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Crispy Doom 6.0 (Update: Mar 31, 2023)


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3 hours ago, PKr said:


I don't really know much about programming, obviously this is the part of the code related to the coloring, but is this like set for the next update, or something fabian can simply ignore?  is it an option to toggle it like the colored blood?

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I am still compiling those on my own. However, considering it already has its own CVAR and everything works flawlessly, I really wonder at this point what speaks against providing the feature with official builds, with default set to 8bpp.

Edited by NightFright

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5 minutes ago, NightFright said:

I am still compiling those on my own. However, considering it already has its own CVAR and everything works flawlessly, I really wonder at this point what speaks against providing the feature with official builds, with default set to 8bpp.

Yeah I've been using the ones that you have uploaded here, Thanks for that.  I was wondering myself if they would include it with future official bulids,  that would be nice.

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Here's a recent 64-bit exe with truecolor support which works with the DLLs provided from the 6.0 release. Dependencies have changed quite a bit.



Edited by NightFright

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11 minutes ago, NightFright said:

Here's is a recent 64-bit exe with truecolor support which works with the DLLs provided from the 6.0 release. Dependencies have changed quite a bit.



Nice Thanks,  yeah I have Noticed they have changed

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34 minutes ago, NightFright said:

Dependencies have changed quite a bit.


That's due to the addition of native FluidSynth support (a la Woof!, PRBoom-plus, etc) recently added to Chocolate and which Crispy inherited. If you're building Crispy yourself, you need to have the FluidSynth development libraries available in the build environment in order for the native support to be compiled in.

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Sharing here some Crispy-compatible widescreen assets for Heretic and Hexen. These originate from the files shared in this thread. All I've done is clean them up a little so they work properly with Crispy. (I believe the source for these is the WidePix collection - many thanks to Nash!) To use, simply extract this zip into your autoload folder.



Edited by mikeday

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some idle curiosity that might not be suited for this thread: I noticed that Crispy Doom supports Auger;Zenith map22's exit that leads back to map01. And for some reason when I first beat AugZen the exit led back to map22. How does that work in a light port like this? Normally changing exit destinations would require MAPINFO or UMAPINFO, and AugZen does have both, but I'm pretty sure Crispy doesn't support those. (And if it did, I'd probably see the custom text screen that appears on e.g. dsda-doom after the map21 exit.) I thought maybe it was DeHackEd but I've not seen DEH change exit destinations, I'm not sure it's possible, and nothing in the DEHACKED lump seemed to be doing that.

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That's how secret exits have always worked in Doom 2 in maps other than 15 and 31. Eternal Doom was going to make use of it at one point. Despite what's said in that quote, I think the different outcomes are more to do with whether you warp to the level or reach it in a continuous playthrough, but I don't remember which of those results in which.

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today I randomly decided to take all the "official add-on" wads from the unity port and run them through Crispy.  the only one that gave me issues was Revolution!.  I've attached screenshots of what it looks like in crispy vs the unity port (and it looks correct in gzdoom as well, didnt test anything else).  I'm not using anything other than "-iwad doom2.wad -file 14.wad" so it shouldnt be the fault of conflicting mods, but as usual I have no idea





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20 hours ago, Mr.Unsmiley said:

today I randomly decided to take all the "official add-on" wads from the unity port and run them through Crispy.  the only one that gave me issues was Revolution!.  I've attached screenshots of what it looks like in crispy vs the unity port (and it looks correct in gzdoom as well, didnt test anything else).  I'm not using anything other than "-iwad doom2.wad -file 14.wad" so it shouldnt be the fault of conflicting mods, but as usual I have no idea

From the revolutions' readme file:


"the wad-file is not complete! It needs extra
information from the original DOOM2.wad."


"Installing REVOLUTION! is EASY and SAFE!

The TVR files should be in the your DOOM2-directory (where the
DOOM2.wad is)
Simply type "DeuSF -app TVR!.wad" and press enter."


According to readme that should be it. However I tried installing revolution! and it does the same thing in dosbox. "DeuSF -app TVR!.wad" doesn't do anything for some reason.


I think I misunderstood your problem. Get the wad from here instead:


Edited by PKr

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I'm not interested in the idgames version though, that's the original release, there's quite a few differences in the unity version.  I'm trying to understand why this version is having issues, not just playing the wad for the sake of it

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3 minutes ago, Mr.Unsmiley said:

I'm not interested in the idgames version though, that's the original release, there's quite a few differences in the unity version.  I'm trying to understand why this version is having issues, not just playing the wad for the sake of it


Looks like a problem with either TEXTUREx or PNAMES or maybe both. Can't say without looking into the wads themselves tho. What happens with other non-unity ports?

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Just taking a wild guess here: is it missing the F_START and F_END markers in the wad?

Edited by mikeday

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For what it's worth there is a PWAD-ified version of TVR's Unity rerelease here:

What happens if you try running the WAD as an IWAD and not a PWAD on top of Doom II?

Edited by Shepardus

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8 minutes ago, mikeday said:

Just taking a wild guess here: is it missing the F_START and F_END markers in the wad?


