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Doomworld Mega Project 2014 - final versions up

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It just happened so conveniently that I started designing a map yesterday, so why not.

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EffinghamHuffnagel said:

does the German version of Doom have additional font characters with umlauts?

I doubt it. But you could use "oe" it's equivalent to "ö".

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sgt dopey said:

The map is called ""Rache der Hölle""

I diggle those screens.

I was going to ask why there was a 4 on the ceiling in the second screen but then I realized it was just decoration, heh.

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obake said:

The map is titled "Steinbrained"

I'm interested in hearing what you all think! :)

Decided to give it a whirl even through I'm not big on Zdoom wads heres a couple of things I notice that might needs fixing:

- The small decorate monsters are TOO SMALL you think you could make em bigger...especially those tiny black skulls that shoot purple fire.

- The red barrier bars can easily be strafed through so I ended up bypassing certain sections of the map.

walter confalonieri said:

nice short map, philnemba... played with gzdoom don't found any serious bug...

Thanks Walter :)

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Philnemba said:

Decided to give it a whirl even through I'm not big on Zdoom wads heres a couple of things I notice that might needs fixing:

- The small decorate monsters are TOO SMALL you think you could make em bigger...especially those tiny black skulls that shoot purple fire.

I can certainly edit them for the next version.

Philnemba said:

- The red barrier bars can easily be strafed through so I ended up bypassing certain sections of the map.

I'm guessing this is an issue with a different source port.
Those barriers shouldn't be passable without the aid of noclip, since they are repeating force fields.

I'll still look more into this, though.

Thanks for the review!

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obake said:

I'm guessing this is an issue with a different source port.

I was using the latest version of Zdoom(2.7.1) since the map crashes on Zandronum.

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the_miano said:

I apologize if I am blowing up everyone's notifications on this thread, but I've made some updates on my map: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tqeak8ckr60x63/Nazi+Research+Facility_By+Doomguy93_v2.zip

**Bug Fixed Version**
New Sectors
333 enemies
3 secrets
Enemies throughout the map aren't alerted by a player shooting
New sky patch (DG93SKY1)
MAPINFO lump added into pwad

I would like to make a version 3 that incorporates plums's excellent suggestions regarding the polyobjects aspect of having horizontally sliding doors and having the exit door locked until the cyberdemon gets killed.

Other than that, disregard the old version and the sounds in the pwad.

I hope you guys like it.

I thought I'd give a little review.

It's a cool map, with its Wolfenstein-like layout, its use of textures, the secrets (especially the weird laboratory with the pentagram and monster cages.)

The weapon/ammo balance is very well done, as is the amount of health pickups.

One thing I would suggest is implementing more differences in the difficulties, especially the easy modes. I would personally cut the amount of monsters down by at least twenty or thirty, but it's your choice, of course.

Overall, I like the map a lot.

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I should be adding an updated version of my map fairly soon, at least tonight or tomorrow.

Among the changes, I have added a few BtsxEp2 textures, along with credits to their designers. Hopefully no one minds.

(On another note, I have been playing through Btsx 2, and will give feedback at some point on the Megawad Club thread.)

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Voila! Version 2 of my map is complete and ready to be playtested:

The Btsx textures have been removed, and are replaced with textures from a pack on Realm667, with credits to their creator, Cage, included.

I did make the skull sprites just a tiny bit bigger, and made it so important areas of the map can't simply be bypassed*

Have fun. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

*I had goofed. There was no difference in the source ports. I was simply running FORWARD into the lasers rather than strafing sideways through them, which is possible. I'm glad you pointed that out, Philnemba. :)

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Okay, I finished the map I've been working on!

I'm not sure if it's the best screenshot I could take, but I don't want to spoil too much either. The map contains:
- New textures
- New weapons
- New enemies with new sprites
- A plot of sorts.

So there! Check it out.

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@Scypek2: Actually an enjoyable piece of madness, it has just about the right length and good sense of progression. I've got stuck in the room right behind yellow door (the one on your screenshot). I was consequently killing Scypek clones in windows, but then one of the windows refused to open and I had to use noclip, I believe there's an error. And the exit is gunshot-activated? Well, okay.

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I just updated the map. The somewhat pointless after-boss room was dummied out and I prevented the clones in windows from obstructing gunshot triggers (A bug that would rarely happen requiring the player to shoot empty windows).

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Memfis said:

What version of (G)ZDoom are you using? The door to progress in the map cannot be opened in the latest development versions of GZDoom, it seems. In the stable 1.8.2 it works correctly.

Also, if I try to run the wad in the stable ZDoom in fullscreen it doesn't load any graphics and I can't see anything from the game. Might be because I'm running it through WINE on Linux but I've never had this problem before.

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Here’s an update to Immundum. Made super minor tweaks to a handful of areas. The most notable change is that difficulties are fully implemented for those that don’t want to suffer through my typical UV sadism. I’d appreciate if someone could implement deathmatch into it (my placements are entirely random), but other than that it’s essentially complete. Here’s some text stuff for the text file:

Title: Immundum
Author: dobu gabu maru
Build time: Roughly a year
Editor used: Doom Builder 2
Source Port: limit-removing
Music track: "quickfast" by Paul D
Bugs: texture bleeding in a handful of places, one arach might be perma-deaf depending on the port
Author's comments: When you boot up this map, what you’ll immediately see is the very first room I ever made in Doom Builder back in September 2012. Immundum (initially titled “World of Waste”) is, in a sense, a strange mutation. The first few rooms consist of my newbie attempts at playing around with space/lighting effects, and from there I expanded it piecemeal on and off for over a year. I finally finished it up in July of 2013 and put it forth as a contribution to the NOVA project. I pulled it a day later due to the criticism (and rightfully so, as this monster should never belong in a standard megawad), and tweaked it a handful of times until its current version. It’s an exhausting, arduous, dense, claustrophobic, overly-trappy and frankly amateur map looking back on it, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t spend a huge chunk of my life building and playtesting the behemoth. I hope you find some strange enjoyment in playing what is ostensibly the crudest and biggest map I will ever make.

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Also some information about my map.

Title: Rock Bottom
Author: joe-ilya
Build time: 2 days to build, 5 days to sketch.
Editor used: Doom Builder 2 and Slade 3 to put the MIDI.
Source Port: vanilla
Music track: "UN32" by Bobby Prince(I guess)
Bugs: You can make some shortcuts, switch switches from wrong locations(like pressing a button in a base from the outside, confirming me about switch shortcuts would be cool)
Author's comments: Sketched this in school at first, finished at home. Title is taken from spongebob's hidden haunted alien town. Also use the ammo wisely.

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Eradrop said:

Name : "Temple Of Peace".
Music : "Holyluya" by me,
Built time : Something about two month of hard work.
Port : UDMF

Link :


Have Fun

Playing with ZDoom. The prettiest slaughtermap I've ever seen. Seriously. Beautiful. But I was getting some slowdown on my 3.4 Ghz machine even before anything teleported in. Not much, and only when running. Just enough to make it feel like I was moving in a fast strobe light. I have a headache after finishing it. Thank God I'm not epileptic.

Three rooms of monsters didn't teleport in. The sixth column of rooms from the left; the one with Demons, one with Spectres and one with Clinks.

Edit: Forgot to mention - You might want to check your DECORATE definitions. I was able to run right through the suits of armor and the trees.

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