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Robert Duffy Interview


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A few minutes ago, I read this Interview with Robert Duffy.


>Question: How is development of the new engine and tools coming along?
Are the new tools already in use by anyone, creating content for the
new engine? In general - without giving "when it's done" statements
;o) - when do you think a demo version of the new engine will be
available: Late 2002, Early 2003 oder Late 2003?

>Robert Duffy: Things are going very well.

VERY well ? Hmm, sounds to me like Late 2002 ;)

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Cool. Allow me to paste in the second Doom 3-related comment :

Doom 3: Quoting John Carmack, for the new engine the editor will be part of the main game executable and called via a command line parameter. Will that make it possible for level designers to preview their maps without fully re-compiling each time? Will the 3D-Window within the editor finally be game-engine-powered? And what will this mean in terms of the editor's looks and usability in general?

Robert Duffy: Yes the editor is built into the game ( as are all the tools ). You can preview in realtime what a level looks like. The editor is much like Q3Radiant but with additional functionality.

Yay, I say. Yay.

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Heh...at first I thought it said PATRICK Duffy.

Late 2002, Early 2003 oder Late 2003?

Heh..looks like it was translated from German.

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Revenant! said:

VERY well ? Hmm, sounds to me like Late 2002 ;)

You're jumping to conclusions much too hastily. If things are going very well, it could just mean that they haven't experienced too many annoying engine problems or had any setbacks in development - doesn't necessarily mean that development is nearing completion.

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