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DOOM Retro v5.4 (updated May 2, 2024)

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Just now, bradharding said:

Happy 30th birthday DOOM! And a happy 10th birthday DOOM Retro! To celebrate, I've just released DOOM Retro v5.1 to celebrate! It runs the brand spanking new SIGIL II and Eviternity II, and has several bug fixes and improvements! Please visit www.doomretro.com to download for Windows, and for all the release notes. Thank you for everyone's support and here's to another 10 years! 🍻


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Hey brad, reporting this crash when playing SIGIL II, right at the exit of the first level, it always crashes when I go through the exit/portal. Not sure why.

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8 hours ago, Endless said:



Hey brad, reporting this crash when playing SIGIL II, right at the exit of the first level, it always crashes when I go through the exit/portal. Not sure why.

Thanks @Endless. I'll be releasing a fix for this (and a few other SIGIL II issues) very soon. In the meantime, you can avoid this error by loading both SIGIL 1 and 2 together.


EDIT: DOOM Retro v5.1.1 out now!

Edited by bradharding

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Hi Brad, i tested sigil 2, with last doom retro (5.1.2), with no issues, but a weird thing happens, when you rename the wad SIGIL_II_V1_0, with another name (ex: SIGIL_II), when in the menu, you select SIGIL II, the game crash, see screens.zip; this dont happen, with gzdoom, dsda-doom or woof, so i think, its a bug on doom retro.


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5 hours ago, irukanjji said:

Hi Brad, i tested sigil 2, with last doom retro (5.1.2), with no issues, but a weird thing happens, when you rename the wad SIGIL_II_V1_0, with another name (ex: SIGIL_II), when in the menu, you select SIGIL II, the game crash, see screens.zip; this dont happen, with gzdoom, dsda-doom or woof, so i think, its a bug on doom retro.


Thanks for letting me know. Doom Retro's support for episodes > 4 is incomplete, so for now Sigil 1 and 2 are handled as special cases. I'm working on it. I've just uploaded a new build which, among other things, recognizes if it's renamed to SIGIL2.WAD, SIGILII.WAD or SIGIL_II.WAD.

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11 minutes ago, bradharding said:

Thanks for letting me know. Doom Retro's support for episodes > 4 is incomplete, so for now Sigil 1 and 2 are handled as special cases. I'm working on it. I've just uploaded a new build which, among other things, recognizes if it's renamed to SIGIL2.WAD, SIGILII.WAD or SIGIL_II.WAD.


I tried renaming the Unity version of SIGIL II to all three of those names and none of them worked.

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18 minutes ago, bradharding said:

Please download SIGIL II from https://romero.com/sigil. The Unity version changes the maps from E6Mx to E1Mx.


I understand. Is there a way to change the title screen through SLADE or anything btw? The Unity version doesn't have the website text on the title screen. Nvm, I just had to change TITLEPIC.

Edited by Dweller Dark
Added info

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Hi testing rename sigil2, and now it works, but if i put both wads in pwad folder, and select in menu sigil and sigil2 works, as expected, choosing one or another, but if i rename sigil to sigil1, then i can select that pwad, in the menu, it shows, but cant click on it, its skip to the next item (sigil2)


Tested with last vs 5.1.3.x64

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was playing Snow Wave using the latest version, and DR always crashes on MAP06. Using the warp command instantly crashes it, doesn't even let the intermission screen finish.

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3 hours ago, Endless said:

Was playing Snow Wave using the latest version, and DR always crashes on MAP06. Using the warp command instantly crashes it, doesn't even let the intermission screen finish.

Thanks @Endless! Was able to quickly find the cause, and it will be fixed in the next version (out very soon)!

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Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great New Years! I've just released v5.2 of DOOM Retro, which you can download here. This one includes several significant fixes, addressing problems when playing Eviternity 2 and SIGIL II, improvements to obituaries, and more. Enjoy!

Edited by bradharding

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m a little surprised to say it, but the latest stable release of Doom Retro compiles and runs quite cleanly on my ppc64le Fedora machine. That’s running an IBM Power9, and is  not remotely x86, and yet it just… works. I naively ran make -j32 in the src folder and the executable cheerfully compiled; I didn’t know the procedure for generating a WAD, so I ganked it from the Win64 zip file, put them in my Doom folder, and it simply runs. Really, amazing work - thanks so much!

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On 1/20/2024 at 8:21 AM, Xenolith said:

I’m a little surprised to say it, but the latest stable release of Doom Retro compiles and runs quite cleanly on my ppc64le Fedora machine. That’s running an IBM Power9, and is  not remotely x86, and yet it just… works. I naively ran make -j32 in the src folder and the executable cheerfully compiled; I didn’t know the procedure for generating a WAD, so I ganked it from the Win64 zip file, put them in my Doom folder, and it simply runs. Really, amazing work - thanks so much!

(Sorry for the late reply!) And you're welcome! :) Although DOOM Retro is and always will be for Windows, 'cause that's what I use, I've still done whatever I can to make sure it compiles as smooth as possible on non-Windows systems. Thankfully, I've received a lot of help from users such as David Carlier.

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Two issues I've noticed with using the latest stable release, 64-bit:


  • Infinite height is broken, at least with voodoo dolls and hanging objects
  • Silent teleporters (at least line actions 207 and 208, haven't tested others) cause the player's angle to randomly offset


I've attached an example map showcasing both issues. With infinite height disabled, the voodoo is meant to block the exit while the exit should be available if infinite height is enabled.


