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What are your Doom Habits

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I take things slower than most others, and make liberal use of saves. I do not find joy in redoing large segments or even entire maps multiple times because one spot is difficult to get past, fuck that shit.

I also make absolutely sure I have 300% before the next map, if on PC, even if the map is bugged. IDCLIP into those poorly made secrets in walls and torches!

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Probably weirdest habit ever:
I gotta have rounded ammo before picking up ammo. Say, I got 352 ammo, I just gotta waste those two and then pick bullet box. Most stupid habit, but... eh... :/

Also, noclipping when I need to keep repeating puzzle platforms or if I backtrack to health pickups and/or ammo and back.

And also: isn't this more like "Doom Confession Booth" stuff?

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I'm very reliant on Shotgun or SSG. Although I know other weapons suit better, zombieman of any kind, SG, Imp, SG, Pinky, SSG, Barron of Hell, SSG. If I'm in a panic situation (loads of monsters their enemies at once) I prefer to go to plasma rifle. I don't know how to walk (Ok I do know how to, but I often run all over the place instead). If I know I've only got pinkys or spectres in a room, I'll sit in a corner and chainsaw.

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Long range sniping with mouselook and MG tapping. Rockets or Plasma if the targets are further than the hitscan distance, or if it's faster.

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I save after every key grab. I figure that seems like a nice checkpoint. If its a really long time before I get a key, I'll save after what seems "proper" going by the map. Say, after clearing out an entire building and all its various paths and opened up a new area, much like a key would.

I'm deathly afraid of using up plasma rifle ammo. Its just so awesome that I wanna use it all the time, but I know there's gonna be a big field of revenants/cacodemons/mancubi/arch-vile I gotta chew through around the corner eventually, and I'm not gonna have the cells.

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I have some strange Dooming habits...

1) After clearing out most of the monsters and finding the exit, I backtrack to find any pick-ups that have been left behind so I can top off my ammo, health and armor for the next level.

2) The Chaingun and Plasma Gun are my "preferred" weapons that I'll have equipped most of the time. Assuming bullets and cells are abundant.

3) Generally I'll avoid blur spheres, berserk packs(unless I really need the health) and using the Chainsaw.

4) I'll only save after finding a key or after an intense battle.

5) I like using the Automap and using the numeric functions to mark supplies/important locations.

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If I have both shotguns and an odd number of shotgun shells I will switch to the shotgun to use up one.

If I'm close to the ammo capacity of a certain ammo and I come across ammo that's more than enough to reach the capacity I won't pick it up, same goes with medkits and health.

Lately if a wad turns out to be slaughterish particularly with a whole lot of Revenants and if don't have enough ammo to deal with them I end up ragequitting unless it's in a very large area with enough cover then I won't.

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I used to be a massive ammo scrooge, but I've learned to let go. Now I don't go on wondering anymore why I'm out of bullets and shells yet I have a small armory of rockets and cells in my backpack.

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Having use bound to 'f'. In literally every other game I play I have use bound to 'e' but when I tried it in Doom I just could not break the habit.

Also rushing to kill is a bad Doom habit. In games like CS:GO and L4D2 it is usually best to take it slow and easy but my Doom habits really messed me up with those games for a while.

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Vulture said:

Having use bound to 'f'. In literally every other game I play I have use bound to 'e' but when I tried it in Doom I just could not break the habit.

Also rushing to kill is a bad Doom habit. In games like CS:GO and L4D2 it is usually best to take it slow and easy but my Doom habits really messed me up with those games for a while.

Quite the contrary it would seem in L4D2. Taking too long will make the director create a bunch of special infected or hordes to get your ass moving.

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CorSair said:

I gotta have rounded ammo before picking up ammo. Say, I got 352 ammo, I just gotta waste those two and then pick bullet box. Most stupid habit, but... eh... :/

Heh, I do that as well.

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1. Using idbeholdl cheat, turn on light goggles on the time!
2. Pick up everything before exit(Used to)
3. Fist if possible after getting the berserk
4. WIthout UV Max, I will use iddqd cheat(Godmode) and idbeholds cheat(Berserk). I will turn monsters into giblets and "throw" them far from the ledge, and laugh!
5. Trick monsters close to barrels, and shoot it and turn them into giblets!
6. If there's a crusher, crush any monsters if possible.

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I wonder if it's possible to code ammo containers to let you take out a certain amount without picking up the whole thing unless there's a zero count after.

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Heh, I used to use IDBEHOLDL, until I realised it wrecked all the atmospheric lighting people put a lot of effort into creating. Now I only use it to find random bonuses that asshole mappers place in dark areas (usually by themselves too) or check a map im testing for someone for any errors not normally seen (Found an accidental exploded marble face on the floor of Sverre's Plasmaplant this way)

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1) Over reliance on the shotgun and SSG.

