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Doom/Doom 2 song remixes in MIDI


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We all should know by now (and at some degree, are tired to listen to) about the several amount of remixes that have been made of the classic songs. OCRemix's very own 2 disc tribute, Sonic Clang's, Neurological's, Kinkiness, you name it.

But what about MIDI? The only ones I know that seem to exist are the Project: Doom remixes, and Plutonia 2's rendition of E2M8, but that's it.

Are there any other works that I do not know about?

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Jayextee said:

Yeah, Ultimate Doom in Name Only should have a bunch. Ideally, that is. I think I'll be watching this topic.

Oh bollocks. I already redid E2M2* using MIDI, but it's not suitable for actual MIDI use. Same applies to PRIMEVAL's remakes I think

*Alternative title: The Demons from Sandy's Beard.

EDIT: Regarding UDINO, I think I know exactly what to do in the case of a certain music track.

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I've actually considered doing this myself as a way to get into making MIDIs, since honestly I know next-to-nothing about music composition and I figure it'd be a good way to learn something.

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dew said:

Ralphis made a bunch of excellent remixes for dbimpact.

D_E1M1, D_E1M2, D_E1M8, and D_VICTOR are the only new songs here.

I'm not sure if M1 is a remix, sounds more like a brand-new piece. Same for VICTORY; if anything it reminds me a bit like Heretic's MUS_CPTD. M2 is a remix of Demons from Adrian's Pen, M8 is a remix of Sign of Evil.

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Some other remixes:
* MAP04: "I sawed the Demons" remixed by doom2day
* MAP05: "Getting Too Tense" remixed by doom2day
* MAP24: "The Demons from Adrian's Pen" remixed by Jay Reichard (well that's from Project Doom mentioned in the OP)

Whispers of Satan
* MAP22: "The Demons from Shawn's Pen remix" by Kristian Aro
* MAP32: "Evil Incarnate (Remix)" by Paul Corfiatis
* MAP33: "Running from Evil (techno remix)" by Paul Corfiatis

* MAP18: "Shrouded In Darkness" (remix of "In the Dark") by Jimmy

On the other hand, I haven't found any remix of the Heretic or Hexen tracks (not counting those made by Kevin Schilder himself for Raven games like Hexen II). I'm not even talking about Strife music...

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Jimmy also remixed Evil Incarnate for D2INO
Bucket did a Nobody Told me About id remix which is in the Plutonia MIDI Pack, under the name Plunge Saw. It has a short E2M4 section too.

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I did make a start completely remaking E1M1 and MAP01 from scratch...note for note...but actually IN TIME with the 4-4 grid.

That and mixing the E1M1 bass and guitar with the percussion of MAP01...never finished though! D:

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