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TNT: Revilution . 2 small to medium maps wanted

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Full credit for this rewritten OP goes to Ragnor, with minor grammaz nazi work and screenshots added by Eris Falling. Additional thanks to Loki from TCF. Thanks guys, much appreciated.

TNT: Revilution
An alternative sequel to TNT: Evilution

TNT: Revilution is a project aimed at creating a sequel to TeamTNT's TNT: Evilution.

Revilution is an off-shoot of the TNT: Devilution project, brought about when substantial differences in creative vision amongst the team necessitated that Revilution continue development as a separate project.

Revilution aims to provide an alternate approach to an Evilution sequel - offering a different TNT experience based on design goals from an experienced team that shares a unique vision for what this can become.

Project Leaders

  • KiiiYiiiKiiiA (Kyka): Main Project Leader, Founder, WAD Compiler, Textures, Mapper
  • Eris Falling: Secondary Creative Director and Music Director, Musician, Tester
  • Xaser: Mapper, Devilution Liason, Executive Xaser
  • Ragnor: Creative Director, Music Director, Tester (INACTIVE: Working for Re-Logic)
  • Megamur: Mapper, Tester, Vanilla Expert (INACTIVE: Personal reasons)


Revilution aims to replicate the atmosphere much of us felt playing the original Evilution - the sense of adventure and progression wrapped in a story that unraveled through the maps themselves and levels that give a strong sense of place.

Revilution begins where Evilution leaves off, with the Icon of Sin having been defeated. Through some unknown means, it re-activates - churning out fresh armies of demons even as an ominous blue light glows within its ruined skull. Surviving the demonic onslaught long enough for the Icon to fall silent once more, you retreat back into the now collapsed ruins of Last Call. Winding through the wreckage, you eventually locate and escape through a teleporter once used by the enemy.

Unfortunately, on the other end of that teleporter is an unknown section of the Io base - strewn with the inert remnants of Hell's invasion. Sure, your down to 50 bullets and a pistol, but that never stopped you in the past. Your only chance to stay alive is to evacuate Io, procure transportation home, and then kick back and relax on Earth after your ordeal. Sounds pretty simple...but it's never that easy, is it?


The majority of maps are not fixed. Instead, maps will be rotated through slots as dictated by difficulty, map size, and map flow. There is a chance that any map(s) may become Reserve maps at any time. Map names are likely to change if unfitting.
The 'Done' tag does not necessarily mean the map is ready for release, and may still undergo further changes in the interest of the end product's quality. -Eris

Episode 1 - Lost techbases on Io
  • Map 1: Untitled - SFoZ911 (WIP)
  • Map 2: Nightmap - Olympus (Done)
  • Map 3: DMP Sand - Kyka (Done)
  • Map 4: Graytech Harrow - Kyka (Done)
  • Map 5: Compute Err Stay Shun - Archi, Kyka (Done)
  • Map 6: Untitled - Xenonemesis, Kyka (Done)
  • Map 7: Untitled - Tango (WIP)
  • Map 8: Untitled - D_GARG (WIP)
  • Map 9: Lithosphere - Melon, Kyka, Megamur (Done)
  • Map 10: Startan Complex - Whoo, Kyka (Done)
  • Map 11: Untitled - scifista42 (WIP)
Episode 2 - Dark and atmospheric, set off-world
  • Map 12: Wormholding - StupidBunny, Kyka, Megamur (Done)
  • Map 13: Military Complex - EmZee, Kyka (Done)
  • Map 14: Decay - mrthejoshmon (Done)
  • Map 15: Untitled - Kyka, alterworldruler (Done)
  • Map 16: The Wings - 40oz (WIP)
  • Map 17: Sting Theory - Kyka, alterworldruler (Done)
  • Map 18: Untitled - Kyka, alterworldruler (Done)
  • Map 19: Crud Refinery - Kyka, Xenonemesis (Done)
  • Map 20: Untitled - Eradrop (Done)
Episode 3 - A new era for the demons, powered by stolen human technology
  • Map 21: Untitled - CorSair (Missing)
  • Map 22: Arenophobia - Kyka, Olympus (Done)
  • Map 23: Dreadmill - Kyka (Done)
  • Map 24: Untitled - sincity2100 (Done)
  • Map 25: Spider Colony - Purist (Done)
  • Map 26: Abysmal Oubliette - Kyka (Done)
  • Map 27: Singularity - Xaser (Soon™)
  • Map 28: Untitled - Eradrop (Done)
  • Map 29: Still Viridian Twilight - Kyka (Done)
  • Map 30: EMPTY
Secret Maps
  • Map 31: Anubis - Valkiriforce (Done)
  • Map 32: Empty (see footer)
  • Map 33: Credits - Revilution Team
Reserve Maps
  • Untitled - alterworldruler, Kyka
  • Miniluv - Kyka
  • Malware - cannonball
  • Meat Locker - Megamur, Kyka
  • Checkout - joe-ilya
Status Unknown
  • Map 16, 26 - Olympus
  • Map 16 - franckFRAG
  • Map 18 "Flesh Mines" - EvilNed
  • FellowZDoomer
*MAP32 was planned to be built to a very specific theme, but after two stalled attempts at the map, the future of this map slot is uncertain. -Eris


