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Doom RPG Question


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This may be really stupid, but has someone doom rpg tc? Doom rpg was actually for nokia mobiles, and i was expecting how to (re)create a secret doom map in slot map31 in my doom 2 revisited (like the entrance from the famous doom rpg game, but my d2r is still unreleased). It will be great no? I will add even the original Sector 1 or Junction (junction is smaller though, but i can make it bigger...). So, if some1 has (or had) some kind of this tc, ill be happy. It can be for every sp you like, just nevermind it.

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And no, no one has done a fully fledged TC yet; and the people who have tried so far have chosen the smart decision of modifying IWADs and use low-res textures extracted from screenshots

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Wait, ive got some pk3 that has everything that has doomrpg related, even the axe! But im really lazy to got to make another weapon, all it is weird and complicated as F***. So, ive got my good ol' doom builder 2, but the junction is a hub level ; thus i dont know how to create it. Some one has some tutorial to create it like from strife? And sorry for bad english guys!

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Show the truth to us, then. What do you have so far, if you're actually working on it, that is.

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IMX said:

Show the truth to us, then. What do you have so far, if you're actually working on it, that is.

I actually have plans to create these maps and any of that s***. But how
to get there? I dont have any ideas! Im really delayed with all of my other projects and, with a lack of time, im only I to a BIG megawad. Oh,
and for the junction...

Some one said:

Doom is compatible with hubs...

Only For Strife. As only for the strife, strife has a nifty little action, that (tele)ports you to the next (previous) level. Pretty good no? In this case, that megawad must be in Zdoom Strife in Doom Format.
But the option is NOT there. Any big ideas around here?

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