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Extremely large detailed maps

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Tons of maps go over 10k+, some not even that big. All of the Community Chests have quite a few of them and the most complex 3 go all over 18k - cchest3 map12 and map29, cchest4 map20. Twilight Massacre in Speed of Doom is 14k+. Oh and Newgothic map21 is 37k+, hehe.

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ZDCMP1 has over 29K linedefs, and ZDCMP2 has over 77K linedefs.

ED4RFO has 10K in MAP08, 15K in MAP09, 20K in MAP10, 17K in MAP11, 19K in MAP12, 17K in MAP13, and 32K in MAP29.

Hellcore 2 MAP10 has 15K linedefs, MAP11 has 12K, MAP09: 11K, MAP03: 10K, MAP05: 11K, MAP01: 17K, MAP12: 15K, MAP04: 18K, MAP02: 17K. (MAP06 and MAP08 are the only ones under the 10K bar.)

KDIZD is over 10 for all its maps*. M1: 17K, M2: 16K, M3: 34K, M5: 35K, M6: 34K, M7: 26K, M8: 29K, M9: 24K, M10: 34K. (* Not counting TITLEMAP, INTERMAP, and CREDITS since they aren't normal, playable maps.)

Most of the maps used by Graf's benchmarks should be well above the 10K value.

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Off the top of my head, CC1's Map29, and that map is a nightmare to get through, so to speak. (If any of you watched AltimaMantoid's 20th Anniversary of Doom stream, you know what he's talking about. Along with Sunder's Map05)

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some insane gazebo, ribbiks, phml, armored blood, might be forgetting others maps. deus vult, holy hell. kyka mea culpa I think.

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Anyone remember this monstrosity? It's usually the first map I think of when scale is brought up.

There was also a ZDoom city-themed map a while back that someone was working on, and it was very, very large. But I can't recall the name of the map or the person who made it.

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Mechadon said:

Anyone remember this monstrosity? It's usually the first map I think of when scale is brought up.

Unbelievably fucking awesome. Mostly ran like shit on my aging Core2 Quad. Gave up trying to play as it went herky-jerky all the time, so I went for God Mode and IDCLIP, paid a visit to the Statue of Liberty, watched the Manhattan skyline blink in and out of existence from the water, but when it existed -- Holy Fuck! -- what a humbling achievement this is! Incredible building design, fabulous use of Doom 2 textures, just ultra-great all around. And the cranes! Yeah, this is badass. Ran it on Risen3D. Will try GZDoom next. Maybe someday I can play it fer real.

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Doomdream must go well over 10k in the 'city' section.
It's a pretty memorable map - I really like the final, 'climbing', section - but perhaps not a map that you play for the gameplay.

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Oh yeah, there's also this:


Vrack2BiggestEver.wad was created by combining 5 copies of VRACK2
and connecting them together so they could be played as 1 level.

Level Specifications:

Things 6567
Vertices 52,602 (before nodes, 70,414 after nodes
LineDefs 62,940
SideDefs 108,144 (before packing)

The original purpose was to test the limits of the current DOOM
format for DeePsea editing, the nodebuilder DeePBSP V4 nodes and
the ports RISEN3D and R3Dedit.

The current purpose is to provide this level for testing by other
ports for verifying all aspects involving levels this size.

Fredrick Johansson gave me permission to release this level. Since
the original purpose was as stated, it essentially repeats the
level 5 times, so you get 5X as many chances to improve :)


Jack Vermeulen

The original Vrack2 is also over 10K, of course.

Mechadon said:

There was also a ZDoom city-themed map a while back that someone was working on, and it was very, very large. But I can't recall the name of the map or the person who made it.

"Dawn of Reality" maybe?

Also there's the map I was trying to remember here.

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gggmork said:

kyka mea culpa I think.

Oh shit, I got sent a link to this recently and forgot I downloaded it. I owe it to myself to give this one a try.

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gggmork said:

some insane gazebo, ribbiks, phml, armored blood, might be forgetting others maps. deus vult, holy hell. kyka mea culpa I think.

Honored to be mentioned in the same post as those other guys.

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Well, my major one is Warpzone, which clocks in at 25,383 linedefs (and which I found a surprisingly positive review on earlier when searching for potential listings of its stats), but there's also Coils of the Twisted Tale with 18,722 linedefs and Claws of the Enraged Beast which just qualifies with 10,660 linedefs. Kind of surprised on the last one, as that isn't a big level by any stretch of the imagination.

One big one that I find impressive because it was made in just one month is MAP12 of MAYhem 2012 which tips the scale at 10,341 linedefs. More so because I think the two mappers who made it basically came out of nowhere just for that project!

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surprised no one mentioned vela pax yet.

also if we're going purely by linedef count (which isn't the really a metric for "detail") I think I maxed out 2^16 lines in this piece of shit.

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Phobus said:

One big one that I find impressive because it was made in just one month is MAP12 of MAYhem 2012 which tips the scale at 10,341 linedefs. More so because I think the two mappers who made it basically came out of nowhere just for that project!

Thank you for the honorable mention :) This style of maps is definitely my favorite, I enjoy large and detailed maps with lots of things to explore and kill. I'm glad we could reach the required outcome.

Topic related, Xexis by Matt Tropiano has just a bit over 11K linedefs and is extremely large and complex, takes about 45 minutes to complete on average. Brood of Hatred is also pretty damn impressive, also with over 11K linedefs.

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Seems like GRB is determined to continue invictius' question asking spree. You two should team up to form a perfect unit for interrogation procedures.

Kaiser's maps are worth mentioning in that regard. Like this, this and especially this. His CC1 map26 also seemed big enough to me (it's somewhat similar to Crossfire, or vice versa if you like).

{Did I say that Phml's Bloodlust feels like Kaiser plus Nokturnus by a large margin? Well, now I did.}

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doomguy93 said:

MAP01 from Gothic99.wad has 10,912 total linedefs.

I don't know how to react to this. I think it makes us better as a society.

map01 has 370 linedefs, that's almost 30 times less. And not a single linedef added was worth it. Amazing.

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dew said:

I don't know how to react to this. I think it makes us better as a society.

map01 has 370 linedefs, that's almost 30 times less. And not a single linedef added was worth it. Amazing.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

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I checked the stats myself and there are indeed 10912 linedefs. Were you referring to the correct map Dew?

Having said that, MAP01 of Gothic99 doesn't quite fit the "extremely large" quota. :)

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Map30 of the near-finished NOVA: The Birth is pretty huge, clocking in at 25k linedefs and featuring separate sections made by no less than five mappers. We nearly broke the node editor with it, actually.

Map31 of NOVA is equally as large, with 25k linedefs by a single author.

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Obsidian said:

I checked the stats myself and there are indeed 10912 linedefs. Were you referring to the correct map Dew?

MAP01 of Gothic99 is a remake of MAP01: Entryway from doom2.wad.

Gothic99's "Entryway.com" has 30 times as many linedefs as the original Entryway, "and not a single linedef added was worth it".

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Gothic99 map01 is hardcore fetish detail porn. It's a DM wad, for crying out loud! It's obscene to think one could navigate that utter mess without humping every corner and getting dizzy from fast moving visual noise while fighting another player. That said, I didn't know it was that bad, with 10k+ linedefs.

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