Revilution's design calls for episode-specific approach to musical style. Anyone requesting a specific track is strongly encouraged to stick with the theme, especially E2. In the event no track is requested, we will assign a track that "fits" with the design and atmosphere needed. Below is a list of tracks by our four composers, highlighting which ones are available to use. Please do not use these tracks outside of Revilution until after the final release of the project. Thanks.

Eris Falling
  • Ionian Isolation (Taken: Map 12)
  • Hell's Furnace (Taken: Map 21)
  • Atmosphere (Taken: Map 31)
  • Frozen Wilderness (Future uncertain, was made for Map 32 only)
  • Aftermath (Not used in main wad, previously the Intermission)
  • Darkest Hour (Intermission)
  • The Revolution Continues (Story)
  • Death's Chimes (Not used, by request)
  • Ragnorian Reprise (Not used, previously Map 30)
  • Unnamed Theme (Reserved for Map 30, yet to be written)
  • TiN Toker (Taken: Map 1)
  • TNT'd Love (Taken: Map 9)
  • TaraNTulas (Taken: Map 25)
  • ToNgue Tied (Taken: Map 27)
  • TiNTinnabulation (Free) (E2 Style)
  • ThirteeNTh Hour (Free) (E2 Style)
  • TermiNaTed (Free) (E1 Style)
  • [Here Comes] The Night Train (Free) (E2 Style)
  • TeNeT (Free)
  • Tell No Tales (Free)
  • Crazy Castle Killer (Taken: Map 11)
  • Avec Vous (Taken: Map 16)
  • Terminate 'N' Torture (Taken: Map 22)
  • God Ov Julenca (Taken: Map 29)
  • Computers (Free) (E1 Style)
  • Drivin' a Plucked String (Free)
  • Sea Bats (Free)
  • Your Last Resort (Free)
  • Grandfather Clocktower (Free) (E2 Style)
  • Contempt [I Hate You] (Free) (E3 Style)
  • The Arcane (Free) (E3 Style)
  • I Don't Want You To Leave [Regretful Edit] (Free) (E3 Style)
  • And So, She Fell (Free) (E3 Style)
  • Cataclysmic Impact (Title Screen)
  • Ringer Dawn (Not used)
  • Thrash 'N' Tear (Free) (E1 Style)
  • No Absolution (Free) (E1 Style)
  • Severance (Free) (E1 Style)
  • Hellhole (Free) (E1 Style)
  • Lonely Corridors (Free) (E2 Style)
  • Wasted (Free) (E3 Style)
  • Last Deep Breath (Map 28) (E2 Style)
These tracks are available for download here.

TNT: Convilution

In order to be certain that all contributors' ideas and efforts have a place in the final project, all maps that are not included in the final core 32 maps will be placed into a small "Episode 4".
If needed, the team may augment this with additional maps in order to help fill out this Episode. Music unused in the main wad will also be used here. The potential exists for the generation of a side-story arc here as well!


(Please note that the skies are original tnt skies, as we are keeping the Revioution skies a secret as long as possible.)


We will be including a special map in slot 33 to credit all contributors. This is in addition to the section in the wad's accompanying text file.

