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need help with starting gzdoom deathmacth

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how do i launch a deathmacth game useing shortcuts. i here its possible but cant seem to find any info on the matter. i would like to know how to startup a deathmatch game on a specifid map. any advice on how i can do this or could someone direct me to information on the matter. i think i have to edit the shortcut and add something to the end of its path but not sure what it would look like.

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By "using shortcuts" I assume you mean by making a batch script. In which case all you have to do is drag gzdoom.exe onto a command prompt, leave a space, then type the commands like "-iwad doom2.wad -file dwango5.wad -host 2 -deathmatch -nomonsters". That example will start a 2 player deathmatch on dwango5.wad. And yeah, I think the nomonsters part may be required if you deathmatch on a map which normally has monsters on it. Anyways, you just copy that line from the command prompt into notepad, then when you save it the file type should be "all files" and name it like dwango5[DM].bat or something, just make sure the .bat is at the end. Then when you launch the bat file it should work.

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so ok i think i got this. 2 things need to be done. 1 the host types in something and 2nd the player joining types in something else...

ok i have a question... if my host is doing -iwad doom2.wad -file figtester.pk3 -host 2 -warp 01(im trying to do a co op game wityh 2 players myself and another on doom 2s first map with figtester as resource data. did i type the correct thing for this?)
if thats what the host is doing what would the person joining have to type in? what would thatr look like?

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