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Crispy Doom 6.0 (Update: Mar 31, 2023)


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Cartoon sounds and incorrect sound balance are remained. :( I guess it unfixable? But why there is no cartoon sounds in dev builds?


P.S. And why all the text files has md format in release version?

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It's most likely an issue between sdl_mixer and your sound card driver. Is it possible for you to play around with the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable a bit and e.g. set it to "directsound" or "winmm" explicitly? Also, make sure the sample rate for your audio device isn't set to anything higher than 48khz. 

The dev builds use rather old sdl libraries and are not under my control. 


Regarding the text files, they have been converted to md format some two years ago and I merely copied them over from the source tree. 

Edited by fabian

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When I choose more than 2 audiochannels, I hear cartoon sounds. And it's no matter what sample rate is.


P.S. Can you add vsync turn on\off option in crispness setings please?

Edited by MAJ

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31 minutes ago, MAJ said:

WP.S. Can you add vsync turn on\off option in crispness setings please?


Vsync is never really off, you can chose between capped (i.e. 35FPS) framerate and interpolated uncapped framerate (i.e. your screen's refresh rate) in the Crispness menu. If you want full uncapped framerate without Vsync (but please elaborate why you would want this), you can set `crispy_uncapped` to `1` in your crispy-doom.cfg file.

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16 minutes ago, fabian said:


but please elaborate why you would want this

Of course, game runs much smooth with uncapped framerate without vsync on my 60Hz monitor. And it would be more convenient for me to have an option in game.

Edited by MAJ

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9 minutes ago, MAJ said:

Of course, game runs much smooth with uncapped framerate without vsync on my 60Hz monitor.


Sorry, but that's bogus! Your screen refreshes with 60FPs and the game renders a new scene with 60FPS. The game doesn't run any smother if you render 500FPS in between of which none makes it to the screen. Quite the contrary, will will encounter screen tearing if you leave Vsync off and have one CPU core at a constant 100%.

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I didn't notice any screen tearing, but gameplay became less smooth. :\

Edited by MAJ

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When I try to lower the music or turn it off, it also turns off my sound fx, I dident have this with crispy-doom 5.1..

how do i fix this problem?


Overal very nice release, love the smooth deminishing lightning and more sound channels select via menu,




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@MAJ I am sure this is purely subjective. The game cannot run smoother if it renders more frames than your screen can show.


@doomaddict82 Try to move crispy-midiproc.exe from the unsup/ directory one level up right next to crispy-doom.exe.

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I guess "smooth" is wrong word. I mean mouse input becomes more accurate.

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11 hours ago, DROP THERAPY said:

Does this support mods?

there's a wide variety of what constitutes "mods" in Doom but if you're asking about elaborate mods that change the entire behavior of the gameplay like Brutal Doom, stuff like that is usually specific to GZDoom because it has a lot of extra code not present in traditional Doom that those mods are based upon.  but this port supports most standard mods like player-made levels, sprite swaps, music mods (I've made my own PSX/D64 soundtrack mods), color palette changes, etc

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14 hours ago, DROP THERAPY said:

Does this support mods?

Yes but not mods that are made for GZDoom for example.

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The new "smooth diminishing lighting" option does not seem to change anything.

Edited by fafling

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Are you sure it was a fresh clone, no artifacts from previous builds?

It should be correct, even the crispy-doom-5.2 tag (as well as master) has this:

[chungy@turanga chocolate-doom]$ head configure.ac 
AC_INIT(Crispy Doom, 5.2,
        fabian@greffrath.com, crispy-doom)


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OK, I will do it again from scratch.


git clone https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom
cd crispy-doom/
autoreconf -vif
cd src




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OK I just realized it's actually launching a copy that is in /usr/local/bin/crispy-doom for some reason (I guess I had done a make install at some point before) and not the one I just compiled.

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Your current directory is almost certainly not going to be in the $PATH (it's a bad idea anyway).

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11 hours ago, Julia Nechaevskaya said:

It's working, but it's not very notable in some floors/ceilings because of limitation of 256 colors. For example:


  Hide contents



It's easily noticeable to me. With that exact view angle, the light bands are parallel to the floor tiles which may help obscure the bands. But, if you were to turn a few degrees left or right, in the "OFF" view, you should easily see the light bands, which are always perpendicular to the view angle. By turning a few degrees, the textured floor image no longer follows the light band angle, which should make them easier to see.


You have to give credit to John Carmack for how much he accomplished with 8-bit color!

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Out of curiosity, is the crispy-heretic/hexen/etc code in a functional state? I was poking around the repo and tried building those for the heck of it (on os x, for context, where seemingly no port for these games exists). It errored out when it ran into some non-standard C stuff (VLAs in structs, etc), but I wonder if I were to go in and rewrite a few problematic lines, would a usable exe actually come out the other end, or is the code WIP such that I shouldn't bother?



Edited by Ribbiks

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crispy-heretic generally works, but I don't think anyone has looked at hexen or strife.


I think Fabian has the build stuff set up so that if you build crispy-doom first, you should just be able to do "make -C src crispy-heretic" to get that working, no need to edit any build files. (the first build is to make sure the common stuff like libtextscreen, opl, midiproc,pcsound, etc are built)

Edited by Jon

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