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Dream Doom feature


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You guys know that multiple actions to a line, actions on killing monsters, sliding doors, etc. can all be done with ZDoom right? Probably other ports too?

Multiple actions on a line could also be done with Boom voodoo doll scripting. Or just stacking several lines on top of each other.

It's too bad it can't be done in vanilla, sure, but these features are available now.

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Wow, some of the jargon is pretty much Greek to me. Glad though that people remain interested in designing maps.

For me - unless I've missed it somewhere - more extensive documentation overall, especially for making a TAS run using PrBoom+ and possibly other tools. I'd really like to try that sometime. For example it'd be really cool to see a step by step video somewhere where somebody is actually making such a run (a short one of course), with all kinds of tips and hints.

Software such as DeHackEd and Doom Builder for OS X. Pretty please.

Somebody also mentioned it would be nice to have more statistics on your game play. Also: grenades. Lots of grenades.

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I would love a source port that allows you to search folders for PWADs and run them off of a menu without exiting, easy to use and easy to enjoy multiple wads!

But I guess that loading multiple MAP01 wads by mistake would end in some horrible crash or bizarre glitch.

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printz said:

A built in WAD loader complete with file browser, so that you can load WADs after starting Doom. Eternity is almost there, except that it lacks a file browser and cannot unload wads. Thanks to fraggle for that feature.

An integrated editor like in Doom 3 would be nice too, but not necessary. Being able to modify the map while playing would be interesting though.

Merry Christmas!

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I've already accomplished some of my dream
Features with ample work still ahead - e.g.
Proper Editor and support for some of Doom64's

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I just thought of one thing I would really like. It may be accessible in zdoom's "doom in udmf" or even "doom in hexen", but I'm stubbornly using "doom in doom"... Anyway, it's the reverse "block monster" lines: the ones that would block only the players, and not block monsters or any other things. Basically good for invisible walls, which, hate them or not, are sometimes necessary. For example, I might not want the player to be able to archvile-jump on some box or over a fence, but I want lost souls flying over them freely.

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For a while I was skimming through this thread with my stubborn ways in reserve, hating everyone's ideas, but letting the thought sit in my mind I came up with some things that are doable with source ports but I wish was already in Doom.

I'm not really sure why id didn't think to have an instant death sector effect for really long pitfalls, or at least falling damage or something (but preferably death-only, without the 20 damage minor fractures like in Half-life, quake, hexen, etc.) That coulda really made maps like Downtown, Industrial Zone, The Chasm and The Living End pretty special.

Truthfully, a sector effect probably would have been abused pretty bad in custom maps, but it would really make height variation more prominent in people's Doom maps, and we'd have a successful return of things like narrow catwalks and jumping puzzles and stuff that seems to be non-existent in a lot of high-profile maps. There's something about landing in 20-damage blood and waiting to die that doesn't have the same thrill of splatting like an old tomato.

The only other things I could want are more aesthetic things, like i.e., a dreadful scream to follow up a long drop as you plummet hopelessly to your death (like in Hexen, if the above suggestion was included too) I'd also like a louder more agonizing scream when withstanding extreme amounts of damage, or taking damage when health is low, like in Duke Nukem 3D. Also visible damage on monsters, destructible scenery, water splashes, extra animation frames for the HUD weapons, mirrored death animations like in Retro Doom, shell and bullet case ejections, and a little more animated blood splats (even if they just fell in different directions instead of just straight down)

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+1 on the Coop map editor~
Think LBP2..crossed with Doom Builder!
The "host" would be the one who could set limits, perhaps things like ACS not editable for certain people and being the only one able to test- which in turn would launch it's own server based temporary server to test!

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_bruce_ said:

Proper Editor and support for some of Doom64's

What are those features you're speaking of?

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Kaiser said:

What are those features you're speaking of?

To clear things up...
My post was meant in relation to my little Chocolor project.
Engine features like vertical wall shading/coloring and
Enhanced Thing teleportation.

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After re-reading the thread, I'm still not sure whether I'm supposed to answer "If you could magically add one feature to any current source port, what would it be?" or "If you could go back and time and add one feature to the base game, what would it be?"

If it's the former, then most certainly Doomscript (or Python!), and for the latter, I'd raise the gorram vanilla seg limit, no contest.

