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Switcheroom 2 - Alpha 2

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On 5/9/2018 at 9:48 AM, AD_79 said:

Hi, would something along the lines of this be an acceptable MAP01? I don't know exactly what the project requires. No difficulties/multi placement. No name at the moment either.






Neat AD 🙂


My only comments/suggestions would be to

  • avoid the vertical tiling of BROWN144
  • maybe keep the tekwall static instead of scrolling?
  • maybe reduce the platforms used to get to the top switch to smaller defined lift sections - though I appreciate they are MAP30 hallmarks 😉
  • maybe change the tag of sector 33 to '13' so it lowers once instead of with the lift sequence - my lameness with gameplay timing showing here 😄


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Yeah, the timed lift secret in AD_79's map seems over the top, the only way how I could reach it was to get a shotgunguy to physically block it from closing, otherwise no chance to reach it in time while playing keyboard only.

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Some bugs and something like suggestions
-HOM in big door and 2 teleporters roomdoom24.png.c772cd11317139dc0d10cc37e9d40a17.png
-Maybe name this map as "The Forest Base"?(the outdoor part looks like a forest a little bit)
-Missaligned SUPPORT3doom29.png.bd9c2448e9414f86a47e5407498a55f3.png
-I think it better to make textures replace:
1.RROCK03(for me this texture don't fits with base style)with CEIL5_1 or with FLAT1("outdoor"part)doom27.png.db541a38af0cffc4cb4873b960360731.png
2.STEP4 with SILVER1doom26.png.b484a01ffd5222cfa11b6a69f1fe10dc.pngdoom28.png.d634e39093b500905ed788db04b4445c.png
-Missaligned METAL2doom30.png.437e39e12755068782fb2a5a48371e2e.pngdoom32.png.1318ac1707ccafd1d790dcf02ae1b9cc.png
-Maybe to move left and right part of PIPEWAL1 for making texture not cutting?doom31.png.88c548ce6cd64e6c7706f57f5d7254fb.png
-This DOORTRAK on the left side of screen is moving while door opens and closesdoom33.png.b2da462b56056f7df31c186bd8d6a500.png
-Maybe move these SUPPORT3 bars to the left a little to make them look better and not cutting AND also replace FLAT19 with CEIL5_2 on ceiling above switch?doom34.png.a8832c72c763d66eea27e1fb36fff279.png
-This mancubus is stuckdoom37.png.ee6af661738943972d793f0a4a28892d.png
-That PIPE1 texture raises with bridgedoom38.png.f9376368503c6e1126873d0b14d3fa2e.png
I think its better to replace FLAT5_2 with CEIL5_2 or with FLOOR7_1 at those patchesdoom42.png.1269a0b7a9c409310bf1bc9abdf3f426.png
Post update
Map02:The Forest Base(already mentioned at the beginning of the post)
Map05:Haunted Mansion
Map23:Fuel of Fun
Map31:Ruined Castle

Edited by D1m3
Added some CRAPPY map name ideas

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1 hour ago, D1m3 said:



It actually is, but since everyone keeps reporting it as a bug, I'll put the mancubus in a cage and make him able to fire from there, instead of being harmless.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

the newfounded enthusiasm didn't last long. i don't want to see this die completely. please, if something can be done to help this along i want to help. even if it is something small, i want to help this get done.

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  • 2 months later...

I have no stake in this particular project, but I don't like to see the time and effort of people go to waste because it is never compiled or languishes for some other reason. Yes, I know there's already an alpha for this project (version 2.1 of the alpha from a post in mid-2018). Yes, I know that there has been back-and-forth about the management and development of this project for extensive periods of time in 2016, 2017, and last year. However, a comment was made in the thread for the Doomworld Omega Project (also led by Scifista) about Switcheroom 2 that got me to thinking.


For those not aware, Scifista started the Doomworld Omega Project back in January in response to ToD's new rules for this year's Doomworld Mega Project. For the first 3/4 of the year, he managed it well. Then, in the latter half of September, he disappeared from the forum. Around December, people on the DOP thread started to wonder if the project would die. Since Scifista had been quite active in the forums, a months-long absence was odd. No one knew (or wasn't publicly saying) Scifista's status, so all anyone knew was that he had become inactive for some reason. There started to be discussions about someone within the project compiling the maps in place of Scifista if he didn't return by the first few days of 2019. A plan was developed and started since Scifista is still absent. While a beta hasn't been released, the compilation is ready to move forward as soon as the person doing the compiling is comfortable.


Consciously running the risk of opening a can of worms, that got me to thinking about this project. Yes, Switcheroom 2 is different from Doomworld Omega Project. However, the point here is that it has been sitting around for a long time. With Scifista's absence approaching the 3.5 month mark, it seems like a reasonable time to start determining if someone else wants to handle moving the project forward. I'm not advocating for someone else to swoop in and commandeer the project tomorrow, but for a reasonable discussion to take place among the participants in the project for how they want to proceed. Such a discussion would also gauge who is still interested in working on this project.


