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Saw this, possible doom4 trailer?


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Sorry, but it looks fan-made to me.
Theres not a whole lot that this supposed trailer shows anyway, just a canyon-like setting with space crafts flying in followed up by the word "Doom 4" with the traditional Doom 3 music playing in the background.

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I don't see Id or Bethesda leaking trailers through channels like "TheJuggernation737" with for only description "Don't Forget To Comment, Like And Subscribe.".

It's just some idiot's attempt at hoovering YouTube views. Do not give him that.

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You know, the first 18 seconds could have been. It kinda looked like a shakeycam of a Doom4 teaser reveal. This would fit perfectly as a leaked trailer set for reveal on the 10th.

Sadly, the rest of the trailer had nothing that would invoke Doom. The logo is of course also a dead give away. This is another nothing. Pretty, but nothing. I have been searching around looking at people's resumés ever since the playtest at id thing. The only "new" stuff that revealed to me was that they apparently have (or had) a multiplayer level design team. Another thing was that Chad Todhunter (LA. Noire guy) is (or was) apparently a lead characther in the game.

Another resumé spoke of "unannounced technologies", but that could basically be anything. Oh well. I expect nothing to happen on the 10th :(

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It always amazes me how people post about videos or screenshots that are so obviously fake it's not even funny.

Nothing will happen on 10th. It will stun me if Bethesda's going to do anything beside writing a two-line post that will immediately get pushed away by some bullshit Elder Scrolls news. Like I said at one point, there won't be ANYTHING related to DOOM 4 even next year because they have Wolfenstein to take care of.

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Ah ok, well thank you for clearing that up for me. I guess my fanboyism is about as bad as it is for TOOL. Find "parts" of a new "leaked" "bootlegged" "Demo" of a new song and hope it's something, did the same thing with Doom 4. :P
Either way, I don't know if you guy's noticed, but December 10th was where the countdown for the survivor2299.com posted for. I know it turned out to be a hoax, but there was some odd things about it. Bethesda didn't shut it down, Zenimax Studios reserved the IP, and something just seem's fishy about the whole thing.
Maybe i'm looking to hard into this, insomnia is biting my ass, or just bored and nothing better to do. But now that Bethesda has right's to Doom now as well, maybe they are throwing off our direction and it's actually going to turn out to be a DOOM reveal? OR, and don't quote me on this, they HAD something planned, DOOM once again fucked up in development, and they had to pull the whole thing off as a hoax.
Doom 4 IS going to be on earth, that has been slightly confirmed, and the morse code's released from the site, we're about creatures, earth being fucked, and other things.
Yes there was a vault tech logo on the bottom, but maybe it was to throw people off. Bethesda does have a way of screwing with it's customers/fans.

Once again, probably the lack of sleep giving me these CRAZY idea's but who know's, crazy idea's are the one's that are right sometimes.

Just a thought.

What do you guy's think?

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Shaviro said:

You know, the first 18 seconds could have been. It kinda looked like a shakeycam of a Doom4 teaser reveal. This would fit perfectly as a leaked trailer set for reveal on the 10th.

Sadly, the rest of the trailer had nothing that would invoke Doom. The logo is of course also a dead give away. This is another nothing. Pretty, but nothing. I have been searching around looking at people's resumés ever since the playtest at id thing. The only "new" stuff that revealed to me was that they apparently have (or had) a multiplayer level design team. Another thing was that Chad Todhunter (LA. Noire guy) is (or was) apparently a lead characther in the game.

Another resumé spoke of "unannounced technologies", but that could basically be anything. Oh well. I expect nothing to happen on the 10th :(

Big name actors are NOT a good sign.

EDIT: Given the recent marketing stunts pulled by Bethesda, it would not surprise me if they told us the link is fake just to fool us.

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DooM_RO said:

Big name actors are NOT a good sign.

EDIT: Given the recent marketing stunts pulled by Bethesda, it would not surprise me if they told us the link is fake just to fool us.

"Special thanks to /r/Fallout the most amazing community on reddit for resolving all clues. PSA: I don't own the Fawkes Facebook page. YT User 'Elevated Level', Butch, Pitor, Liam Neeson and creator of tunnelsnakesrule.com are not responsible for this 'hoax/rickroll'.PPS To real haters: if you really wish me dead IRL, go there .

I don't think Bethesda would say this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope. It is totally fan made. Doom 4 is currently in production-hell so I highly doubt they would have made any public trailer.

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