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In the latter case, I'd vote for "MIDI playback since the very beginning, no MUS format". Always annoying to try to identify a MIDI song heard in some random wad and find out that any and all MIDI metadata has been wiped out by someone believing that they needed to run the damn thing through MIDI2MUS.

Also, some sort of MAPINFO-like system so that people don't feel obligated to do a "32-map mod, with mancubus/arachnotron fight at MAP07, secret exit at MAP15, super-secret exit at MAP31" like 99.999999999% of all Doom II megawads are.

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Gez said:

"32-map mod, with mancubus/arachnotron fight at MAP07, secret exit at MAP15, super-secret exit at MAP31"

Oh man, this reminds me how I once wanted any level to potentially access MAP31, so I could've made multiple routes through the middle part of a wad. That kind of idea would've been neat.

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Full removal of the Save / Load system and every possibility of cheating (it is a sign of weakness), and instead:

-A single save slot per character (as in: Start new game -> Enter character name -> load ExM1/MAP01) which only saves when you turn off the game. That save is of course mandatory. Why? Read on, below.

-Permanent death. If you die at any point, be it by the shotgunners in E1M1, a crusher in E2M2, or whatever else, your saved character is DEAD, and his (highly detailed) statistics are displayed in a "hall of fame". The now redundant save file is deleted from the system, and you have to start all over again. When you die, you die.

This is exactly how I play now (for maximum tension and excitement), but it would be nice to have it supported ingame.


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Olroda said:

Full removal of the Save / Load system and every possibility of cheating (it is a sign of weakness), and instead:

-A single save slot per character (as in: Start new game -> Enter character name -> load ExM1/MAP01) which only saves when you turn off the game. That save is of course mandatory. Why? Read on, below.

-Permanent death. If you die at any point, be it by the shotgunners in E1M1, a crusher in E2M2, or whatever else, your saved character is DEAD, and his (highly detailed) statistics are displayed in a "hall of fame". The now redundant save file is deleted from the system, and you have to start all over again. When you die, you die.

This is exactly how I play now (for maximum tension and excitement), but it would be nice to have it supported ingame.


I take it you use this?

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Antroid said:
Anyway, it's the reverse "block monster" lines: the ones that would block only the players, and not block monsters or any other things.

Good one. I forgot this but I want it too.

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Simple Room Over Room in the same manner as Marathon. Allows for nearly legitimate bridges and impossible level geometry (multiple parts of the level in the same space).

Also a lot of the features found in Hexen are things I think would have been incredible to have since the beginning, such as walls that move sideways, doors that open inward/outward, and ACS

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Shadow Hog said:

I take it you use this?[/url]

No, I just start over from the beginning if I buy the farm. Most often it is some stupid mistake that does me in in the end, like being caught in a crusher.

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This may sound a little weird, but if the old doom could have had one feature, it could have been more situational movements. For example, maybe straddling/climbing a high ledge would show a hand coming down and out to simulate a better climbing effect. I don't quite know how you'd prevent him from looking like he was "struggling" up every little stair though. I'm no coder, but would it be possible for that animation to appear only when you climb a ledge higher than a set point?

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Obsidian said:
Vanilla Doom that supports DeHackEd patches in the wad itself.

I more or less implemented this with a batch file that looks for a DeHackEd patch named like the WAD in the ZIP (it unzips the WAD to play) and applies it if found. If it doesn't find it but a PWAD is loaded, it still applies a generic patch that removes the level names (but not numbers) in the automap, reads generic intermission screen level names (by level numbers), erases the episode texts and gives DOOM PWADs generic intermission screens, since the originals are for the IWADs.

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Professor Sir said:

This may sound a little weird, but if the old doom could have had one feature, it could have been more situational movements. For example, maybe straddling/climbing a high ledge would show a hand coming down and out to simulate a better climbing effect. I don't quite know how you'd prevent him from looking like he was "struggling" up every little stair though. I'm no coder, but would it be possible for that animation to appear only when you climb a ledge higher than a set point?

Yeah, climbing up ladder or vine [textures] would've been a great linedef special. But I suppose it's not really in keeping with the 'flow' of Doom - at least not how people think of it now.

Could easily be added in ZDoom, but so could pretty much anything.

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