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Multiplayer clients

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I was wondering, what clients do you use for multiplayer Doom? I personally use Zdaemon but have Zandronum and Odamex but nobody in my time zone is ever on in Odamex. I would like to know also, what do you use to play multiplayer Blood, Shadow Warrior ect.

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You'll always find people on Zandronum and ZDaemon. I use the same three ports you've mentioned, but I'm not much into multiplayer nowadays and don't go there often.

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Well i used to play zdaemon a lot years ago, but now i rarely connect to it, rumor is if you see me logged in and spectating a server in zdaemon you can make a wish. I also used to play Skulltag too until it died, never played Zandronum.

Now I use Odamex to play online, but i connect like 4 times a month only.

For blood and shadowarrior multiplayer... I don't really know what clients are used, but it could be great to know

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Ledillman said:

Well i used to play zdaemon a lot years ago, but now i rarely connect to it, rumor is if you see me logged in and spectating a server in zdaemon you can make a wish. I also used to play Skulltag too until it died, never played Zandronum.

Now I use Odamex to play online, but i connect like 4 times a month only.

For blood and shadowarrior multiplayer... I don't really know what clients are used, but it could be great to know

YANG is used for blood,descent and a bunch of others but there is almost never any servers.

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ZDoom, as well as Odamex on the odd occasion that a group of us feel like playing random deathmatch maps, due to its dynamic wad support.

Last time I played Blood multiplayer was with straight DosBox using IPX emulation and Blood's setup executable. Nothing special.

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Odamex is my go-to choice because I like the oldschool feel. When you put on the classic settings it does a damn fine job of feeling like doom2.exe.

I used to be an avid skulltag fan until it died. Zandronum is cool, but people never play what I want to play there so I usually never bother with it.

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Ohai Sqrrt121, hope you enjoyed yesterday's session.

I spend most of my doomish time in ZDaemon but also play Zandronum sometimes.

Zblood is being hosted in several servers, it's not exactly the same as the original but I like the feel of it, specially with a good group of doomers:)

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Krispy said:

All Out War 2 is the pinnacle of multiplayer Doom.

If any of the mods like these, I've always preferred ZDoomWars/Team ZDoomWars. I've never played the so-hyped AOW2, but hearing about millions of different classes and tactics and rules and gameplay elements distracted me already, that's not the kind of game I'd like to play. Plus the overcrowded servers, I prefer a lower scale, where the success more depends on individual's skills.

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Sqrrt121 said:

YANG is used for blood,descent and a bunch of others but there is almost never any servers.

Try Meltdown.

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Many of the DoomLegacy features are especially for enhancing multiplayer games. It should be especially good for local multi-computer play.

I really should set up some of the machines here to test multiplayer myself, but the one other person here could not be enticed to play even if I used a fork to prod them in front of the monitor.

If you are talking about online playing, then it really depends on what servers there are and who is playing what. Cannot say anything about that as I have slow internet and don't play that way.

Don't know if there are any Online DoomLegacy servers now, or what version they would be using.

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