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Switcheroom 2 - Alpha 2

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  On 11/4/2016 at 10:40 PM, scifista42 said:

1. Let all maps be playtested by at least several people who will identify and report their qualitative flaws, that means not just bugs and errors, but subjectively perceived flaws in the map's design and gameplay as well.


There already was fair amount of feedback given before the second alpha of this, much of which was simply ignored. I played the whole thing and Tactical Stiffy fed back on 2/3 of the maps. It would have been helpful for that to have been relayed to the authors at the time, to either change their maps or just acknowledge the feedback even if they weren't going to change anything.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 11:31 AM, scifista42 said:

Worse than rude - an actual betray.


Oh please, you accuse me of betrayal, when for the past year you have just let this project languish in development hell because you won't let anyone else take over. You've wasted the time of your mappers & you've wasted the time of your testers. Since you outright stated that you detest the project & don't want to work on it anymore I say let Joe-Ilya take over, at least he has a plan to get this project released, unlike you.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 1:11 PM, joe-ilya said:

It's not that bad if you have good intentions.


I'm convinced that it actually is that bad.

  On 11/5/2016 at 2:08 PM, degree23 said:

There already was fair amount of feedback given before the second alpha of this, much of which was simply ignored. I played the whole thing and Tactical Stiffy fed back on 2/3 of the maps.


I'm grateful that you did. It was always on the plan to eventually take your and all other feedbacks together for collective evaluation after the playtesting phase will be complete. The problem was that I've never considered the playtesting phase complete. I was going to call it complete after playtesting the maps myself, but that was around the time when not only mine but everyone's interest in the project was already low, and so I screwed that up and did nothing. But once it finally happens, your already given feedback won't be ignored.

  On 11/5/2016 at 2:08 PM, degree23 said:

It would have been helpful for that to have been relayed to the authors at the time, to either change their maps or just acknowledge the feedback even if they weren't going to change anything.


Fair point. Again, my failure due to little interest already at that time.

  On 11/5/2016 at 2:23 PM, Jaws In Space said:

you accuse me of betrayal,


No. I only accuse you of creating a situation that turned out to be unpleasant to some people, thus setting a precedent that I've been explicitly trying to avoid in this project since the beginning, and if I failed that, that would be a betray. What you did was just... Something I thought was not right.

  On 11/5/2016 at 2:23 PM, Jaws In Space said:

Since you outright stated that you detest the project & don't want to work on it anymore


I was careful not to use the word "anymore" as I was afraid of this very kind of reply. I am willing to continue working on the project. See below.

  On 11/5/2016 at 2:23 PM, Jaws In Space said:

I say let Joe-Ilya take over, at least he has a plan to get this project released, unlike you.


1. No.
2. His plan is wrong.
3. I do have a plan, I even described it point-by-point in a list. And I intend to realize the plan, too. Just need 1) help and 2) motivation.

One thing I can try for now, something that came to my mind only today, is to write down given feedbacks for each map into a single text file, sorted by the map being addressed, and post that text file. It might give a more focused view about the state of the maps and what's needed to do. Maybe that'd be a good first step of setting things into motion again.

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I went through the thread (from newer to older posts) and made a rough compilation of relevant map-related feedback given during years 2015-16, sorted primarily by maps, secondarily by date (descendingly). Some of it might be made obsolete by updated versions of the maps released later.

Next thing to do: Try to transform this compilation into a "todo" list as degree23 suggested here in a post that I've missed back then.

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Way too much time has passed here, a few of the involved mappers aren't even active anymore (C30N9, BlueFeena, Fernito) & others. There's no way to get any updates for those maps without breaking your own "rules" and doing it by yourself Scifista.
Personally i don't care much about my maps here anymore besides some odd nostalgia but there a lot of other great maps in here like CB,Magnus,traversd,Jaws etc.
Would be a shame for the work of those to eternally gather dust in pre release limbo. So just do something about it or let Joe or Jaws do it, idc whatsoever....

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I think the first thing that needs doing is re-uploading that second alpha as the link is now dead. I will certainly endeavour to fix any issues with my maps for a start.
No worries about the delays, I am certainly one who cannot complain about this :P

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  On 11/6/2016 at 8:59 PM, scifista42 said:

Walter confalonieri reuploaded it earlier this year, so I'm going to use his link, it's more permanent than any file hosting site I'd use:



Sweet cheers, tell you what I will play through these maps tomorrow, well as far as I can anyway.

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  On 11/6/2016 at 8:20 PM, tourniquet said:

Way too much time has passed here, a few of the involved mappers aren't even active anymore (C30N9, BlueFeena, Fernito) & others.


Well then first step is probably to get in contact with the authors that are still around and worry about orphaned maps afterwards.

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Well lets start this

MAP01 - "Iconic" (by Jayextee) - MAP30 in Base style
To be honest, this just felt like a fusion of map01 and map30, I think the layout could have been reworked to make the map play like a base map and not require a lot of the same mechanics of the icon of sin. I mean the map looks okay and it is easy but still I think this could be done better.

