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Ready to start reviewing again. :-)


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Brad_tilf said:

Now they're both on the review page. Any chance you can link to it for downloading purposes? They get a review AND an easier download. :-)

If you mean linking to the videos for downloading purposes, then no. If you meant linking the review in my videos, then yes.

Also, I think you can take the challenge off from the site.

Brad_tilf said:

BTW - what do you use to record your play?

I normally use fraps when I record Doom videos. I use bandicam or camtasia with the ports that fraps won't work on.

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Larzuk said:

If you mean linking to the videos for downloading purposes, then no. If you meant linking the review in my videos, then yes.

Also, I think you can take the challenge off from the site.

I normally use fraps when I record Doom videos. I use bandicam or camtasia with the ports that fraps won't work on.

Well, you're the author. Not quite the same. Would like to see some other players get er done!. :-)

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cq75 said:

whoops, sorry. Didn't know you didn't review incomplete wads.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to release it as a standalone 2 map thing, I'm hoping to have a full 10 maps but I've been having a hard time finishing it out.

I really like what I have for MAP01 and to a certain extent MAP02 but it takes a lot of experimentation for me to keep up something that's still just as hard, but still being fair and having a good variety. I try to have a large variety of traps, also I'm pretty still pretty new to coop/single player mapping (I've done mostly DM/pvp mapping).

It'll be complete eventually, hopefully, I'll post again when it's done, sorry for the mixup.

If you want to have the first map (or 2 - if they're complete) reviewed then that would be fine. We can do the rest later

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Hmm, it would be really great to have some feedback on it, sure. Both maps are beatable (though extremely hard, MAP02 being downright punishing).

I personally think MAP01 turned out pretty well and I keep coming back to it for fun.

MAP02's just too hard, I think. It cools off a little after the first room, though. People have beat it, but not many have.

Here's an upload with a text file included


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cq75 said:

Hmm, it would be really great to have some feedback on it, sure. Both maps are beatable (though extremely hard, MAP02 being downright punishing).

I personally think MAP01 turned out pretty well and I keep coming back to it for fun.

MAP02's just too hard, I think. It cools off a little after the first room, though. People have beat it, but not many have.

Here's an upload with a text file included


Ok, man. Let's see what happens

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I just uploaded a zipped wad called Golachab to the FTP; I'd appreciate a review.

One single player level. Designed for prboom-plus -complevel 9. Based on your reviews of other wads, you may want to consider turning the difficulty down to HMP for this one.

(Idgames link, for anyone who wants to download it that way: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/golachab.zip )

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So, ya. Trying to follow this thread is becoming difficult. There are 3 other guys doing reviews, plus myself and I'm having trouble keeping track, so - I really appreciate the requests, but if you guys could upload them to my site, it would make it so much easier to keep track. :-)

FTP username: incoming@doomwadstation.net
FTP server: ftp.doomwadstation.net

I'm not permitted anonymous connections so the password is:

Use an ftp client - it doesn't work from a browser

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Brad_tilf said:

So, ya. Trying to follow this thread is becoming difficult. There are 3 other guys doing reviews, plus myself and I'm having trouble keeping track, so - I really appreciate the requests, but if you guys could upload them to my site, it would make it so much easier to keep track. :-)

FTP username: incoming@doomwadstation.net
FTP server: ftp.doomwadstation.net

I'm not permitted anonymous connections so the password is:

Use an ftp client - it doesn't work from a browser

So do we upload the file directly to you or do we just use it to send links/a request?

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filezilla said
Status: Resolving address of ftp.doomwadstation.net
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving address of ftp.doomwadstation.net
Status: Connecting to

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Brad_tilf said:

I think your problem is the port - switch to port 21

Yep, my fault entirely, I do too much telnet, I think.

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mrthejoshmon said:

So do we upload the file directly to you or do we just use it to send links/a request?

Upload it directly

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Cynical said:

I just uploaded a zipped wad called Golachab to the FTP; I'd appreciate a review.

One single player level. Designed for prboom-plus -complevel 9. Based on your reviews of other wads, you may want to consider turning the difficulty down to HMP for this one.

(Idgames link, for anyone who wants to download it that way: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/golachab.zip )

Very shortly, my friend. :-)
Thanks for using the ftp

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