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TNT: Revilution . 2 small to medium maps wanted

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Ragnor said:

Ionian Isolation was present in Megamur's edit of map 12, so I guess he knows how to assign midis. Its all on you, Megamur ;p

All right, I'll get to it. I'll just put them all in sequential order instead of attributed to specific maps, and you just IDMUS01, IDMUS02, etc. to page through them all.

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The MIDI's all have set names (unless you use MAPINFO), the name of the MIDI will cause it to play on said level which means you will have to give them the correct file name within the .wad, I still have this list of them in my Doom folder:


D_DM2TTL = Title screen
D_DM2INT = Stats screen
D_READ_M = Story screen (text screen)

Those are the names you will need to name your MIDI files to get them into the correct maps, did this help at all or do you need more info/already knew?

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I know how to do it, but thank you. I'm compiling the music WAD now.

I'm included Bucket's huge compilation of TNT MIDIs, so some of these might end up in TNT2 and can't be used.

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To the best of my knowledge, only 4-5 of my songs have been claimed so far. I assume you'd see a post about it if one of the tracks were taken.

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Were definitely using the ones specifically contributed to this thread, the older ones other than TiN Toker (which exists because I requested it) are a big "depends", due to Devilution.

Thanks for that list mrjoshman, I should be able to do it myself from now on and save Kyka/Megamur some trouble.

Great work on the story theme Eris, I'm used to hearing atmospheric tunes from you but this one is perfectly TNTish. I see what you did there with the name :p Is it going up on your youtube channel later?

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On maprelated news... lately I lost my tnt iwad so... yeah! Joy!! (Not...) I've been making a doom 2 map remake in ud and started with map07 in e1m8. I decided an official map name!

The Abandoned Halls

I think its shaping up ok...for a starting area that is.

Ive also been mapmaking in heretic, so yeah, thats decent too.

If I continue on my busy list one post alone would make a new page.. heck! Bloodshredder may have to add a Show More button!

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I reworked a song so it has a more consistent tone.
"Tell No Tales"

Ragnor said:

Were definitely using the ones specifically contributed to this thread, the older ones other than TiN Toker (which exists because I requested it) are a big "depends", due to Devilution.

There are two other tracks I remember being claimed: "TaraNTulas" and "The Noose Tightens". I'm not sure which project those maps have gone to. Whoo hasn't let on what other music is definitely being used in Devilution, but HE is obligated to communicate with the mappers and update the OP. He doesn't have rights of first refusal. "First come, first served" is what I agreed to.

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Fair enough. If any Revilution mapper wants one of your yet to be used tracks for their map, they can use it. I would prefer the midis to go by episode themes though, E2 is moodier than the other two for example, so try to stick to themes :}

Megamur's stuck everything so far in a wad for me, so I'll get to blasting shit with these tunes playing ingame, thanks man. I should be able to sort out the midis from now on, with a clearcut example like this.

EDIT: Tell No Tales is fantastic. Definite E2 or E3 midi, likely an important map due to the way it flows. This also reminds me; I have no fucking clue what the music for 30 should be like.

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First off, Aftermath and The Revolt Continues fit so amazingly well ingame. Kyka's old TNT2 intermission, the placeholder one till a new version is made with a Revilution sky, synergises a lot with Aftermath, in the same way that Legion of the Lost did with Evilution's intermission. This is exactly what I wanted when I first heard Aftermath (which started as the map 32 theme, fun fact) and thought it'd be an excellent intermission track. Seeing the image and hearing the music playing at once ingame, oh wow. Right afterwards the story text came up, with the new theme, by the time the text had finished writing itself, the tune was already getting underway, making me stop to listen further. I hope others do the same when they reach one of the interludes.

Secondly, Bucket, your TyraNt's Tomb is "holy shit awesome" level, I think we have our Map 20 theme, or other late E2 level. Provided its not one of the used Devilution tunes of course. Love how perfectly it fits our E2 theme.

