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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 3 - Done and dusted

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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 3.

Link to first thread.
Link to second thread.

For those of you not in the know, the Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions are an event hosted by yours truly every month on Skype: if you want in, leave yer Skype details here or just PM me. The next session is scheduled for the 16th of February, 10AM New Zealand time: I'm holding this one a bit earlier to cater for some select European Doomers. Look forward to seeing you there. :D

PS: Oh, and the Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions are officially approved by Tarnsman. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.

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Oh goody, a speedmapping session that's at a reasonable time for me! My skype name is an_mutt and I'm looking to join. C:

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Man, that's 2PM on a Saturday in My-Country-Actually-Matters time. I guess I better make sure to not have a life that day.

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Tarnsman said:

Man, that's 2PM on a Saturday in My-Country-Actually-Matters time. I guess I better make sure to not have a life that day.

Im pretty sure daylight savings time makes it 1 PM M-C-A-M time, as it makes it at 3 PM on Saturday in Freedom time, which is two hours ahead of MCAM time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having done the maths, I believe 10 AM in New Zealand on the 16th is 9 PM on the 15th here at the heart of the empire. I'm on Skype as cressyj (just logged in for the first time in what seems like a year to check) and have a laptop I could use to actually speak to people if that's what we're doing. It's as good a plan for a Saturday night as anything else I'd probably do :P

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24 hours, ladies and gentlemen! If you wish to participate and don't use Skype, I'll post the themes here when the mapping starts so you don't miss out. See you soon.

Or hear you, I guess. Whatever.

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I need to again confirm to myself that I suck, so I will try making a speedmap when the themes are posted (no skype).

What are the "official" rules about timing, music/texture preparation and such? Didn't find anything about it in previous threads, only noticed in a textfile of A.S.S. 2.

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You have 2 hours to make a map in vanilla or Boom format, it has to adhere to one of the 3 themes posted and you can use new textures if you wish to do so. You ca apply for the "Alfonzo Treatment" if you wish(it's basically just on extra hour) and all completed maps will be compiled by yours truly and put on the archives. That's all there is to it.

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Thanks, I thought there's also some extra/substracted time for music selection etc. By the way, I just have to tell you that this time, you picked a very good time for the session, as it comes handy to you, Americans and Europeans at the same time (only not Russians, maybe - but don't get me wrong, this wasn't my point!). This exact time (or one hour earlier) seems as an ideal to me.

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Thanks. :) And you're right about the extra time for music selection, that somehow slipped my mind. you get 15 minutes for music and textures and 15 minutes when finished for bugfixing.

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Well, after having gotten my laptop set up, I've seen that I've been added on Skype by a New Zealander - fortunately that turned out to be Obsidian, so I'm all set. Just need to wait an hour now :P

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Obsidian said:

you get 15 minutes for music and textures and 15 minutes when finished for bugfixing.

Well, this was written in the textfile and so I wondered about it. Please elaborate. Is it first 15 minutes for texture and music selection, then 2 hours (or 1 hour 30 minutes?) for actual speedmapping and then 15 minutes for bugfixing? Or how do you mean it? Yes, I am actually that dumb that I don't get it. :)

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scifista42 said:

...then 2 hours (or 1 hour 30 minutes?) for actual speedmapping...

Obsidian said:

No, that's right.

1 hour 30 minutes is right (-> 2 hours in total), or 2 hours is right (-> 2 hours 30 minutes in total)? I edited my post before, you know.

Besides, as I said, I'll be mapping without a skype or anything, just pretty silently on my own. I don't want to give Skype all the info about me.

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15 minutes for music and textures, 2 hours of mapping, 15 minutes of fixing bugs. I am remarkably sleepy.

Anyways, the call starts soon: if you're Skyping, get your butt on there and let me know.

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Obsidian, when you'll eventually post the speedmapping instructions here, please also tell us what's the situation on Skype, whether you've already started some time ago or anything.

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it's 6:00 saturday night in my end of the world so i have to do some real life garbage. later on when i get home i'll wind down with a speedmap if you're still good to accept it.

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Also please tell us if it's really required to make the speedmap now for the people who aren't on Skype. Because it's already late evening here and if there will be a further delay, I'll probably quit.

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OK, just now I've woken up, turned my computer on and saw this thread and the instructions at 9:36 of local time. I'm gonna try a map in the same time as you did, hope you'll accept it. ;)

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