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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 4 - Done!

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First wad.
Second wad.

First things first: yes, I'll compile the third wad before the next session. As a matter of fact this is just the kick up the rear that I need.

Now, on to business: the 4th Abyssal Speedmapping Session is to be held at 10am on Sunday the 23rd, New Zealand time: hopefully this will allow Doomers hailing from Europe the chance to participate. If you want to give it a shot simply contact me on Skype: look for Obsidian from New Zealand with the PLUTSKUL avatar. If you don't use Skype, I'll post the themes for the session here and you can still join in.

Hopefully Doom Builder won't slow to a crawl on me this time. //_-

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I might have a couple of hours Saturday night for this, although I may also have to do it all from my laptop. We'll see on the day!

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I'd like to participate again. Even though without Skype, I'd try making the map in the same time along with you.

How do you have it with daylight saving time on New Zealand? Where can I find out the correct New Zealand time in relation to my timezone?

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That's 5am my time, but at least it's on a Sunday. I'll sign up, but attending will be something else entirely. :P

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jazzmaster9 said:

Man, I wish the main sessions would be 3 hours later :(

If my previous efforts are anything to go by then there should still be enough time for you to plan, create and playtest your map before I stumble my way to the finish line. The third hour isn't called the Alfonzo Treatment for nothing, after all.

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Alfonzo said:

If my previous efforts are anything to go by then there should still be enough time for you to plan, create and playtest your map before I stumble my way to the finish line. The third hour isn't called the Alfonzo Treatment for nothing, after all.

So i'll probably stop by 3 hours later 1PM NZ to check and see if i still have time to join in then, if not then oh well.

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If you can't use Skype during the session, you can always just make a map and post it here. Also this time I wanna make sure Alfonzo only takes 2 hours: I have faith in him! HE CAN CONQUER THIS ADVERSARY!

Said adversary being Tarnsman. :P

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24 hours until ignition! If you want to participate, find me on Skype or leave your details so I can find you. w00T.

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Obsidian said:

24 hours until ignition! If you want to participate, find me on Skype or leave your details so I can find you. w00T.

Thanks for this kind of announcement that you always do. This time, I really wasn't sure about the right time because of daylight saving.

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Oh fuck, of course. Sunday in New Zealand = Saturday in jolly old England. For some reason I thought it was Sunday night for me. :V I'm still joining in!

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I'm free at 9pm tonight and, as a bonus, I'm bringing my brother in on it, whose previous mapping credits include The Mouth of Death.

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Checking on google a abattoir is a synonymous for slaughterhouse

ok... i'll see to make a abattoir themed map.

However, is two hours right?

EDIT: Finished layout, just had to put some music, textures (maybe)...

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scifista42 said:

What's abbatoir?

Also, I pick one of the themes, right?

It's a slaughterhouse. And you only have to pick one theme.

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I suppose I'll try whipping up something right quick and see what I can do. is there time left still? it's been over two hours.

iwad resources only right?

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I don't know if it's too late or not but any resources that are reasonable are allowed.

Also, I finished without Alfonso Time™! My map is completely imbalanced and buggy as fuck, but it's a map!

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I'm sorry, there will be no map from me. I can't speedmap. After 3 hours I have an unplayable mess, and by unplayable I mean unplayable.

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Dang, that was a good session! Props to Alfonzo for taking 3 and a half hours on his map. :D Thanks to everyone who participated, I hope you had fun.

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Good session guys! Xaser's stream leads me to believe we've got a solid product here. Just to make sure this information gets across:

For the file "paulass4.wad":
Map Name: Hell Awaits
Author: Paul Cresswell
Music: N/A
Theme: Abattoir
Compatibility: Vanilla

Turns out he'd forgotten everything he learned about 4-5 years ago for The Mouth of Death, so... He literally re-learnt to map in the 2 hours before the session, so the fact he has a functioning map at all impresses me.

For the file "ph_ass4.wad":
Map Name: Backyard Brawl
Author: James "Phobus" Cresswell
Music: "Stomping Grounds" by Lexus Alyus
Theme: Downtown
Compatibility: Vanilla

Bit small and I wasted time on visuals when I probably should have been making more map, but it seems to stand up alright as a short, sharp challenge, so I'm happy enough. Especially as I was helping Paul with technical stuff throughout the first 100 minutes and neither of us needed Alfonzo Time!

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