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And the Wicked Shall Perish

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The fourth wad in my Wicked series -- And the Wicked Shall Perish -- has been uploaded to ftp/incoming. It should be in newstuff soon.

Perhaps it's time I got back to Dawn: A Prelude now? After finishing four out of five maps in three months, I've let the fifth map sit untouched for 3 months while I wasted my time on the Wicked series. Ah, well. C'est la vie (or as they'd say in France, "shut the f*ck up, and mind your own business!")

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fen boi said:

i'm getting nowhere with leechftp.

Have you tried using Cuteftp? I used it all the time before upgrading to Win 2K, which allows ftp uploads (and downloads) via a Windows Explorer interface.

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I think he's trying to upload to 3darchives.in-span.net (or whatever it's called). That's only a mirror (i.e. you can't upload there). You have to connect to ftp.3dgamers.com and then go to the usual /incoming dir. There you can upload your stuff to.

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For some reason, my upload to Incoming on Monday disappeared. Yesterday I just couldn't get back into Incoming, and gave up trying to re-upload. Today I've managed to get in. Let's see if the files stay there this time.

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Completely bizarre. The files I uploaded this morning to Incoming have disappeared again (along with several other files that others had uploaded). The files are not in Newstuff, so I guess I'll have to upload again.

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Ah, finally we have a resolution. 3darchives.in-span.net is simply a mirror of archives.3dgamers.com (which I did not know -- I believed they were part of the same organization). When a file is uploaded to the incoming folder of the 3dgamers site (and, really, this is the only place to which you can upload), the archive admin. (Ty Halderman) checks it and moves it to the newstuff folder and final destination folder of archives.3dgamers.com, and deletes the file from incoming. Mirror sites like 3darchives.in-span.net take some time to mirror the files (up to one day). This is why I didn't see the file -- it was deleted from 3dgamers/incoming but had not yet been mirrored on 3darchives/newstuff.

For the 2 of you who can't wait to play wicked_4, you can get it from
archives.3dgamers.com or from ftp.clinet.fi, which has already mirrored it. All others can wait until it is mirrored by 3darchives newstuff

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