Favorite Doom Music Track?


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The Doom games have tons of funderful tracks to listen to, hell I can't get to par because I keep staying in levels for the music sometimes. You can list every single one of your favorite tracks here, maybe count them down, even the ones from PWADs.

Here are my top three favorites from Doom 1:

and Doom II:

What tracks do you guys like?

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I tend to like the tracks which are more dramatic or atmospheric, like MAP29, MAP09, MAP18, E1M7, E1M8, TNT04, TNT16, TNT20, the TNT interlevel/MAP31 music and MAP10. I love all the music in Equinox for this reason, since most tracks fall into one or both of these categories. MAP30 of Scythe is pretty awesome, too, and I kinda wish I knew where it was from.

I never liked the MAP20 music much. I'm not sure why, though it may be partly because I associate it with MAP20 itself which I don't like that much either. By and large, I think all the Doom IWAD music accomplishes exactly what it's supposed to, and very well.

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I like pretty much the entirety of the soundtracks, TNT excluded. It'd probably be easier to just list the ones I don't like at all. But if I had to pick an absolute favorite, it'd be Dark Halls:

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StupidBunny said:

MAP30 of Scythe is pretty awesome, too, and I kinda wish I knew where it was from.

"MAP30: Fire and Ice is the final map of Scythe. It was designed by Erik Alm and uses the music track "You Suck!" from Rise of the Triad."

I like most of Doom 1s music, especially the E1 songs. I don't like most of Doom 2s music. I love Heretic & Hexen's music. tnt.wad has OK music but the volume levels don't sound balanced to me.

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My top three favourites are all from TNT. Death's Bells, the track for Wormhole, Map 12 (Nukage facility maybe?), and River Styx, the track from Deepest Reaches, and Legion of the lost, the intermission and Pharoah theme.

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Obsidian said:

Getting Too Tense, hands down.

Yeah, that's one of the better ones in Doom 2.

I guess "Demons On The Prey" (E1M7 and others) is probably my favourite Doom track overall. Even though it was used with Unholy Cathedral, one of the dumbest Doom maps.

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I really like most of the original Doom soundtrack but E1M7 and, even more, E1M5 are real stand-outs for me.

I was much less impressed with the Doom II soundtrack and even remember being disappointed with it when I first heard it (probably due to how highly I regarded the Doom sountrack and so it couldn't compare). I only really like D_ROMERO and, even then, I'd still rather listen to most of the Doom tracks instead.

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Imp's Song (E1M2) and Dark Halls (E1M3) are stand-outs for me; I love the bass line in the former, and the creepiness of the latter.

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MAP30 has my favourite music for Doom II because it's the closest Doom's music gets to the PSX ambient music. E1M2 is my favourite in Ultimate Doom because it was the cast call music in Jaguar Doom and I've loved it since then.

I haven't played enough Final Doom to judge the music so overall I will say Ultimate Doom has the best music - although if PSX Doom is included I would pick Hodges' stuff over Prince's.

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People seem to either love or hate the TNT soundtrack, for the most part, with the most common criticism as far as I can tell being that people find most of the tracks to be too dense and noisy compared to the original Doom tracks. Me, I think that TNT's music is awesome, with a few exceptions, and its best tracks have a massive, powerful feel that creates a lot of atmosphere for me.

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My favorite Doom tracks?

E1M3: Dark Halls
E1M5: Suspense
E1M7: Demons on the Prey
E1M8: Sign of Evil
E2M2: The Demons from Adrians Pen
E2M4: They're Going to Get You
E2M6: Sinister
E2M7: Waltz of the Demons

Doom II
Map 05, 13: DOOM
Map 06, 12, 24: In The Dark
Map 07, 19, 29: Shawn's Got the Shotgun
Map 10, 16: The Demon's Dead
Map 18, 27: Waiting For Romero to Play
Map 25: Adrian's Asleep
Map 28: Getting Too Tense
Map 30: Opening To Hell

Final Doom TNT Evilution
Map 04, 13, 29: Death's Bells
Map 05, 17: More
Map 06: Agony Rhapsody
Map 16, 26: Blood Jungle
Map 20: Horizon
Map 31: Legion of the Lost

Doom PSX
Hangar - Retribution Dawns
Toxin Refinery - Sanity's Edge
Phobos Anomaly - Mutation
Deimos Anomaly - Breath of Horror
Containment Area - A Calm Panic Rises

Final Doom PSX
Catwalk - Malignant
Geryon - Unhallowed
Nessus - Tendrils of Hate
Paradox - Breath of Corruption

Doom 64
Staging Area - The Madness
Main Engineering - Tortured Transmission
Holding Area - Spaces Between
Altar of Pain - Lamentation of the Forgotten
Dark Citadel - Voices in the Blood
Dark Entries - Wait for It
Watch Your Step - Blood Red Shadows
Spawned Fear - Warped
Breakdown - The Rotted Foul
Pitfalls - Perfect Hate

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Enjay said:

I really like most of the original Doom soundtrack but E1M7 and, even more, E1M5 are real stand-outs for me.