MAP02 - "Coolant Zone" (by Magnusblitz) - MAP15 in Base style
I think that doing this in a good manner was always going to be a tough ask, this is a mixed bag, the yellow key outdoor area is great, other areas are not so good. The one plus is that it doesn't feel like it is merging map15 with map02. I am not sure that I could offer much to improve this really.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 9:08 PM, cannonball said:

MAP02 - "Coolant Zone" (by Magnusblitz) - MAP15 in Base style
I think that doing this in a good manner was always going to be a tough ask, this is a mixed bag, the yellow key outdoor area is great, other areas are not so good. The one plus is that it doesn't feel like it is merging map15 with map02. I am not sure that I could offer much to improve this really.


What did you not like about the other areas? Feel just like a re-textured MAP15 too much? Just boring on its own merits? Or something else?

EDIT: Reading your original comment from 2015 that scifista reposted I gather it was not liking the indoor section's overly hallway nature.

EDIT2: I believe I made most of the suggested fixes to the map, though upon replaying it myself I noticed another issue - if the player jumps from the secret RL to the green armor area before lowering it below they can get stuck in the green armor area. Will need to fix, remind me.

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  • 2 months later...

How goes progress on this?

I was thinking and remembering earlier today about how I wanted Final Switcheroom to go, once I had finished Switcheroom 1 and 2. (Before real life caught up with me and I had to drop out) Rather than doing it the way the first two Switcherooms did it, specifically the second one, I wanted to have all TNT maps remade as if they were in Plutonia, and all Plutonia maps as if they were made in TNT. As such the TNT>Plutonia would be played in Plutonia, and Plutonia>TNT would be played in TNT. If Final Switcheroom becomes a thing, I would prefer the leader go by this idea. I think it could turn out to be two really awesome megawads. Of course, the second one should really be finished before considering this.

Also, I've noticed that other projects that try to do both Final Doom megawads always lose steam, so perhaps start with Plutonia>TNT,) then do TNT/Plutonia when it's almost done/is done?

One last thing... I also had planned to do a Switcheroom 64 as a final entry...

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  On 2/6/2017 at 7:27 AM, Death Egg said:

How goes progress on this?


The switcherooming concept seems to have gone out of fashion years ago, most people lost interest in this project, and the few ones who are still occasionally active keep suggesting to change certain rules of the project in order to get it done sooner, which I'm against, because I consider those particular rules very important to be preserved. So the progress pretty much stays in place, as the proposed playtesting phase didn't take off, probably mostly due to me failing to get to the task myself again, but I still plan on doing it eventually. Anyone is welcome to help with it, too.

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I suppose if this one has lagged to completion this far, then perhaps it's for the best the other ones don't get started and wind up lingering in developmental hell for eternity. Ah well. Still, hoping this one gets to be completed!

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Is there any way to contact all the inactive mappers and just get permission to modify them without having to approve every last edit, or have you already tried this? There should be a list of every map and the permissions granted per author to help with sorting this out.

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Trying to contact authors and ask for their continued cooperation or permission to modify their maps (while making sure they will be correctly informed about the applying rules and the state of the project development before they decide) was on the plan right after finishing the playtesting phase, as it makes sense to me to do this before deciding to reject or modify any maps, but not before gathering as much feedback as possible about the maps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I've finished all my exams a few days ago, and continuing this project was already on my plan for this summer. I'm going to do the long-promised thorough playtesting on my own, and otherwise keep going according to the rough plan described earlier.

Edited by scifista42

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  • 4 months later...

I've gradually recorded lots of demos on this project's maps in the meantime! I was still going to record more demos before releasing them all at once along with my thoughts on the maps. If there's anything positive about this terrible delay, it's that it allowed me to look at the maps "from a distance" and form fresh opinions about their qualities and flaws. The general sentiment I've got was that the project is a big mixed bag, not only in mapping style + quality + difficulty, but also in interpreting the project's core concept. I would bring up discussion about whether that's acceptable, whether we should make whole new maps in place of some of the existing ones, or some other possibilities.


I stand by the opinion that big delay is better than abandoning the promises made back when the project had started. I do have dedication to eventually finish the project and don't have intention to leave this forum (I'm here pretty much constantly, even), so I don't think the project was going to never be finished (as the apparent inactivity may lead some to believe). I strongly disagree with sentiments like "this is taking too long already, so screw the original direction and promises and let's just go the easiest/fastest way to wrap this up", and only someone who agrees is one whom I'd willingly let to lead the project from now on.

Edited by scifista42

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  On 11/2/2017 at 9:22 AM, scifista42 said:

I strongly disagree with sentiments like "this is taking too long already, so screw the original direction and promises and let's just go the easiest/fastest way to wrap this up", and only someone who agrees is one whom I'd willingly let to lead the project from now on.


I strongly disagree with a project lead posting no updates on what they're doing with the project for several months at a time. (A post in July saying "I'll do stuff over the summer" doesn't count as actually doing anything) If you're on here as often as you say you are, it wouldn't have been difficult to post "just recorded some demos" to update people on what's going on. The lack of information is what is frustrating people.

