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Unless I miss something, one secret area (sector 17) is unreachable. It has tag 0 for the sector itself and its linedefs. And is blocked by one tree. Same, more or less, for the non-secret sector 206, which contains one soulsphere.


Sectors 275/276 may fail to open and release one cacodemon when the player crosses trigger lines 1564/1565.


It is possible the first cacodemon enters the central teleport and gets accidentally teleported. I guess setting a few lines as “block mons” should be fix this issue.


Linedef 400 has tutti-frutti artifacts.


Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/?gm9l8qyv7nzf5g7


This is a Vanilla savegame, for Chocolate / Crispy / Vanilla Doom. This is the first run I have managed to complete, UV skill and no saves except this one at the very end. I cannot get 100%/100%/100% due to one trapped cacodemon of sectors 275 / 276, one broken secret with a computer area map and one unreachable soulsphere.


The gameplay does remind me of Sandy Petersen maps, somehow. And seems well balanced for pistol-starts on UV.


Edit 2: what a confusion... The savegame I uploaded was the wrong one created after idclipping to guess what was missing and cannot find the right one. Nevermind, it has been replaced with a proper demo (-complevel 3 or -gameversion ultimate). Same link.

Edited by Litrivin

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Thanks! I've been revising the SandyGiftymap, getting rid of the skintek maze definitely feels better. Still welcoming feedback while I tweak, the more the better!

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What is the URL for downloading the updated SandyGiftymap? The previous one?


Also, I am wondering if would be possible to download and test these maps. Or at least some of them.

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2 hours ago, Litrivin said:

I am wondering if would be possible to download and test these maps. Or at least some of them.

It's taking an indeterminate length of time for a couple of the contributors to put out, unfortunately; a situation that's developed on my watch for wanting it to be an invitational and not reneging on promises that positions will be kept. While it would be great to finally show this stuff off, it would be tantamount to a release proper for such a small map set and I'm sure that the heightened profile would not be welcome in the eyes of those remaining contributors.


Sucks, I know. It shouldn't have been allowed to get to this stage (shout-outs to Xfing! :((, but I've made my bed, so to speak. It'll be done when it's Done™

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I've finalized a second draft of the GiftySandyMap, and in light of Alfonzo's recent post I'm going to start sending map edits directly to the TWID gang instead of posting them here, since that's how the rest of the team is doing it! @Alfonzo, PM incoming.


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  • 1 month later...

Extremely excited that this thread has got its second life! Gifty, you single-handedly revitalized the project, I can't thank you enough. DTWiD is such an amazing WAD to play through, and now it at last might see its rightful completion :)

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On 28.11.2014. at 11:18 PM, Alfonzo said:

We're wrapping up pretty darn soon, here; I'd guestimate somewhere around January at the latest

January 2018?

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2002. UDTWiD will get released when the Antichrist is set upon the earth and the calendar is reset to 0.

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  • 3 months later...

ohhohoho, January you say? Excellent, I've been waiting on this for a loooong time. Deeply enjoyed the past 2 TWID projects, and I'm looking forward to this one. I guess this'll complete the roster!

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6 hours ago, Xfing said:

I tried to take a look too, but can't figure out which level this one is replacing. Lil' help? :D

It currently occupies E4M1, but it's not made to replace any specific map.

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Well, tried to open it the usual way: zdoom.exe -file @tfcsandy.wad 

And E4M1 is still Hell Beneath :( Doing idclev41 also makes you start Hell Beneath.

I'm a beginner, I need some more specific suggestions :D

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14 hours ago, Xfing said:

Well, tried to open it the usual way: zdoom.exe -file @tfcsandy.wad 

And E4M1 is still Hell Beneath :( Doing idclev41 also makes you start Hell Beneath.

I'm a beginner, I need some more specific suggestions :D

Try renaming the file so that it doesn't start with '@'

Edited by kmc

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That did work, sure enough! 

Well what can I say, the level definitely does look Petersen-ish. I'm not sure if the 3 colored torches gimmick is something he would do though, that's probably a bit too adventurous. Both being green or blue would probably be a bit safer. 

Also, I'd change the white texture in some of those outdoor sections, it gives way too much of an E2 vibe than E4. For E4 looks it would probably be better to change it to the teal brick or E1 startan.

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If my feedback is welcome...

Demo at skill 4 (99% for kills [one cacodemon is unreachable] / 100% for items / 100% for secrets) recorded with Chocolate Doom, specifying manually -gameversion ultimate, just in case:


It’s nice to see many enhancements and fixes: no more tutti-frutti artefacts, got rid of those annoying lost souls of that blood pool with a red skullkey, many bruisers replaced with cacodemons, removed that confusing maze... not to mention fixed secret sectors.

