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Doom Wars v1.3 - RTS in Doom universe

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Hello, everybody, I want to introduce you a new version of Doom Wars: UAC vs. Hell - RTS game in Doom universe, based on Stratagus engine.
In Doom Wars, you can take under your control either the forces of UAC, either the hordes of Hell demons.
This version took a lot of work, but, now, it's complete.

Project's page(downloads, screenshots and support forum): http://stratagus.com/?page_id=55
Download (v1.3): https://yadi.sk/d/SmS1ldWuKgzXC

All information about this release in readme_**.txt file.

Since game is in beta stage, feel free to post any comments about game itself, bugs and balance.
Enjoy gaming Doom Wars!

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I really love playing RTS games. Well, I've downloaded this and ATM I have 3 points that I think should be improved:

1. The workers gather resources too fast, but the units costs very little, there is no balance because 'u got 20k mineral (?) in 1 minute.

2. The interface is very confusing, 'u cannot appreciate the units being created; I'm talking about the actions, and the unit/building portraits: that red/yellow background makes them not clearly visible.

3. I'm talking about clear visibility? The terrain and the building graphics: bad-bad. I think you can take linear filtered graphics of the buildings -or- different graphics too look unique and differentiable.

Uh, I think it's a engine issue... but, there is no ladder (high terrain) support :/.

I liked your mod so much, also I can help making Spanish lang translations if you need to.

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1. The first units really cost a little, but when you grow up, you'll have to research a lot of upgrades, and build units that are very expensive. In the previous versions players were complaining about slow game rate because workers were collecting resources too slow.
2. Hmm, maybe I should make the background image of unit's icon darker.
3. I think I should just rerender building images with bigger resolution and and resize them using a filter.
The Spanish translation...well, that would be useful, if you want to make it :)

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Glad to see this game is still being worked on! Downloading the beta now.

Funny that this pops up, as I just made a little video series about the game about a month ago. It's on my channel if you wanna check it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
cybermind said:

The Spanish translation...well, that would be useful, if you want to make it :)

Consider it done, just need to know where are the lang files and how to edit them.

IMO, this RTS has great potential, just it needs some graphics revampment and some tweaks in balance. And, well... I've noticed that the players aren't color based, but I think is some limitation of the Stratagus engine.

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Moktar said:

Consider it done, just need to know where are the lang files and how to edit them.

The translation files are located in /scripts/translate folder and they could be edited with POEdit program. I haven't made template file for Doom Wars' strings, so edit dw-ru.po and replace the translated phrases with Spanish ones.

Moktar said:

I've noticed that the players aren't color based, but I think is some limitation of the Stratagus engine.

I couldn't imagine how to make color translation for Hell faction(colored monsters? bad idea, I think), so I abandoned this.

Rubilacxe said:

Glad to see this game is still being worked on! Downloading the beta now.

Funny that this pops up, as I just made a little video series about the game about a month ago. It's on my channel if you wanna check it out.

Yes, I've watched and enjoyed them much! It would be cool if you'll make a new video for Doom Wars 1.3 (there are a lot of changes in new version, if comparing with v1.2, just watch the replay I've added below)

I've added a log of duel between 2 Doom Wars' alpha testers on Lava Swamp. Both of them are highly skilled, so enjoy watching!
Download: http://yadi.sk/d/DMdljvBmLsPhZ
How to watch: copy replay file into your /doom/logs folder and then choose it from Replay Game menu while ingame.
While watching, you may use +, -, * keys on numpad. "+" to increase game speed, "-" to decrease it and "*" to set default game speed. You may also type "ffw X" message while watching replay to skip the parts of it (X is the cycle number to go)

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cybermind said:

It would be cool if you'll make a new video for Doom Wars 1.3 (there are a lot of changes in new version.

I've been strongly considering it! I still need to play around with the new version and get used to the new resource system. But yeah! I'll reply here when I get around to it :)

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If you have questions about the game, there is a documentation in "/doc" folder, which covers almost all aspects of game. Or you can just ask them here :)

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  • 1 month later...

I just played it and it is fun, The graphics are a bit grainy though.
UAC seems to be a hard nut to beat even on hurt me plenty when i played it the first time (i skirmished), but i am sure that after a match or two it will all be easy and i can level up to higher difficulty levels.

Nice rts project you have there. :)

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  • 1 month later...

This is pretty fun. Some balancing improvements and further polish could see me enjoying this game quite a bit. :)

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  • 2 years later...

Wow, people still show interest to this project. Thank you, guys.

