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Doomworld Mega Project 2014 - final versions up

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  • 3 weeks later...

@TimeOfDeath, can you change my name in the list of mappers from doomguy93 to the_miano? I would appreciate that a lot.

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Hello, Doomworld. This map is based on a scythe inspired wad I never finished for some reason. I thought I'd change some of the things up, add some more monsters and secrets. Feedback is appreciated.

Map Name: - Basically
Format - Boom
MIDI - Hidden Anger - Memento Mori
New Graphics Yes, D2 Texture Edits and a recolored plutonia sky.


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Breezeep said:

Hello, Doomworld. This map is based on a scythe inspired wad I never finished for some reason. I thought I'd change some of the things up, add some more monsters and secrets. Feedback is appreciated.


Very easy MAP01-like level with a pleasant classic vibe, looking nice in its simplicity, seemingly only having as much detail as it needed -> I liked it. Also, high praise for including only the textures you wanted to use, and not the entire texture pack! You could have come up with some better ideas for the map (there's a room for improvement in inventiveness), but still, good job. :)

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Breezeep said:

Hello, Doomworld. This map is based on a scythe inspired wad I never finished for some reason. I thought I'd change some of the things up, add some more monsters and secrets. Feedback is appreciated.

Nicely constructed but super-easy map. Here's my stats;

Kills - 100, Items - 100, Secrets - 66. Death Count - Zero

Really nice-looking sky.

I played a bit risky with the Chainsaw and took some damage as a result. Never had a problem with ammo, but using only the pistol got a bit old.

The blue key area was quite symmetrical.

Very nice lighting throughout. Your maps always look good, Breezeep, and lighting is a big reason for that.

I'd personally like a bit more challenge. Even for a Map01, it seemed UV was more appropriate for HMP or even HNTR. Some Sergeants or even Chaingunners, or Pinkies since you give a Chainsaw and a Zerk. Maybe one of those could be eliminated? Perhaps the Zerk?

Otherwise, a nice quick play.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I might make those changes some time.

Edit: V2 of Basically is now up. Feel free to let me know what you think.

*link removed*

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Breezeep said:

V2 of Basically is now up. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Pretty much the same. Thanks to the shotgun, gameplay is a bit more comfortable now, but also even easier then before. Each of the secret items seem to make the player needlessly overpowered. Not that it's bad, just... Kind of pointless in this easy map.

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Sorry about the link. I could remove the berserk and chainsaw to replace it with something else. But do you have any tips on how I'm supposed to make this map not too easy and not too difficult, since this is meant to be a calm map01?

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Breezeep said:

But do you have any tips on how I'm supposed to make this map not too easy and not too difficult, since this is meant to be a calm map01?

For a calm MAP01, this one is absolutely okay in every aspect. Normally though, I like to play maps that pose a non-trivial challenge. To achieve that (in your further mapping, not necessarily in this map), you might add more shotgunners (threatening monsters) and more encounters which the player can't easily skip without getting damaged, therefore he's motivated to fight the monsters. Mix these elements with more casual moments, too. Then again, I'm not giving you an universal recipe for a good map, just thoughts.

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Played your map Breezeep. I think it's an "ideal" MAP01, being a good balance of simple gameplay mixed with a couple situations where you're prone to lose health. I don't necessarily think anything needs to change as I was reduced to <50% once or twice, though I was playing pretty carelessly. I also only got the secret items at the end of the map so I was pretty reliant on the shotgun the whole time. Maybe you could through in a few more sergeants, but I kinda like the flow as is, since you don't have to play any corner peek-a-boo.

Also, I noticed a few BRICK12 misalignments in some doorways near the exit area.

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Breezeep said:

Basically V3 is up for download.
This is the last version of the map I'm posting for now. Hope you like it.

Lost souls weren't a good choice, really. They're inefficient attackers and absorb 2 shells each, even zombiemen would do their job better. The rest was nice and (I thought) an improvement in regards of challenge, while it's still a MAP01 thing. :)

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I'll create a simple ( Hell Themed ) map as soon as i finish the exams *07/12/2014* and i'll upload it next day ... (OMG!! First time getting enough time to create a Hell Themed MAP 8O )

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scifista42 said:

Lost souls weren't a good choice, really. They're inefficient attackers and absorb 2 shells each, even zombiemen would do their job better. The rest was nice and (I thought) an improvement in regards of challenge, while it's still a MAP01 thing. :)

No worries, I just replaced them with the imps if you're fine with that. I just updated the Basically V3 link for this little replacement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would set the rule that every map has to have new graphics, so that something great will be created. Just my opinion, good luck with this creation! Maybe someone overhauls the maps that are done with new graphics... I played DMP2013 and DMP2012 and I see this as a huge problem!

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^I don't know, Deeforce, IMO it's not really necessary. I personally think that new graphics cannot make "something great" from a bad map. And vice versa, a good map will stay good even with stock graphics, because these can also be used in a very impressive way.

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found two of the 3 secrets (one with the fly cheat), in the exit room the second lift miss a back textures... a little amateurish, but eh, it's ok.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Third secret hidden inside the cave ....

Actually i found that secret at first!


is the one behind the fake ashwall?

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Already said i will submit a map last week (Compatible with ZDoom,should work with Vanilla DOOM but if you activate a lift you'll get an Error):
Everybody invited to try it,is it Good enough?

Honestly, no. Architecture seems really simplistic and amateurish, gameplay is too plain (and linear), fights are totally skippable, texturing is way too often monochromatic or ugly-looking, lighting seems random and some of the blinking effects a bit jarring to look at, and unmarked secrets are very bad from player's perspective. Last secret's door doesn't have lower-unpegged sides, and the last lift's back side shows a big HOM when you use it.
The lifts are broken in vanilla only because you've set tag 0 to them. You must assing a non-zero tag to the linedef AND to the respective sector, whenever you're using a S1 or SR action. Vanilla (and other ports below ZDoom) takes tag 0 as any other tag, therefore it will try to move every sector in the map tagged 0, which obviously leads to a crash. ZDoom handles it properly. This kind of map design mistakes are called "ZDoomisms" - avoid them when making vanilla maps.

DMGUYDZ64 said:

EDIT : Since download link will expire in Speedyshare,i decided to upload it to another one ...

Download links will sooner or later expire everywhere, mind you. That strange "Expire box" site wordly says "Your Free Temporary File Storage". In addition, it's full of ads. Speedyshare is actually a very solid site compared to that one. :)

EDIT: Yeah, Mediafire and Dropbox are known as the best sites for file hosting. I personally also use Sendspace or Filesmelt or Filedropper.

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scifista42 said:

Download links will sooner or later expire everywhere, mind you. That strange "Expire box" site wordly says "Your Free Temporary File Storage". In addition, it's full of ads. Speedyshare is actually a very solid site compared to that one. :)

What about Mediafire or Dropbox?

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scifista42 said:

This kind of map design mistakes are called "ZDoomisms" - avoid them when making vanilla maps.

The truth is that i didn't really work so hard on it,just a simple map in 15 Minutes (Was just passing time ) ...... i'mma fixing them ...

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