Interesting, my impression is that most people think that's a pretty boring/uninteresting track. (e: E1M5) I like it, though I wish it were just a little more developed.

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Sign of Evil - E1M8

Doom II
Victory Music
Between Levels - MAP04
Message for the Archvile - MAP20
Icon of Sin - MAP30


PSX Doom
The Broken Ones - MAP02/14/48 and Subterra
Mutation - MAP08/35/52 and Nukage Processing
Breath of Horror - MAP09/25/41 and Lunar Mining Project
In the Grip of Madness - MAP17/42/58 and Aztec
Unhallowed - Geryon
The Theme tune

End is Nigh - Plutonia 2 MAP20
Sandrock's Theme - Community Chest 4 MAP02
Jade Empire - Plutonia MIDI Pack MAP03
Untilted - BTSX E1M9

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When I first heard Doom's soundtrack I immediately knew this was gonna be a fun time. I don't like Doom II's soundtrack that much.
I've never played Strife, Doom 3, TnT or Plutonia.

Here are my full lists (My #1 Favorite is at the top):

My Top 10 Doom Tracks:
E2M1 - I Sawed the Demons (I just loved listening to this one, in fact, E2M1 is the only level I can finish at 'PERFECT')
E1M8 - Sign of Evil (When I first tried the shareware version, and heard this as I was about to finish, I just knew I had to see more of Doom)
E3M3 - Deep Into the Code (Fits the level it was for: 'Pandemonium')
E1M2 - The Imps Song (The more I listened to it, the more I started to like it.)
E1M7 - Demons on the Prey (Computer Station was the level when I felt that this was it, I was about to reach Phobos Anomaly. This track fit the level perfectly.)
E2M7 - Waltz of the Demons (When I first heard it, I thought it was different from the rest of the songs.)
E2M8 - Nobody told me About Id (My favorite part is the drum beats.)
E1M4 - Kitchen Ace and taking Names (It was good music to kill to.)
E2M6 - Sinister (It has that 'haunted' and 'hellish' feel that Deimos has.)

Doom II:
MAP20: Message for the Archvile (Gotta love that guitar)
MAP18: Waiting For Romero to Play (It fits that eerie feel that 'The Courtyard' and 'Monster Condo' has. It's also very calming to listen to.)
MAP07: Shawn's Got the Shotgun (Perfect for a killing spree!)
MAP28: Getting Too Tense (It has that 'it's the end' sort of feel.)
MAP23: Bye Bye American Pie (Perfect for any level that resembles a dangerous factory. In its case, a place full of Barrels, explosive barrels.)
MAP04: Between Levels (This is the theme whenever tons of people beat each other up.)
MAP01: Running From Evil (It's longer than the original Doom's starting level theme. Gotta love that guitar solo.)
MAP10: The Demon's Dead (The way it ends is the best part.)
MAP06: In the Dark (The beat is quite nice. Has a sort of 'Mission Impossible' feel to it.)
MAP02: The Healer Stalks (Great ambient music, that isn't quite ambient.)

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My Top 5 off of Doom 1:
1. E1M8
2. E1M1
3. Victory/End of Episode
4. E1M2
5. E3M1

And Doom 2:
1. MAP09
2. MAP04
3. MAP07
4. MAP02
5. MAP31

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Getting Too Tense is interesting in that I like it for the first minute or so, and then it gets on my nerves. Too repetitive. Perfect for speedruns or short levels I suppose.

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Ultimate Doom

Doom 2:

TNT Evilution:

Doom 64:

PSX Doom:

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plums said:

Interesting, my impression is that most people think that's a pretty boring/uninteresting track. I like it, though I wish it were just a little more developed.

Which one, E1M5 or E1M7?

If E1M5, I'm surprised by that because I thought it was quite popular. I've certainly always liked it anyway and it's a track that I quite often listen to just for the sake of something to listen to on my MP3 player, in my car, wherever.

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Depends what they're played back with. For example, I really like the way D_E1M9 sounds when played back with my Nokia phone, but D_E1M2 sounds crap on the same device.

That said, my most favorite tracks from Doom and Doom II (on pretty much any device) are:
I also enjoy the unused Doom tracks un23.mid and un30.mid, and the background music from TNT MAP11, Hexen MAP33 and the Skulltag map D2ST8.

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129thVisplane said:

and the background music from TNT MAP11

Here I was thinking I was one of few who actually likes this track. It's pretty unpopular.

Also Hiding the Secrets and Cold Subtleness are cool.

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