Third, fooling around on Last Call I was reminded of this:

Devilution never bothered to expand on this ending, as such a lot of Revilution's plot uses this as its base. Megamur was obviously paying more attention than I was to the original texts (which I admit, I havent seen in years, herp derp), because the short backtrack in Map 1 through Last Call weve planned? "something rumbles in the distance" *facepalms* how did I miss that?

Were going to need that recoloured IoS, destroyed or not. It can replace the dead IoS we lost in the transition from Devilution to Revilution, and preserve the imagery in some of the hell maps that I really liked. The blue can also hint at the boss, who I still havent thought of a good look for, outside of his eyes (which exist already in a form). Pretty clear that the boss has taken over this IoS or is watching the player through it, I think I'll just go with the IoS fight bringing Doomguy to its attention.

I always wanted Devilution to use that blue sky back in its early days, or at least a version of it, once they confirmed the Last Call start. The E1 sky (Kyka, did you do all three skies?) ended up so good I forgot all about the blue one real fast, haha

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Ragnor said:

EDIT: Tell No Tales is fantastic. Definite E2 or E3 midi, likely an important map due to the way it flows. This also reminds me; I have no fucking clue what the music for 30 should be like.

I'd say late E2. It's got that "paranoid effect" with the two organs panned full left and full right, but it doesn't sound like it would go in a hell map.

As I've seen from PWADs, MAP30 music can be highly varied. It seems like it just has to sound extremely evil. I'd go down the techy-orchestral-power drums route if I were to do it (which I might)

Is [story] going up on your youtube channel later?

I messed up on the volumes for the MP3 (all soundfonts work at different volumes, so you can't just apply them then go), so I'll need do that again but soon enough yeah. I'll probably put Aftermath up as well.

Now I'm not sure what to do next >:(

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It sounds very "computery" to me. Given what you know about the boss already (given that you might be introducing him on 14), yeah, "paranoid effect" fits. Late E2 its twisting the levels themselves against you :]

Map 30 shouldn't be pure boss music; like Last Call, there will be some normal gameplay first. Map 29 I want to have a track that fits the map's grueling gameplay; 29 is long, its linear, it pulls no punches, its the final desperate organised resistance of the hellspawn before your right on the big bad's doorstep. Sure some are going to whine about that, but their missing the point. 30 by comparison, hard to picture a good theme after what was just traversed.

As for your channel, good to hear. I still go there some days and play the stuff there. I do request that the 32 theme be withheld from the channel until whenever Kyka has the map officially revealed (if he does, it IS a secret map), what I requested is very much a theme giveaway :p

EDIT: I just realised The Revolt Continues is TRC. Quick, add a P on it for TRCP!

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We already have part one of the map done, new texture set not withstanding. There are no puzzles there. We should put a puzzle bit in just to troll now ;]

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If I remember right, the Last Call has special switch to literally shut down IoS so I got idea that instead of puzzle on map 30 you can give player choice: either fight last boss or disable/turn off/erase through alternate hidden route and using couple of switches revealed one after another with harder opposition of monsters guarding them, last of switch effectively killing it.

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The fight itself is already fully planned out :} Its something ive never seen done before in any wad, so for most people, it'll probably be entirely unique. If not, hopefully it'll still be awesome.

We just need to design his look (Kyka's already got eyes for him) and figure out how to make the arena work with our ideas. This will be a looooong way off though I'm betting.

Pretty sure that switch is a coop/DM thing btw, I saw it tonight while cruising around listening to our midis.

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Why not we do like what Plutonia 2 did? But instead of being all hellish and stuff we could make it some kind of deserted tech base being the arena, and the IoS would have wires connected to the walls or generator?

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Eris Falling said:

Wasn't the PL2 final boss just a retextured icon that shot 2 cubes at a time?

Ragnor: The Revolution Continuation of Praxidike?

Not really, it has unique skeletonal look with torso and such along with PRCP's one eyed cacodemon'esque "Beholder".

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Bucket said:

Whoo hasn't let on what other music is definitely being used in Devilution, but HE is obligated to communicate with the mappers and update the OP. He doesn't have rights of first refusal. "First come, first served" is what I agreed to.