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Hi. I played through this wad on stream recently.


Here is my general take on the wad: I enjoyed it.. but I think changes to the maps can make it muuuuuuuuch better. At the moment most maps feel like a simple reskin of a Doom 2 map. Dime appeared in the chat and said something I really agreed with: 'change up the progression in the maps'. I think this would be a great way to throw off players who are already familiar with the original maps. Like.. the people will get all of the nostalgic references along with experiencing maps which feel brand new.


My favorite maps fall in line with Map30's implementation (for example). I am not saying Map30 because it is hard, but rather because it plays nothing like Gotcha!. The map only resembles it in certain areas. I feel like this type of implementation is the best way of implementing maps for this wad. Otherwise what is the point of playing maps which sometimes arent even as good as the Doom 2 maps they are copying?


Maps that I was very disappointed with off the top of my head:

- The Tricks And Traps map. This map has so much potential to be an insane map. For example I was looking forwards to seeing the hallway with the baron which teleports behind the player. I was sad to see that there is just a baron that teleports behind the player. Put something like.. a cyb that teleports behind the player in that hallway instead.. and put a stack of 3 bfgs on top of the cyb's original location. And repeat this idea everywhere in this map. The bfg secret (the wall you shoot guarded by specters) is literally taken from the original map. Switch this up somehow. I had complaints about every room. The platforming at the end is very weak. Make like.. an insanely involved platforming section.. honestly at the moment it is just 'oh.. some insanely large platforms that lower which has no chance of killing me'. Recreate the dickishness of Sunder Map04's platforming or something of that nature. I always that this map was there to kill the player the first time I played it.

- The Suburbs map. This map is honestly not as good as the original. I was very sad to see that the 'slaughter encounter' was VERY underwhelming (yes this map was called the first slaughter map ever made in one of the infamous slaughter threads). Go HAM on this encounter... Viles.. cybs.. revs.. mancs.. make viles spawn in places the player has already visited. I understand that vanilla has sprite limits but this map really needs to deliver on this fight imo. Also.. there is this fucking rocket right when you enter the rk area. It is in the middle of the floor and a PE spawns on the opposite side of the rocket from the player. The rocket will block all lost souls spat out be the PE which removes all threat from the PE. This rocket needs to be moved to a better place out of the way of the PE. You will hear me comment on this rocket when I play this map.

- Entryway. The outdoors encounter was very underwhelming. There needs to be more than 1 cyb in the outside area (where the shotgun is in the original map) and other stuff too.

- Circle Of Death. This is almost like a carbon copy of the original map. This map needs an overhaul or something. I felt like there is no point in playing it because it is so similar to the original. Go crazy on the area with the first vile encounter. The player expects it.. give them a bfg and like.. 6 viles. Or teleport them to some other area with a dickish vile encounter and only give the player plasma or something. All of the other areas I thought weren't as good as the original and should be buffed or changed completely. Really.. the only thing that you need to have in this map is the Circle at the start.


I should have made more notes. But yeah.. I think Cannonball's Chasm map, tourniquet's waste tunnels map, and Archi's Gotcha! map should be used as examples of what I mean. I got all of the references.. but the maps played completely different and provided fresh experiences (not saying these mappers just because I'm a fanboy of each of their maps :P).


Still had fun with the wad overall. Thanks for making it regardless.



Part 1: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/187760677

Part 2: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/187760905

Part 3: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/187761393

Edited by Killer5

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  On 11/5/2017 at 2:37 AM, Killer5 said:

 Entryway. The outdoors encounter was very underwhelming. There needs to be more than 1 cyb in the outside area (where the shotgun is in the original map) and other stuff too.


If you mean my hellish map01 remake, I've had some ideas about how to improve it. I agree, the outdoor cyberdemon encounter was tacked on, I was trying to make the map difficult for the sake of difficulty, which actually led me to tone down some of the fights because even hardcore players were telling me they ran out of ammo and died trying to fist-fight three arch-viles.


Other than the cyberdemon fight, was there anything else that needs improvement? More feedback is always a good thing.

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I played continuously because playing wads like these are admittingly outside of my Doom interests. My comments are less about difficulty and more about making the maps stand out more to me.


That said the rest of the map seemed fine to me. I felt like there were a lot of places in the wad prior to your map that just had a cyb that appears. Honestly at this point seeing a cyb is just kinda meh to me at this point. It would be surprising to see 2+ cybs somewhere just to change it up.


If you are going off of difficulty don't use my comments as a baseline because I am a niche of a niche of a player.

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  On 11/5/2017 at 3:12 AM, Killer5 said:


If you want me to give you feedback based off of a pistol start I would be happy to do that for you.


That's the only way I've ever played the map myself, it was literally the first map made for the project. Continuous play might have wound up being boring. I can work on improving the map for continuous players as well as pistol-starters. I always try to balance my levels so the player doesn't exit with a full arsenal, but it's difficult to do in a community project. I appreciate any advice for improvement.

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