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Too much awesomeness. I will not be able to help out because of WAY too little spare time these days, but good luck onward. I already know it will be awesome =)

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Looks pretty neat, especially when walls are smoothly rounded, along with landscape having same treatment. May or may not feel natural. :P

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Ribbiks said:

Hmmm. How do you get [non-semicircular/elliptical] curves that smooth? Is it judged by eye, worked out with a calculator, some external tool, or maybe wad C? I'm guessing it's by eye, since there are slight imperfections if you look for a while. It must takes ages to get them that neat, though. I can't stand tidying up freehand curves.

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Looks like some kind of tribal tattoo, fractal thingy.. and the other one looks like the back part of some fancy guitar. Cool stuff.

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Grain of Salt said:

Hmmm. How do you get [non-semicircular/elliptical] curves that smooth? Is it judged by eye, worked out with a calculator, some external tool, or maybe wad C? I'm guessing it's by eye, since there are slight imperfections if you look for a while. It must takes ages to get them that neat, though. I can't stand tidying up freehand curves.

Doombuilder's "Curve Linedefs" can do some wonders at times. Though, it looks like good eye is used on this.

Er, am I right? Or am I talking out of my ass, as usual?

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It's not hard to make curves in DB2 freehand as long as you don't obsess over the grid.

This looks hella sexy btw, really looking forward to it.

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CorSair said:

"Curve Linedefs"

Well yeah, I know about curve linedef. That's why I said "non-semicircular/elliptical".

Marcaek said:

It's not hard to make curves in DB2 freehand as long as you don't obsess over the grid.

You can freehand draw parallel curves with a smoothly varying rate of change between vertexes? Do you have any examples?

I don't see what the grid has to do with it.

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regarding the curves:

I do everything 100% freehand, with a couple small exceptions. I actually recorded myself while making that map in the first screenshot, here's the first 4 hours or so at 400% speed, this is when I did most of the outlining and basic structure drawing:


(just uploaded this, so might not be online yet)

As you can see it's just a lot of free-handing with the grid off. I'd like to think I have decent proficiency of making curvy shapes by now :). imo using the curve tool yields lines that look less natural, at least to me.

Grain of Salt said:

It must takes ages to get them that neat, though. I can't stand tidying up freehand curves.

that map took me approx 11 hours in its entirety, including texturing and playtesting. not too long I don't think..

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Wow haha, yeah the curves in SWTW were stunning already but it seems you managed to improve even more since then :o

Very impressive work !

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That's really really interesting, it looks like you're just drawing shapes for awhile without regard to it being Doom at all. How much of a plan do you have going in to something like this?

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Thanks a ton for the video Ribbiks, it reminds me that you're not just a curve-based calculating robot that is hellbent on the suffering of every person that plays Doom. Excited for E2!

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BlueFeena said:

Holy shit, your mapping is utterly insane. Great work.


plums said:

That's really really interesting, it looks like you're just drawing shapes for awhile without regard to it being Doom at all. How much of a plan do you have going in to something like this?

In general I don't really have a plan. I just draw shapes and hope for the best.

dobu gabu maru said:

Thanks a ton for the video Ribbiks, it reminds me that you're not just a curve-based calculating robot that is hellbent on the suffering of every person that plays Doom. Excited for E2!

awww yeah.

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Ribbiks said:

Drawing lines without closing sectors is definitely a tip worth knowing about. I don't think your workflow would work that well for me though tbh, since my mapping process is ~2% initial building and 98% moving stuff around, deleting, rebuilding, etc.

So is that Parallels or Fusion?

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