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Choose 2 monsters for Doom from Doom 2


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Ragnor said:

Definietly Pain Elemental, in E3, to explain he lost souls.

Second would be either Chaingunner, or Hell Knight.

Archvile would also fit, but only in E3. No techdemons though, keep that for D2/E4 where earth tech is being assimilated and used by the demons. In E1 to 3, the only tech was on boss monsters, as if it was experimental and reserved for baddest of the bad.

I like that explanation of why the demons are fused with artificial limbs and weaponry. In the original Doom games they assimilated it from the humans. In Doom 3, perhaps they assimilated some from the ancient martians that first encountered them and later on the human beings.

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I agree with what Ragnor and Piper Maru wrote about techdemons, but my first would be the Chaingunguy, and the second Hellknight. Why? Read on...

A few Chaingunguys here and there could work well in a 'support role' for the other dehumans. Not many though, but only a few, scattered throughout the episodes in well thought out locations to keep them interesting (and dangerous).

Hellknights could replace the majority of the Barons in the later episodes, to keep the E1 encounter with the 'bruiser brothers' more unique.

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Hell Knights and Revenants. they're probably the more fun enemies to fight in Doom 2, and should be pretty reasonable to deal with even without a SSG in hand.

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Mancubus and Revenant. Mancubuses could start appear in E2 and Revenants in E3 or maybe a few in late E2 (and the secret level). Maybe also throw in a secret Mancubus in E1M9 as a little teaser for the following episodes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hell Knight -- because that Baron was a friggin' beef wall and tended to slow up the action. HKs could replace maybe 50-70% of the Baron's appearances.

I'm not sure what else I'd use. A big part of why Doom 2's bestiary is conquerable is due to the I Win button we call the Super Shotgun. Three blasts is usually enough to take down an Arachnotron, and Arch-Viles can be more dangerous than a Cybie in the right situation -- there's a reason they're not used often in Doom 2, and they sit nicely in that space between Baron and Cyberdemon/Spiderdemon. But we already HAVE Barons -- what else would we need?

Thinking about it, as much as I hate Pain Elementals, I think they'd be a very good addition to Inferno -- plus their relationship to Lost Souls makes them an ideal choice. If nothing else, it's continuing along the theme of alternate monster versions -- Zombiemen to Shotgunners, Demons to Spectres, Barons to Hell Knights, Cacodemons to Pain Elementals.

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