If someone has any information about Scifista's whereabouts, and is at liberty to share them, it would be a good time to do so. I hope that nothing tragic has befallen Scifista. However, there is a big difference between his period of inactivity being due to him deciding that he hated Doom and wanted nothing more to do with DW and it being due to him working off-the-grid in Antarctica for 6 months.

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He posted more than once in the past aggressively defending his view of nobody else taking over the project, but also several times "restarted" this only to ultimately do not much useful. I became incredibly frustrated in my interactions with him because it basically looked like "nobody is allowed to lead the project but me, although I won't actually do anything with it".


On 4/7/2016 at 11:30 AM, scifista42 said:

The project rules stated that nobody's map would be modified without their permission

Development of this project WILL be revived, and it will be revived PROPERLY, that is, with regards to the rules that were set at the beginning. This is all I can say for now, sorry.


On 11/4/2016 at 10:40 PM, scifista42 said:

See, I'm in a complicated position. On one hand, I detest this project now and don't feel like working on it, especially not alone. On the other hand, I consider it absolutely necessary to let the project be developed and finished only in the spirit of its very original rules. These rules, the rules that people read before even deciding to join the project, among other things, assured mappers that no maps would be modified without their permissions. In my eyes, this is serious business. So, anytime someone suggests to advance the project's development in ways that could lead to violating the rules, I say no.


On 2/6/2017 at 8:03 AM, scifista42 said:

The switcherooming concept seems to have gone out of fashion years ago, most people lost interest in this project, and the few ones who are still occasionally active keep suggesting to change certain rules of the project in order to get it done sooner, which I'm against, because I consider those particular rules very important to be preserved. So the progress pretty much stays in place, as the proposed playtesting phase didn't take off, probably mostly due to me failing to get to the task myself again, but I still plan on doing it eventually. Anyone is welcome to help with it, too.


On 4/17/2018 at 1:22 PM, scifista42 said:

To get the project done, first we need to:

1. Discuss and decide how the maps fit together, which ones need to be rejected and which ones can stay in unchanged.

2. Find out who is still willing to modify his own maps in the project or potentially make fresh new maps.


(As project leader, surely the first part of point 2 is his job?)


In May 2018 this project received a whole bunch of feedback.



On 5/8/2018 at 12:16 AM, Degree23 said:

1 - A new thread for this project may be in order, with an updated first post, as it looks like this project might actually go through a rebirth now. [HAHAHAHA man I was optimistic here]

2 - Here you actually organised all the current (at the time) feedback by map, which was a phenomenally useful idea as it allowed mappers to see comments about their maps without having to trawl the entire thread. This should be reposted, and updated with the feedback from NuMetalManiak, Jaws in Space and cannonball.

3 - Contact all mappers once feedback has been collected to see where they stand on their map, and possible edits/fixes.

4 - It's clear that some maps need a massive overhaul, or simply replacing. There may be disagreement on which maps fall into this category, but it's clear there are some. I'd welcome the thoughts of people on my tl;dr worst offenders: 


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... and my main thoughts on order are still:
- Swap 25 and 29.
- Swap 23 and 28.
Map 28 and Map 29 are just not fit for purpose where they are, and the current Map 28 needs a serious rework regardless. Map 30 still needs a MegaSphere right at the start and also needs several of the repetitive AV ambushes changing, most notably the last group of 4. This isn't Plutonia Map 11 we're copying here.


You have three people who've played the whole thing (once cannonball finishes) just this past week. Do not let the feedback go to waste and sit for years unattended this time.


He seems to have let that feedback go to waste. A hell of a lot of work is required to finish this off unfortunately, as many things need changing, and some mappers may not be around any more. However, this was completely played through by at least 4 people, and others played parts of it, and feedback was left.


To me he has clearly demonstrated that he is incapable of finishing this project, and that someone else needs to manage it.

Edited by Degree23

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  • 2 months later...

We are about a week away from it being 6 months since Scifista last graced DW with his presence. If he's lurking without logging in, I can't help that. If he has truly left this hobby behind (for whatever reason), that's a different story. Even when he was active, he still didn't seem to curate this project that well, at least judging from some of his comments. That's just my perspective as an outsider.


The bottom line is, how much longer will this project be left to sit and languish, awaiting the eventual return of the project lead who may never come back? How much longer will the efforts of many (some of who have undoubtedly moved on themselves) be left to twist in the wind. Perhaps no one else cares about the project anymore, or perhaps some do. Either way, i think for those still interested in Switcheroom 2 to ask themselves who is the right person to take up the project and get it finished?


On 1/3/2019 at 6:13 PM, Degree23 said:

He seems to have let that feedback go to waste. A hell of a lot of work is required to finish this off unfortunately, as many things need changing, and some mappers may not be around any more. However, this was completely played through by at least 4 people, and others played parts of it, and feedback was left.


