TimeOfDeath Posted January 11, 2014 DOOMWORLD MEGA PROJECT 2014 LIMIT-REMOVING/BOOM WAD: DMP2014.zip (5.4MB) ZDOOM PK3: zDMP2014.zip (66MB)DMP2014v4.wad vanilla / limit-removing / boom 1 = Attention: MAP02-MAP12 boom compatibility 2 = Doomkid 3 = Alfonzo 4 = Du Mhan Yhu 5 = cannonball 6 = BloodyAcid 7 = Obsidian 8 = Fellowzdoomer 9 = TheMightyHeracross 10 = tourniquet 11 = Breezeep 12 = Pinchy 13 = Attention: MAP14-MAP29 doom2 compatibility 14 = pcorf 15 = SFoZ911 16 = Solid Snake 17 = walter confalonieri 18 = Rorix 19 = Philnemba 20 = Katamori 21 = C30N9 22 = dobu gabu maru 23 = schwerpunk 24 = sincity2100 25 = joe-ilya 26 = ChaingunnerX 27 = Jaws in Space 28 = reality 2.0 29 = BlueFeenazDMP2014v1.pk3 zdoom 1 = FireSeraphim 2 = Scypek2 3 = obake 4 = Eradrop 5 = the_miano 6 = Getsu Fune 7 = DMGUYDZ64 8 = Toxie RocksDESCRIPTION: The goal of this project is to get as many Doomworld mappers as possible to make a map, from newbies to veterans (last year we had 55 mappers). Nobody will be rejected. There is no theme. Mappers can make any kind of map they want. The end result of this project is like going through the /idgames archive and playing random wads. Previous projects: DMP2013 and DMP2012. SPECIFICS:◘ one single player map per person for Doom 2 ◘ any map format (vanilla, boom, g/zdoom, etc.) ◘ new textures, flats, animated textures, music, sprites, DECORATE, etc. are ALLOWED, as long as you don't replace original stuff from doom2.wad ◘ for textures, flats, animated textures: you can either use an external texture pack, or you can include textures/flats in your wad with a 3 character prefix (ex: TODxxxxx) ◘ DON'T use the map07 or map30 slots and don't use secret exit line actions ◘ the maplist will be sorted by format and then chronologically (if you want a certain sky for your map, use a port that allows sky transfers) ◘ ALL MAPS ARE ACCEPTED: whether they're huge epic maps, joke maps, tiny maps, beautiful maps, ugly maps, etc. Except for abusive maps that use scripts to change people's settings or are 1 GB while unzipped, etc. Make your map however you want.DEADLINE = END OF 2014 When your map is done, post it in this thread and tell us what your map is compatible with (vanilla, boom, g/zdoom, etc). = = = MAPS = = =◘ Jaws In Space Greenville (limit-removing) post ◘ tourniquet tourniquet (boom compatible) post ◘ dobu gabu maru Immundum (limit-removing) post ◘ C30N9 Computer Heights (vanilla compatible) post ◘ pcorf Gabiro Petiatis (vanilla compatible) post ◘ the_miano Nazi Research Facility (zdoom compatible) post ◘ walter confalonieri No BFG Allowed! (limit-removing) post ◘ reality 2.0 recycled.wad (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Fellowzdoomer Corridors of Hell (boom compatible) post ◘ SFoZ911 Jump Start (vanilla compatible) post ◘ cannonball March of the mortal mortars (boom compatible) post ◘ Doomkid92 Little Doom (vanilla compatible) post ◘ sincity2100 The Red (limit-removing) post ◘ FireSeraphim DWMP MAP28 Near Final Beta (udmf compatible) post ◘ Solid Snake Rage (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Philnemba Super Turbo Hell Fighter (vanilla compatible) post ◘ obake Steibrained (zdoom compatible) post ◘ Scypek2 Scypception (compatible) post ◘ joe-ilya Rock Bottom (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Eradrop Temple Of Peace (udmf compatible) post ◘ BlueFeena pspmap08 (vanilla compatible) post ◘ TheMightyHeracross Hellish Outpost (boom compatible) post ◘ Rorix Heresy (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Toxie Rocks The Fantastic Love Adventure of Lt. Feel Good (zdoom compatible) post ◘ Katamori Shinytown Estate (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Getsu Fune doom3000 (zdoom compatible) post ◘ Breezeep Basically (boom compatible) post ◘ DMGUYDZ64 Infected Labs (zdoom compatible) post ◘ Du Mhan Yhu MAP01v5 (boom compatible) post ◘ Pinchy The Steam Rooms (boom compatible) post ◘ schwerpunk DEC23.wad (vanilla compatible) post ◘ Alfonzo Postmodern Redux (boom compatible) post ◘ Obsidian Cliffs of Acheron (vanilla compatible) post ◘ BloodyAcid Go "Start-an adventure" (compatible) post ◘ ChaingunnerX The Courtyard (vanilla compatible) post MAPPERS AD_79 === Alfonzo === BaronOfStuff === BloodyAcid === === BlueFeena === === Breezeep === === C30N9 === === cannonball === Cell === ChaingunnerX === ChronoSerge Clusterone666 CorSair Crasger dachauncinator === DMGUYDZ64 === === dobu gabu maru === === Doomkid92 === === Du Mhan Yhu === Ed (if essel does one) === Eradrop === Eris Falling === Fellowzdoomer === === FireSeraphim === Flamen0d Flesh420 === Getsu Fune === Ijon Tichy Inkie === Jaws In Space === Joe667 === joe-ilya === === Katamori === kildeth MFG38 minigunner mrthejoshmon Netherstorm Nuxius === obake === === Obsidian === === pcorf === Phendrena === Philnemba === Phobus === Pinchy === plums PRIMEVAL === reality 2.0 === === Rorix === Salahmander2 === schwerpunk === scifista42 === Scypek2 === === SFoZ911 === sgt dopey === sincity2100 === === Solid Snake === Springy SteveD Superluigieth1 === the_miano === === TheMightyHeracross === TheMionicDonut The_Trigger TimeOfDeath === tourniquet === === Toxie Rocks === Ven === walter confalonieri === Xaser Zakurum 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaronOfStuff Posted January 11, 2014 Yep, sign me up (again). TimeOfDeath said:DEADLINE = END OF 2013 Nice, I'll just get in my DeLorean... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted January 11, 2014 While I haven't even brought my DMP2013 submission to the end, sign me up please. :) Space Base 3 must come before the deadline! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted January 11, 2014 If my latest "5 Rooms of Doom" submission doesn't make it (that project seems to be almost done with maps) I'll put it here. One thing's for sure, whatever I put here will be 1337 times better than that other POS map I made :). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jaws In Space Posted January 11, 2014 Here is a map. This map was started during the finals days of the Monochrome Mapping Project, originally intended for a potential squeal. Since I don't see MMP2 happening I'll go ahead & just have it released with this project. This map is limit-removing, if you've played the original MMP you know what to expect from my maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demonologist Posted January 11, 2014 Regarding the rules - I'd actually go as far as rejecting jokemaps because fuck them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted January 11, 2014 I think a few people will submit shitty jokemaps just because of the above post. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PRIMEVAL Posted January 11, 2014 I'm in, and this time I WILL contribute something lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted January 11, 2014 This time I might make something which isn't shit :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
schwerpunk Posted January 11, 2014 @ Jaws in Space re Greenville: Holy shooting gallery, only I'm the duck! This is a hitscanner's paradise, but you provide lots of explosives to deal with them. Very challenging, and very satisfying. I do so love how zombies fall apart when they die. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Superluigieth1 Posted January 11, 2014 Sign Me Up! (Again... sheesh) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted January 11, 2014 Okay, time to get into another mapping challenge to intrude into all my everyday duties. Just kidding, won't count as a problem at all. Sign me up ASAP! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
pcorf Posted January 11, 2014 Sign me up yet again and I'll whip up some kind of map one day. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Terminus Posted January 11, 2014 You know what? I'm gonna clean the dust out of my DB2 and whip out a map. Sign me in. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Inkie Posted January 11, 2014 Sign me up. I'll probably put together a zdoom map for once. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Walter confetti Posted January 12, 2014 GOTTA GO FAST! Eh, sign me in again... let's see what i can do... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted January 12, 2014 After I'm done with D2INO, something from me may materialise. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tourniquet Posted January 12, 2014 Missed the 2013 project because im quite new here, so take this for this years edition. http://www.mediafire.com/download/z1e8fu01lkxjvi7/tourniquet.zip The map requires a boom compatible port and was basicly the first map of an old project that has never seen the light of day. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted January 12, 2014 Well if I enjoy the 2013 Mega Project, I might livestream the end product of this also! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SFoZ911 Posted January 12, 2014 Ya sure why not. I'll make yet another DOOM2 map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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