As for now, I've suspended Doom Wars for a while, because Stratagus (the engine that Doom Wars uses) has already depleted its potential (tile-based RTS in 2016?) I was thinking of moving to another engine or write up a new one. Recently, I have put my attention to GZDoom, but it would be really tricky to recreate an RTS on this engine (I have spent a couple of days trying to implement unit mouse selection system with fixed camera)

But there are some good news: Doom player TGA from RDC made his version of Doom RTS, called Mars Wars.
You could download the most recent version from here: http://t3dstudio.ru/files/mw/MarsWarsv31.zip
The game includes detailed help, but it's in Russian, so use Google Translate to read it: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ft3dstudio.ru%2Ffiles%2Fmw%2F

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And I am happy that you are still interested in it too! The game is really fun and deserves to be developed further! What a shame that the dedicated Doom Wars Forums got hibernated or something - I called for anyone present there a few days ago, and there is still no response.
What do you mean by Stratagus being outdated? Are there things you would to implement to Doom Wars that cannot be made in Stratagus engine? As for isometric, tile-based RTS in 2016 - well, I would gladly play much more of it if it got an update, as I do not care for any 3D features really. (also, just look at this board - it was gathering almost exclusively "retro" players until the two months back)

By the way: have you received that email I sent you back in April?

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Welp, I just wasted a good chunk of my evening playing this. Brings back memories of the old Warcraft 1 game sessions.

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Does not matter now how long this thread is, since starter poster came back to it just a few days ago.
Anyway, does not seem like there will be any real discussion on hand... what a damn shame. I would even pay for a finished Doom Wars without hesitating, as the game really has potential - some new units, buildings and abilites to help gameplay variety and it could be even more fun that it already is! Maybe in unspecified future...
(yes, I know that a game based on Doom content cannot be sold if it does not come from id, so do not get any brilliant ideas)

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shotfan said:

Does not matter now how long this thread is, since starter poster came back to it just a few days ago.
Anyway, does not seem like there will be any real discussion on hand... what a damn shame. I would even pay for a finished Doom Wars without hesitating, as the game really has potential - some new units, buildings and abilites to help gameplay variety and it could be even more fun that it already is! Maybe in unspecified future...
(yes, I know that a game based on Doom content cannot be sold if it does not come from id, so do not get any brilliant ideas)

I'd pay a donation.

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cybermind said:

Recently, I have put my attention to GZDoom, but it would be really tricky to recreate an RTS on this engine (I have spent a couple of days trying to implement unit mouse selection system with fixed camera)

What about Doom 3? It's full 3D, so you have the top-bottom perspective problem solved. And you can make the game require possession of Doom 3 to avoid distributing copyrighted resources.

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printz said:

What about Doom 3? It's full 3D, so you have the top-bottom perspective problem solved. And you can make the game require possession of Doom 3 to avoid distributing copyrighted resources.

Except the fact that Doom 3 doesn't have all the monsters (Spider Mastermind, Arachnotron, and Pain Elemental are missing)

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Impboy4 said:

Except the fact that Doom 3 doesn't have all the monsters (Spider Mastermind, Arachnotron, and Pain Elemental are missing)

Yes, they exist in mods and monster packs. The pain elemental and baron of hell are available, and the Arachnotron will appear in Doom 3 Phobos and maybe you can get Team Future's blessing.

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This does not make any difference, since Doom Wars already has custom monsters (Blood Demon, Phantom, named Archon of Hell known as Belial, Cacolich, plenty of zombified UAC Marines). Not to mention, almost all of the UAC's units are original content.

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cybermind said:

Wow, people still show interest to this project. Thank you, guys.

As for now, I've suspended Doom Wars for a while, because Stratagus (the engine that Doom Wars uses) has already depleted its potential (tile-based RTS in 2016?) I was thinking of moving to another engine or write up a new one. Recently, I have put my attention to GZDoom, but it would be really tricky to recreate an RTS on this engine (I have spent a couple of days trying to implement unit mouse selection system with fixed camera)

But there are some good news: Doom player TGA from RDC made his version of Doom RTS, called Mars Wars.
You could download the most recent version from here: http://t3dstudio.ru/files/mw/MarsWarsv31.zip
The game includes detailed help, but it's in Russian, so use Google Translate to read it: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ft3dstudio.ru%2Ffiles%2Fmw%2F


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shotfan, I've answered you on e-mail, check it out.
printz, I haven't even completed Doom 3 (have blazed through couple of first missions and get pissed of it), so that's not an option.
CARRiON, yes, I'm familiar with OpenRA, but I've haven't realized that it's so powerful (I've thought it's only capable of C&C games mods), so maybe I'll stick with that, thanks!

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