Edited by deathz0r

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15 hours ago, deathz0r said:

Two issues I've noticed with using the latest stable release, 64-bit:


  • Infinite height is broken, at least with voodoo dolls and hanging objects
  • Silent teleporters (at least line actions 207 and 208, haven't tested others) cause the player's angle to randomly offset


I've attached an example map showcasing both issues. With infinite height disabled, the voodoo is meant to block the exit while the exit should be available if infinite height is enabled.


Thanks for letting me know @deathz0r. And thanks for making an example wad that highlights the issue: that'll be very helpful! I'll look into both issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For UMAPINFO, is there currently supposed to be any support for custom-defined bossactions? Right now, it looks like they might be unimplemented, which is just about the only thing keeping Doom Retro from not supporting some UMAPINFO mods to fullest playability.

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9 hours ago, bofu said:

For UMAPINFO, is there currently supposed to be any support for custom-defined bossactions? Right now, it looks like they might be unimplemented, which is just about the only thing keeping Doom Retro from not supporting some UMAPINFO mods to fullest playability.

There is support for custom bossactions, but I'm guessing it's not working then. Thanks, I'll look into it. What wads have you encountered where the bossaction doesn't trigger, so I may use in testing?

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1 hour ago, bradharding said:

There is support for custom bossactions, but I'm guessing it's not working then. Thanks, I'll look into it. What wads have you encountered where the bossaction doesn't trigger, so I may use in testing?


Come to think of it, it might be because they're Dehacked actors. The maps in question are MAP30 and MAP33 of the WAD linked here.




Give yourself all keys, flip the yellow switch, go through the teleporter it reveals, and kill the cyberdemon variant wielding a hammer. This should lower a wall to lead outside to the exit.




Give yourself all keys, flip the red and blue switches, go through the teleporter in the end, play the organ to start the fight, and kill the acid-spewing mancubi that appear. The last one dying should cause a portal to open to the exit.


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22 hours ago, bofu said:


Come to think of it, it might be because they're Dehacked actors. The maps in question are MAP30 and MAP33 of the WAD linked here.


Thanks @bofu. I've fixed the issue. You're right, it's due them being Deh_Actor_*. The next release shouldn't be too far away. :)

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Hello! First of all i want to say: THIS PORT IS AMAZING. LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST
And now the main question:
Is this possible to add custom weapon icons for alternative hud? And is possible to replace graphics in althud? (F.e. keys)

Screenshots to make clear what im talking about:



When running PWAD with custom weapons weapons DOESNT have icons in the right side



When running DOOM2.WAD weapons have those icons in right side (In this scenario pistol)



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2 hours ago, Journalist_Kuro said:

Hello! First of all i want to say: THIS PORT IS AMAZING. LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST
And now the main question:
Is this possible to add custom weapon icons for alternative hud? And is possible to replace graphics in althud? (F.e. keys)

Hi! At this stage, no. If any of the player's weapons are changed, those icons will disappear from the alternate HUD, as you've found. What I will do though is open this up in the next release so if the lumps DRHUDWP1 to DRHUDWP8 exist in a PWAD they will be shown (see inside doomretro.wad for the original lumps - they need to be black+white). I'll work on a similar solution for the keys.

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I've decided to give Doom Retro a try, and I've enjoyed out of it. I just had to get used to typing commands and CVARs to the console. I've gave BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla on it. I've noticed that the actors aren't indefinitely tall where deathz0r reported that same issue earlier.

The shotgun switching is odd to me; when it switched from a different weapon slot to the regular shotgun from the weapon 3 slot because the last weapon I've used was a shotgun, and not a super shotgun as it would be by default. Is that intentional?

There's also an alt-tabbing thing where it would turn Caps lock on if I hold the alt key (outside of the game application is off).

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7 hours ago, S3M_XM said:

I've decided to give Doom Retro a try, and I've enjoyed out of it. I just had to get used to typing commands and CVARs to the console. I've gave BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla on it. I've noticed that the actors aren't indefinitely tall where deathz0r reported that same issue earlier.

The shotgun switching is odd to me; when it switched from a different weapon slot to the regular shotgun from the weapon 3 slot because the last weapon I've used was a shotgun, and not a super shotgun as it would be by default. Is that intentional?

There's also an alt-tabbing thing where it would turn Caps lock on if I hold the alt key (outside of the game application is off).

Hi @S3M_XM! Glad you're enjoying it! The infinite tall issue that @deathz0r mentioned will be fixed in the next release. The shotgun thing is intentional: you'll always equip the last shotgun you used. I'll consider implementing a CVAR that can disable this behavior. As for the alt+tab problem you mention: not something I've encountered myself, but thanks, I'll look into it...

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I noticed that in the 'Console Variables' in the GitHub wiki, at the vid_scaleapi part, it's spelt as 


instead it should be 



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39 minutes ago, S3M_XM said:

I noticed that in the 'Console Variables' in the GitHub wiki, at the vid_scaleapi part, it's spelt as 


instead it should be 



Thanks. Fixed.

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Nice list of features and fixes, thank you for the update, you guys really keep Doom alive and fun like I said many times!


Why if I uncomment //vid_scaleapi: "opengl" here https://rentry.org/awt87khw it always starts in "direct3d9" first and I have to change it from the console? Am I doing something wrong?


Nevermind, it works now, maybe I was using a different ascii for the quotes.

Edited by CacoKnight

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