However, there is still room for improvement. These are my notes and obversations:

There is a monster cache and a thin tunnel to propagate sound clearly visible in the automap.

One cacodemon is unkillable because it fails to be released when getting the berserk pack. Additionally, one or two of these four bonus armour items, the one closest to its respective lift for each pair, will float in the air after triggering this trap.

It is possible the player gets trapped after entering the central teleporter when pressing the switch of the right chamber, because this lift is not lowerable from inside of that chamber.

The western alcove of the starting area with a teleport pad seems to contain one sector with wrong height, the one with the water flat.

I miss one heavy armour, instead of one standard armour.

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  • 3 weeks later...

texturing and some shaping might be a bit too schizophrenic even for sandy

backpack needs to go

end of map gives you 200 cells and nothing to fight with it

found a pegging error and a softlock

Crossposting from conversation I had with Alfonzo. I know Sandy's texturework is generally considered to be a bit messy, but I feel like it's way too extreme here. Try at least unpegging some upper\lower stuff where misalignments occur.


Check pegging here, wall texture lowers with lift:




Softlock is here:



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Seriously though:

I don't remember the white texture used a single time in Thy Flesh Consumed, and it (intentionally or not) creates a strong E2 vibe instead. I reiterate my suggestion to replace it entirely with this startan:


Justified by its liberal appearance in E4M9: Fear

OR the green, hellish brick:


Justified by its copious appearances throughout the entire chapter.

I think that the sections of this level featuring the white wall would look much more cohesive and E4-like if the texture was replaced by either of these.

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I know it's not good form to leap into a corrective stance without any citations handy, but here are two things to consider:


Episode 4's theme only appears to be deliberate in hindsight and is actually coincidental [citation needed]. At least, it seems this way when you look beyond the superficial brownness that disguises its diversity, and there's not a lot else to suggest that id were referencing some sort of design document when Thy Flesh was being pieced together — certainly nothing so concrete as to restrict our commitment to "liberal interpretations" of history. Romero had proven himself to be highly self-fulfilling when it came to establishing and being influenced by rules during Doom 2's development, so it's reasonable to say that he knew what he was doing with all those lava pits and catwalks. Everyone else? Who knows. They may have conformed and they may not have. McGee's M4 is probably the most fitting by chance (it's all BROWNHUG and not much else); Willits was known for taking a single texture and rolling with it (see his RAVEN series), so the GSTONE of M5 could just as easily have been the BROWN1 apocalypse you see in M9. It's a total crapshoot! But the point is that we can use these Nebulous Origins to our advantage and claim GRAY* variants to be in keeping with the Consumed standard, if we want to.


In any case, what you're looking at there is a Sandy map, which means we've already broken with history (mostly in the interest of satisfying the question of "what if?"); and if there's one guy who's going to skim over the article on visual consistency in texture selection, it's Petersen.


Don't forget that ICKWALL room in M7, by the way!

Edited by Alfonzo

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Okay, fair enough. Your explanation is very adequate. Still, the end result was what it was, and the textures contributed hugely to the atmosphere of the entire episode. Things such as lack of the red brick prevalent in E3 were noticeable to keen eyes for example, and even though your evaluation of the mindset going into the production of the episode is correct, the final effect may be something that feels off. Which would be a shame, considering how amazingly faithful the primary 3 episodes were to their original inspirations.

Edited by Xfing

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Regarding these 200 cells with virtually no enemies to defeat, I guess this door could be edited to require one red skull key, which would grant earlier access to these 200 cells. Also, maybe it would be interesting to edit this door to require one blue skull key. Said blue skull key (completely optional, not required to exit the level) would reside in some secret area. I mean, more or less, what Sandy Petersen did for that optional yellow skull key of E3M5: Unholy Cathedral.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, Sandy also did the same thing for E2M2: Containment Area - there the yellow key area is entirely optional and only contains goodies. That's some good thinking, Litrivin!

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Well, my former demo really sucked due to a really low mouse sensitivity (9) and use of mouse acceleration (4.0). I have got rid of that feature and have increased the mouse sensitivity to 40, to create a better demo (I have renamed it as E4M5, with no alterations of its lumps). The default (and hardcoded) music lump of E4M5 suits much better, in my opinion, this map than the default one of E4M1, as well as additional detail.




@Xfing: Tom Hall, more likely. Sandy Petersen just finished E2M2.

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  • 4 months later...

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