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Death Destiny's maps

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I've found Beesong and will upload that later, you'll find a few more in Dark Resolution 2008. AFAIK, most of Death-Destiny's maps are in Dark Plutonia and whoever happens to have a copy of that is keeping quiet about it.

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I was under the impression a lot of Dark Plutonia maps were really heavily based off the IWAD maps, unless I'm misremembering?

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That's also the impression I was given, though I've only seen "Satan's Angel" and a bunch of screenshots.

Death-Destiny said:
I want to get some practice at speedmapping. What I decided is that I'm going to remake all 32 maps from Plutonia. The reason I chose Plutonia is a combination of its austere style being easier and less time consuming for speedmapping practice and because Plutonia is my 5th favorite megawad of all time <WTF right? ;)> I also wanted to practice capturing certain styles, and Plutonia had enough different themes throughout so I'd have to change my design somewhat for each map. Also, to remix a map, you have to make it similar enough to be evocative of the original, but unique enough to be a new challenge, another thing I'm going to practice.

Here's Beesong - which I would have expected to find in the archive but seems to have been overlooked.

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Unfortunately, aside from Satan's Angel only a bunch of screenshots of other maps are available and they look damn awesome!

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