We've already gone through and chosen the ones we've wanted, but I know we need to discuss what we're going to let Revilution take. Here is our current music compilation:


Would it be possible for you and some people from Revilution (Kyka, Ragnor, Megamur, etc) to join the Devilution IRC channel some time next week to get all the MIDIs taken care of?


We could also meet on the channel Fellowzdoomer created. Either or works; they're both on the same network.

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Okay, I was going to post an FDA but unfortunately, it's rather shocking. It was for map03 (as that's where this beta begins) in my opinion, a big improvement over the Devilution map you did Kyka, by that, I mean in terms of game play. Very good visuals as usual (that sewer sunshine) and there's more variation in using weapins unlike the other which seemed to shotgun reliant. I like the progression and the RL secret was top quality though I had to face the archie with a shotgun which was a little bland (could have saved my rockets for that mind you). The SSG would have been in the arch vile's introduction or perhaps maybe a few rockets near them so players can slap him one, armour on the other hand probably could have been introduced a little earlier.

Sorry for the late response by the way, I'll try FDA's for the others soon (that hopefully won't be 20 odd minutes long like this one). Though I am really enjoying that map prior to some of your Devilution efforts.

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I gave TNT's EXE file a look in DeHackEd in order to find out how long the automap names can be utilizing DEH files, and made a list of them all. The numbers after each map entry signify the maximum number of characters that are allowed. Please note that spaces count as characters, and that the "LEVEL X:" prefix on the automap counts towards the character count:

Map01: 23
Map02: 19
Map03: 23
Map04: 19
Map05: 15
Map06: 23
Map07: 15
Map08: 15
Map09: 19
Map10: 23
Map11: 27
Map12: 19
Map13: 27
Map14: 23
Map15: 19
Map16: 27
Map17: 27
Map18: 15
Map19: 31
Map20: 31
Map21: 31
Map22: 19
Map23: 31
Map24: 19
Map25: 23
Map26: 19
Map27: 23
Map28: 15
Map29: 23
Map30: 19
Map31: 19
Map32: 19

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Right. Ultimately, this information isn't very useful to us at this stage, since we don't know which maps are occupying what slots, and many of them currently have no names. This will be one of the last things we focus on for the project. I just wanted to make the list now while I was in the mood. :)

Though, if nothing else, hopefully this will deter our designers from naming their maps anything longer than 31 characters in length.

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Ummm... the map names have a minimum number of characters? And what happens if the name in DEHACKED is shorter, Doom will crash or something? Are you sure? I've never heard about anyhing like that. I would test it myself right now but I don't have any Doom stuff on this PC.

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I know for a fact that DeHackEd names short or longer than the originals don't crash PrBoom, in theory I don't think it matters how long or short the names are but I guess there is one way to find out...

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My mistake. DeHackEd doesn't allow replacement strings to be shorter than the minimum when typing them in using the old DHE 3.1 interface, but it doesn't seem to matter if you use WhackEd or just edit the DEH files manually with a text editor. However, if you enter text strings longer than the maximum, any characters entered after the maximum number is hit will fail to print on-screen in Chocolate Doom.

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Whoo said:

We've already gone through and chosen the ones we've wanted, but I know we need to discuss what we're going to let Revilution take. Here is our current music compilation:


Would it be possible for you and some people from Revilution (Kyka, Ragnor, Megamur, etc) to join the Devilution IRC channel some time next week to get all the MIDIs taken care of?


We could also meet on the channel Fellowzdoomer created. Either or works; they're both on the same network.

At the moment, out of Devilution's midis, I'm already using TiN Toker (the track I requested Bucket to make for Map 1, its a fusion of Evilution's last level theme and TargeT Neutralised), I dont mind if we are both using this, as we both start at Last Call. Diverging paths and all that. Is TyraNt's Tomb or Starpath's Orbital being used? (Granted Starpath needs to be contacted for permission if you arent using his submissions, but still). I don't want to "take" much, as much as I love Bucket's work, I dont want almost every midi to be his :p

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