Current contributors are as follows (huge list, spoilered)

Mappers (past and present)
Eris Falling

Eris Falling

Testers (past and present)
Solid Snake

Graphics credits (past and present)
Espi (with respect and thanks)
Matthias Worch
Roger Ritenour
Russell Pearson
Super Jamie
Szaila (Boss concept art)
Thomas Möller
Thomas van der Velden
Vincent Catalaá

Additional map name credits

Technical help

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And don't forget musicians! There's always room for new MIDIs. :)

And the target engine is Chocolate Doom, so make sure you stay within vanilla limits (with the exception of savegame buffer overflows, as those can be toggled off in Chocolate anyway).

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Cool stuff. One thing to note: Galapagos is VF's other TNT2 map that's still in the project, his Egypt map was named something else.

Also "Map 17: Sting Theory. (Kyka and Alterworldruler.)" :D, well played good sir, well played.

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You should edit Galapagos, thats his Carribean styled map which is still in Devilution. I think his egyptian map was called Osiris?

Anyway, episode themes are basically the same as both Evilution and Devilution. If you have a TNT themed idea that doesnt fit Devilution's new guidelines, let us know.

I want this to feel as much like TNT as possible, linear, non-linear, short, long, goofy, refined, doesnt matter to me. Megamur and I both agree though: Every so often, we gotta have mock cubicles and trucks and such :p

IoS fight is not planned to be "standard" lift rocket action, so rejoice!

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@Megamur and Ragnor: See this is why I am having you guys co-lead this.

@Tarnsman. Thank you. :) And in regards to Valkiriforce's map name, noted and changed.

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Those slots are now booked for you.

Also, the texture pack is not too far off. We may not have all the new skies in place straight away, but all the textures and flats will be done soon.

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I think I have a conceptual idea for an E3 sky actually. I'll need to think on this a while though.

Sorely missing that E2 sky though.

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Ragnor said:

Megamur and I both agree though: Every so often, we gotta have mock cubicles and trucks and such :p

Absolutely. The TNT feel isn't complete without some crude realism in a few maps, like Shipping/Respawning and Lunar Mining Project. Made the Jupiter moonbase feel just a little more "lived in" than Phobos and Deimos. :)

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I'm tossing around a couple of ideas in my head, but knowing me, "surreal unrealistic hell" isn't a particularly far-fetched prospect. :P

At any rate, good to see the name "Revilution" put to use. Fun to see it alongside the other name. ;)

EDIT: Oh shike, I realized that if the name becomes "TNT: Revilution Community Project" then you'd get "TRCP". But maybe that's silly... P:

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Megamur said:

And don't forget musicians! There's always room for new MIDIs. :)

Well, any TNT-based songs I made can be used for this project.

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Xaser said:

I'm tossing around a couple of ideas in my head, but knowing me, "surreal unrealistic hell" isn't a particularly far-fetched prospect. :P

At any rate, good to see the name "Revilution" put to use. Fun to see it alongside the other name. ;)

EDIT: Oh shike, I realized that if the name becomes "TNT: Revilution Community Project" then you'd get "TRCP". But maybe that's silly... P:

Thats half the joke actually. When Whoo didnt accept Revilution as the subtitle back when it was just "TNT 2", I relegated it to a possible eventual TRCP role somewhere down the line. Didnt expect it to happen like this! Its not purely "TRCP" though, its half TRCP, half Devilution: Lost Levels.

Im pretty sure were going with a more tech-oriented Hell btw, in the usual TNT industrial tech theme, but anything can happen in Hell! Megamur had a good idea of a human meat processing plant there, for example.

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Ragnor said:

Megamur had a good idea of a human meat processing plant there, for example.

Hell yes.

Funny thing is, I have actually had a similar idea, like the biological processing areas from Quake II

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I would try to submit few maps, along with demos and comments on the map.

I probably do a start map (MAP01), and I had idea for two maps, for slots 20-21. Don't know how I am gonna fit it there now...

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Something to consider since you brought up 20-21 is the idea of having them be sister maps like in the original TNT. Just throwin' that out there.

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I still have the remains of the map I was planning to make for TNT2 before I pulled out after a brief discussion with processingcontrol about the one remaining mapslot at the time. I could definitely finish the map off and put it into this.

