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esselfortium said:


Blind Doom continues! Tarnsman is currently blindly groping his way through episode 3 of Doom with his monitor turned off.

Don't tell me he legitimately beat the 2 first episodes!

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VGA said:

Don't tell me he legitimately beat the 2 first episodes!

He did, through many hours of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Check the previously recorded streams :)

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I'm feeling pretty masochistic today. Suggest me some notoriously bad and/or hard (possibly both) WADs for me (preferably with a download link) and I'll stream it in about 7 hours time from now.

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SavageCorona said:

I'm feeling pretty masochistic today. Suggest me some notoriously bad and/or hard (possibly both) WADs for me (preferably with a download link) and I'll stream it in about 7 hours time from now.

Get hold of D!Zone and stream random WADs from that for as long as you can bear. I once managed 2 hours of streaming that shit before I said "fuck it" and played something else.

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Funnily enough I actually have the Duke 3D D!Zone they released too. I might throw that in as well.

Now if only I could find a download that wasn't a shady looking exe file off oldgames.com

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I found D!Zone gold on there. Is that just a compilation of all 3 D!Zones? I played a couple levels from that and it matches the descriptions I've read.

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I'll stream D!Zone for maybe an hour at 7pm (3 hours 40 minutes from now) and play some Duke!Zone afterwards if anyone is still watching and if I can take any more of it. I haven't played much of Duke!Zone but I know it's better than D!Zone though it's not saying much.

It's actually a 3 episode TC (The Birth is still there in its untainted form) that feels like it was made by a pre-teen in a weekend after editing their maps after they got "helpful criticism" over on the Duke forums. It still has the usual shitty Doom map tropes like the door tracks move with the door, misaligned vertical textures on stairs, poor layout design and cheap shenanigans like having tripwires spawn AFTER you open the door and go in so you get blown up etc.

Should be fun. Or I might just make a start on RE4 professional like I've been meaning to if I can't own the zone.

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Yes that's it, AD. I played it last night when the author came into my chat and offered it as an alternative to playing Duke!Zone when I was done with D!Zone. Unfortunately D!Zone had taken quite the toll on me and I wasn't able to play it very enthusiastically or well, so I'm redoing it tonight.

On second thought my headache is getting the better of me and I'll do it tomorrow instead.

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I don't know how many streamers use Skype, but if you're interested, I would be willing to join in a Skype chat during a doom stream!

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