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"Master Levels" for Ultimate Doom?


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Let's see... Definitely include rrward02, castevil, invade1-2, sungod.

Possibly tmp, xeno11, caslotr, starwar2 e1m1? Can't think of any other at the moment, I still don't know 1994 well enough.

People might freak out about this but I won't include uac_dead here. Yes, it has some memorable scenes and tricks but the overall quality isn't that high, many areas are dull to be honest. I believe id would choose more professional looking levels for the compilation. Same goes for galaxia, id would find it too amateur.

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Yes, it's good idea, if this is going to be done, to choose old levels based more or less on the criteria used by id. Maybe something in the spirit of "the way id did".

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Technically, you wouldnt be using old levels anyway. ML had known authours contacted and they either made new stuff for the project or handed in unreleased stuff then polished it.

In other words, sounds like grounds for "MLTWID", with people emulating styles of prominent authors of the time to create separate wads for UD and D2, possibly additional pieces of ujnfinished episodes or series, then packinging them together.

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