2) Using the chainsaw whenever I'm in a narrow room with zombies, imps, demons or lost souls.

3) Rarely using the Plasma Rifle and storing up all the cells for the BFG, which I also only use sparsely (More so in Doom II).

4) Going to the secret exit if it means I get through the level quicker. For Example in E2M5 and E3M6.

5) Head Banging to the Intermission music after beating a level in Doom 1.

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I try to finish each level with 100% everywhere (life, ammo, kills, secrets, armor) without being hurt.

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1. Save every 5 seconds (literally, no exaggeration), regardless of difficulty. Except for traps in slaughter maps, i try to put a save before the entrance and then do the whole thing in one try.

2. Save up ammo, as much as possible, unless the map has tons of spare ammo boxes around. If i'm far in the map and i have 95 rockets, i can backtrack all the way to the beginning just to grab a rocketbox.

3. Avoid using SSG. Yes, i'm the only person here who hates SSG, and if the map forces me to use SSG on tons of HKs/barons/revs, i quit. Hi Sunder. Bye Sunder :<

4. If there're buttons/linedefs each of which releases monsters, i press all of them at once instead of gradually killing everything, button after button. I can spend couple hours obsessively doing it for no reason even if the other way is safer and faster.

5. Obsessive gliding just for the hell of it. If there's a gap, i try to squeeze through it. Be it a useless gap between a wall and a button, or a gap that lets me skip half of the map or break something. Speaking of breaking,

6. Playing with Doom Builder running in background at all times and tracking linedefs in search of skips, or to help me find tricky strategies that break the map or trivialize the content.
Intentionally break a crusher and trap oneself inside a room with no way out except for an unguided glide? Yes please.

7. Jumping into hard-to-get places that serve no purpose and are impossible to get out from. Especially if it involves me searching for a weird sr50+rj setup to get there. I'm probably simply wrong in the head, because at the same time i hate searching for secrets and, despite being such a bored explorationist, i loathe the concept of achievements in any games.

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Using "sv_unlimited_pickup 1" in maps with shitloads of ammo just for the sake of picking up everything, and hurting myself with rockets in order to pick up leftover stimpacks/medikits/etc.

Also straferunning the entire time and wallrunning whenever possible.

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Always UV & no savegames. So it's easy to get me interested with aesthetics and then troll by difficulty unless I get utterly frustrated and delete the wad in rage. I also don't like tysoning and REALLY don't like chainsawing. And yes, I prefer running around like headless shooting in all directions, that's why maps with slow pace and exploratory gameplay in most cases (but not always, there are exceptions) suck for me. Gimme fucking speed.

I'm also obsessive with good Plutonia-style maps (doesn't matter if it's only visual style with different gameplay or truly a Plutonia-wannabe) and always try to finish them, so it's even easier to troll me in that realm. Skepticist surely did.

@ jongo: Check your PMs you maniac.

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I don't use BFG. More fun to melt a cyberdemon with a hot stream of plasma. More fun if it doesn't involve letting go of the trigger.

I'll only use BFG if I'm pistol starting and have run out of everything else, or if there's like millions of cyberdemons!

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Avoozl said:

I wonder if it's possible to code ammo containers to let you take out a certain amount without picking up the whole thing unless there's a zero count after.

Unless I'm mixing it up with some other game/mod, I believe Hideous Destructor did this. Not sure exactly how.

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Luke Dacote said:

5) Head Banging to the Intermission music after beating a level in Doom 1.

Are you implying there are people who don't do this?

What monsters

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Habit: Trying to avoid getting shot at all by anything.

Habit: Want to know how everything works and how it is connected.
Will not push switches. Want to see map before, and KNOW what that switch controls. Just hate switches where you never know what it did, what is the pleasure in that.

Habit: Play without saving.
Habit: Save after every significant event.
Habit: Alternating save games, Save to A, then B, then A, then B.

Will play maps without saving for two or three levels. Then something I don't like happens, and I go back to saving after every significant event. I do that when I no longer trust that the map design will be fair or reasonable.

Habitually do not overwrite savegames from a previous level, so I have a directory for a wad, with one or two savegames per level map.
This is why DoomLegacy allows directories and 99 savegames per directory.

On some wads I have missed something, and have had to go back two or three save games to pick up the action and not make the mistake.
I don't like those kind of wad designs.

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Patrol1985 said:

After Doom I expect every FPS game to have an awesome and useful shotgun-type weapon.

Whats up with that? shotguns suck in like every game except doom don't they?

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129thVisplane said:

Using "sv_unlimited_pickup 1" in maps with shitloads of ammo just for the sake of picking up everything, and hurting myself with rockets in order to pick up leftover stimpacks/medikits/etc.

Also straferunning the entire time and wallrunning whenever possible.

There should be special award at intermission for this kind of play :D

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