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I was nagging Kyka to link it more with Infernal Carrier for that very reason actually. As you may have noted, 21 started off a little blandly. I never got to play a version of IC, but I envisioned an awesome entrance into the Hell episode at the end of it. While 21 of Revilution WAS intended to be the heavily defended doorstep of hell for Devilution, the very opening didnt tie in too well with IC.

Now that its not going to coming off that map, we need to figure out what kind of awesome thing we'll end E2 on..

cannonball said:

I still have the remains of the map I was planning to make for TNT2 before I pulled out after a brief discussion with processingcontrol about the one remaining mapslot at the time. I could definitely finish the map off and put it into this.

Its not Ragnor's Stronghold II is it? :p

Bucket said:

Well, any TNT-based songs I made can be used for this project.

I was actually going to ask you if I could use that midi I requested you to make for Devilution map 1. I dont feel its too appropriate without a map 1 that continues from Last Call though. Megamur, Kyka, what do you think?

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I am glad too see that those maps are not going to waste. I would contribute but my mapping is not advanced enough, too boxy, lack of detail and outdoor areas being shit. So good luck with this is about the only contribution I can really do.

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CorSair said:

I would try to submit few maps, along with demos and comments on the map.

I probably do a start map (MAP01), and I had idea for two maps, for slots 20-21. Don't know how I am gonna fit it there now...

I can move Map 21 to Map 22, and put you in for those two slots. But be warned, they must be epic. :D

Tarnsman said:

Something to consider since you brought up 20-21 is the idea of having them be sister maps like in the original TNT. Just throwin' that out there.

Totally. I do want some 'theme' overall to the set, not for it to be just a set of 32 TNT-ish maps.

cannonball said:

I still have the remains of the map I was planning to make for TNT2 before I pulled out after a brief discussion with processingcontrol about the one remaining mapslot at the time. I could definitely finish the map off and put it into this.

Pick a mapslot, and you are in. (We can always move the maps around a little later if need be.)

Eris Falling said:

Can I have MAP14?

For sure. Done.

Springy said:

I am glad too see that those maps are not going to waste. I would contribute but my mapping is not advanced enough, too boxy, lack of detail and outdoor areas being shit. So good luck with this is about the only contribution I can really do.

If you wish to sign up, give it a shot. Why not.

In other news, I apologize for our little altercation on the TNT2 thread. Glad the whole thing is all sorted now.

Ragnor said:

I was nagging Kyka to link it more with Infernal Carrier for that very reason actually. As you may have noted, 21 started off a little blandly. I never got to play a version of IC, but I envisioned an awesome entrance into the Hell episode at the end of it. While 21 of Revilution WAS intended to be the heavily defended doorstep of hell for Devilution, the very opening didnt tie in too well with IC.

Now that its not going to coming off that map, we need to figure out what kind of awesome thing we'll end E2 on..

Why don't you and CorSair do a little brainstorming for ideas for the two maps, see what you guys can come up with.

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I think weve all forgiven each other by now for that drama, Kyka :} Nobody ever makes sound decisions or arguments when mad.

21 in the 22 slot calls for some delinearifying. The awesome void arena stays at all costs though ;]

In other news, I need to stop thinking of cool shit for Map 30. How the hell are we going to stay within visplane limits if the picture in my brain keeps growing :|

With Eris on board, and thus ErisMusic, I may have an idea for 32 for you later..

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EvilNed said:

Give me map 18! I love evilution.

I can also contribute with skies (and maybe other graphics, if need be).

Map 18 is yours.

And please feel free to submit whatever you think in regards to skies, titlepics or interpics etc etc. Love to see it.

C30N9 said:

Since booking is possible, may I have MAP01?


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Ive been watching this thread all day, and its amazing that the remaining slots have almost completely been filled in that single day. Looking forward to your maps, guys.

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Ragnor said:

Ive been watching this thread all day, and its amazing that the remaining slots have almost completely been filled in that single day. Looking forward to your maps, guys.

Notice the new Meat Locker level.

DeathevokatioN said:

Just posting to say that I wish you nothing but good luck on this project, Kyka and team!

Thanks Deathev. Really appreciate the encouragement.

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