To me he has clearly demonstrated that he is incapable of finishing this project, and that someone else needs to manage it.


@cannonball @NuMetalManiak @Jaws In Space and @D1m3 all appear to have played through the maps recently. There may have been others, but it would've been before the recent brief renaissance of the project. In no particular order, cannonball, numetalmaniak, jawsinspace, d1m3, degree23, @Cell, @AD_79, @Walter confetti, @Killer5, @Magnusblitz, @Archi, @traversd, @tourniquet, and @Sparktimus (and probably others) have expressed some amount of interest in this project (at least that it be completed) in the recent past.


As I said in my last post three months ago, I have absolutely no stake in this project. I hadn't even returned to world of mapping for Doom when this project started. I'm not advocating wanting to run it. I don't particularly care who steps up to the plate--I just don't want to see the work of so many mappers go to waste.


There may be a lot of work to do. There may be a little bit of work to do. I don't know. As I said, we're going on 6 months without word of Scifista's whereabouts. If someone knows where he is, or why someone who was so active on DW just disappeared, that person has yet to come forward and share any information.


I think 6 months is more than enough time to wait for someone to return to reassert control over a CP that was languishing. It seems that now is the time for the people still interested in this project to decide who is the right person to pick it up and carry Switcheroom 2 over the finish line.

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On 3/15/2019 at 2:23 PM, Pegleg said:

We are about a week away from it being 6 months since Scifista last graced DW with his presence. If he's lurking without logging in, I can't help that. If he has truly left this hobby behind (for whatever reason), that's a different story. Even when he was active, he still didn't seem to curate this project that well, at least judging from some of his comments. That's just my perspective as an outsider.


Yeah I had planned on bringing this up next weekend, but you beat me to the punch. I'm still willing to bring this project back to life & finish it.

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@Jaws In Space In my opinion, you're the perfect candidate to wrap this up, you've expressed interest in the project multiple times.


It's partially my fault that this project fell by the wayside, I simply didn't have the time to co-lead a community megawad, and I shouldn't have volunteered myself to hold such a position. Since scifista has apparently disappeared, you have my personal blessing, whatever it may be worth.


I have three maps involved which I'm willing to touch up if need be.

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16 hours ago, Megalyth said:

@Jaws In Space In my opinion, you're the perfect candidate to wrap this up, you've expressed interest in the project multiple times.


It's partially my fault that this project fell by the wayside, I simply didn't have the time to co-lead a community megawad, and I shouldn't have volunteered myself to hold such a position. Since scifista has apparently disappeared, you have my personal blessing, whatever it may be worth.


I have three maps involved which I'm willing to touch up if need be.

I lost all my notes a few month's ago when my computer died so It's going to take me a day or two to go back through the wad & gather my thoughts on the maps again. I'll get to it as fast as I can & try to start getting things rolling asap. I hope people still want to map for this project as quite a few maps do need to be cut & replaced.


Off the top of my head your maps were fine except for Map 1 in Hell style, which I though could really use a lot of work. It just seemed like a retextured Map 1 rather than a map that embraces the style of a Hell map.


Cannonball says it best here.

Map22 - In general this could be fleshed out a bit more to make it feel more interesting and organic, but the basic premise and execution is okay here. Personally a more organic and less orthogonal approach would improve this along with removing some of the doors in the map.

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If you want I can loan the ones I made a long time ago to anyone who wishes to polish them up. My opinion on the set as a whole is pretty much unchanged from my last writeup. I'm probably not fit to lead this project in any way though.

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On 5/15/2018 at 4:45 AM, scifista42 said:

I'm starting to take it for granted that, based on everyone's combined feedback, at least maps 17 and 21 should definitely be replaced (sorry, Blue Feena), then probably also 14 and 28, then possibly 19, 20 and 29, then maybe 03, 04, 06, 08 and 11.


Using Scifista's plans as a starting off point & based on Cannonball's & my own thought's on the maps here's what I would like to do.


Replace Iconic by Jayextee with AD_79's map.

Replace Church of Evil by Blue Feena with Dark Descent by Joe-Ilya.


Open up the following maps for replacement.

The Focus in City or Hell style
Tricks & Traps in City or Hell style
Circle Of Death in City or Hell style

Suburbs in Base or Hell style
Courtyard in Base or Hell style

Bloodfalls in Base or City style
Abandoned Mines in Base or City style
The Living End in Base or City style

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Hey guys, if you used a custom midi in your map can you please identify it for me.


I'll be posting a new thread later today with some open spaces for new maps. Then I'll start giving some serious feed back map by map as I get to them.

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All right, good to see that this project will finally return in action by a new lead (and possibly finished)!


I was thinking about my map re-work in these days, if I want to keep doing it or leave it to other mappers...


And About the midi used in my map, is emptymuseum.mid by Jimmy (?)

Edited by Walter confetti

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