It shouldn't be, since to my knowledge Unity port add-ons function as iwads and therefore should have those markers. I think the original also just has F_START and F_END and just had the user run deusf -append, so I doubt it's to do with that. I'm guessing there's some sort of problem with PNAMES, since patches are referenced by index and not by name. Those WOLF3D textures in the third pic hint towards that especially since I know those are near the bottom of the list, where new patches would be appended.

Edited by maxmanium

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35 minutes ago, Mr.Unsmiley said:

I'm not interested in the idgames version though, that's the original release, there's quite a few differences in the unity version.  I'm trying to understand why this version is having issues, not just playing the wad for the sake of it

Run it as "crispy-doom -iwad 14.wad", it works for me.

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thanks for the help folks, I didn't actually know it was an iwad.  since all of the other unity wads worked with the -file command, it never really occurred to me (I guess that's why there was a unity update where all the add-ons were made to work with both Doom 1 and 2 instead of their respective games, cos they turned them into iwads?). 


somewhat amusingly though, running it as an iwad has some quirks: crispy seems to treat it -as- Doom 2, and as such it brings up the episode selection for NRTFL and Master Levels, it doesn't have certain edited graphics (I dont know what all the wad contains, but I know when you use IDDQD it's supposed to put "CHEATER" over your eyes instead of turning them gold), and it also doesn't have the correct intermission texts.  so, now I'm running 14.wad as an iwad while -also- running the pwad shepardus linked with -file, and it's working as intended (but, when you run the pwad with -file, it overwrites the widescreen assets in the iwad, so then I ALSO have to run the tvr22_ws.wad to put them back)

rather goofy workaround but hey, as long as it gets the job done


(if you're wondering why I'd run the pwad with the iwad instead of just running the pwad with Doom 2, it's because when I noticed the IDDQD graphic wasn't working, I thought if I ran it with the pwad, it would fix that, and I wouldnt need the ws.wad because the iwad is already widescreen... but then I found out I did still need the ws.wad, so at that point I just gave up on thinking clearly)

Edited by Mr.Unsmiley
further clarification

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8 hours ago, Mr.Unsmiley said:

somewhat amusingly though, running it as an iwad has some quirks: crispy seems to treat it -as- Doom 2, and as such it brings up the episode selection for NRTFL and Master Levels


Pass the "-nosideload" parameter to stop this from happening. I'm thinking if you do this, you shouldn't have to load the other pwad.

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  • 1 month later...

Any way to prevent auto-creation of "autoload_path" folders? (\*.wad and \doom-all)


Trying to keep it clean as I'm running iwad/pwads/configs via batch file and keep everything separated from a clean Crispy (v6) install. But these folder hell spawns are messing up my style. If I get creative and omit the setting then they get dumped in %AppData% instead (yikes).

As a last ditch attempt I put in autoload_path "/" and that seems to have done the trick as it's an invalid character to name a folder with but I'm wondering if there's a proper way.

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45 minutes ago, Nilex said:

Any way to prevent auto-creation of "autoload_path" folders? (\*.wad and \doom-all)


Trying to keep it clean as I'm running iwad/pwads/configs via batch file and keep everything separated from a clean Crispy (v6) install. But these folder hell spawns are messing up my style. If I get creative and omit the setting then they get dumped in %AppData% instead (yikes).

As a last ditch attempt I put in autoload_path "/" and that seems to have done the trick as it's an invalid character to name a folder with but I'm wondering if there's a proper way. 


I think if you always pass the "-noautoload" parameter then those directories should never get created.

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1 hour ago, mikeday said:


I think if you always pass the "-noautoload" parameter then those directories should never get created.

That's it, Thank you!

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Just grabbed the newest build of crispy heretic and gotta say: this is more or less finally the non-zdoom heretic port ive been dreaming of (until Eternity gets Raven support, anyway)! great work. Last version I had did not have vertical mouselook implemented yet which was my one big gripe with the port

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Fabian, been a while! I've been poking around the forums a bit lately.


I just played a map with a space in the filename (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136705-vanilla-hell-under-an-e4m1-inspired-single-level/) and it seems that the space trips up Crispy's wad loading on saves somehow, at least in Linux: in this case the filename was "Hell Under.wad". Trying to load a quicksave gives me this screen:



If I quickload normally everything still works fine. However if I die and hit space, and that screen comes up and I then hit Y, Crispy exits with the message "Could not load savegame" in the terminal. I have tested with other files with spaces in the name and I'm pretty sure that's the problem.


Hope you've been well!

Edited by plums

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4 hours ago, plums said:

Hi Fabian, been a while! I've been poking around the forums a bit lately.


A while? It's been years, literally. Welcome back, nice to have you around again. ;)



I just played a map with a space in the filename (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136705-vanilla-hell-under-an-e4m1-inspired-single-level/) and it seems that the space trips up Crispy's wad loading on saves somehow, at least in Linux: in this case the filename was "Hell Under.wad". Trying to load a quicksave gives me this screen:


Indeed, the code is only scanning for a single string following the "wadfilename" keyword in the savegame file. I'll fix that, thanks for the record! 


Edit: There


Edited by fabian

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And yeah, with me "years" is still just a while, sorry! Seems like I'll always orbit back here eventually though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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