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Yuppie stupidity cannot be concealed!

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Damn, I must admit I never really took those shits seriously either. I thought it was like highly unlikely for something to happen if you used a cell phone at a gas station.

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The static ignited and set fire causing his arm to catch fire? Was he prosecuted for possesing a firearm?

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fodders said:

The static ignited and set fire causing his arm to catch fire? Was he prosecuted for possesing a firearm?


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Actually it could also be considered an explosive detonator. That means strictly illegal weaponry...

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ooh, with this knowledge that I obtained at doomworld.com I will blow up my school using a cell phone! HMMUAHAHAHA!

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orion said:

ooh, with this knowledge that I obtained at doomworld.com I will blow up my school using a cell phone! HMMUAHAHAHA!

Yeah, first you'd have to find a way to fill your school with gasoline fumes...

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Heh, there was a U.S. Armory across the street from my old school...that entire block always reeked of gas =)

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Wow. How many ways can a cell phone kill you now? Cancer, driving distraction, immolation, am I missing anything?

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orion said:
Damn, I must admit I never really took those shits seriously either. I thought it was like highly unlikely for something to happen if you used a cell phone at a gas station.

There are warnings for a resion. Geez i hate mobiles.

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Well these "resions" seemed unlikely to me because I have seen peopl using cell phones at gas stations and nothing happening.

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Ct_red_pants said:

There are warnings for a resion. Geez i hate mobiles.

It must be scary at these gas stations?

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the_Danarchist said:

Cell phones are like the worst invention in the last 20 years.

That's just stupid, you're just stupid, and I take back every hug I ever gave you!

It should be a law that every person over 16 hast to have a cell phone.

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orion said:

It should be a law that every person over 16 hast to have a cell phone.


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I know they are called mobiles, but why, when you get a call do you walk around? Can no-one answer a mobile without moving about?

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I never heard anyone call a cell phone a mobile, however I would assume some might because it's a mobile phone, meaning you can take it with you to most places and it will work.

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People who drive with a cell phone on their ear should be shot before they get a chance to kill the rest of us. I oughta install a cell-phone jammer on my car...

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orion said:

I never heard anyone call a cell phone a mobile, however I would assume some might because it's a mobile phone, meaning you can take it with you to most places and it will work.

In England cell phones are "mobiles", no one ever calls them cell phones, it's always a mobile

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IMJack said:

People who drive with a cell phone on their ear should be shot before they get a chance to kill the rest of us. I oughta install a cell-phone jammer on my car...

Of course, driving+cel = WRONG

But there's nothing like one of these babies to set up a gathering with your friends in 30 seconds.

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Most people still talk on the cell phone and drive at the same time. My friends moms alweys do that, maybe she'll learn if she has an accident, till then let her do it.

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Zaldron said:

Of course, driving+cel = WRONG

But there's nothing like one of these babies to set up a gathering with your friends in 30 seconds.

Um, if you're gonna have a gathering, wouldn't it be at your house. In that case, using a cell phone would be retarded.

Also, I hate that fact that most of them don't have proper reciever/earpiece distance anymore. The reciever is usualy lying on my cheek while the earpiece is where its supposed to be. WTF am I supposed to do?

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the_Danarchist said:

Also, I hate that fact that most of them don't have proper reciever/earpiece distance anymore. The reciever is usualy lying on my cheek while the earpiece is where its supposed to be. WTF am I supposed to do?

Uh, that's normal and it really doesn't affect anything. At all.

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Archvile64 said:

Uh, that's normal and it really doesn't affect anything. At all.

But then I cant hear the person I'm talking to when my mouth is on the reciever. What if they desire to interject?

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what anoys me about them is that you have to keep your hand down low and on the sides. Just feels wierd to hold it like that =\

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the_Danarchist said:

But then I cant hear the person I'm talking to when my mouth is on the reciever. What if they desire to interject?

Uhm...my cell phone is like that and you don't have to have your mouth on the receiver for your voice to go through clearly...

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Archvile64 said:

Uhm...my cell phone is like that and you don't have to have your mouth on the receiver for your voice to go through clearly...

and it's like that with every cell phone that has a receiver that ISN'T SUPPOSED TO GO NEXT TO YOUR MOUTH =]

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I'll be damned if I ever own one of those things. Shit I never answer my phone here at home, why would I want a phone I can take with me where ever I go just to not answer it, either? I hate phones all together. Then again, I'm extremely anti-social. That's why i love forums, I say what I want to say, when I want to say it. :)

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Rellik said:

I'll be damned if I ever own one of those things. Shit I never answer my phone here at home, why would I want a phone I can take with me where ever I go just to not answer it, either? I hate phones all together. Then again, I'm extremely anti-social. That's why i love forums, I say what I want to say, when I want to say it. :)


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