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Doom 3, Dark City and SpiderMasterMind


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Thats a really weird: if you've seen the move you'll guess what im about...

What will say if some of the monsters (SMM for example) could change the entironment without pushing and activating buttons - they just have an ability to manipulate the matter!!! It can be some psyonic force (you get me right Luc!) which can control physical objects. Thats cool thing for Hell, where flesh structures will react as a huge organism. Its smthng like TUNE ability in the Dark City... BTW, the movie is cool...

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Sounds like a really good idea - not entirely new (has been used in other games afaik), but good nonetheless.

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I don't know, but for some reason that doesn't appeal to me. I'd much rather have it have a nice gritty chaingun with bullets the size of cannon balls, and not that fast of a fireing rate. Very deep tone in the firing too, make it sound like it has enough power to go through a 1 foot wall of iron.

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Well, I wouldn't mind stuff like that - as long as it doesn't become its dominating weapon.
Its main weapon should be a chaingun cannon, which have a slight explosive effect on impact (like a sort of mini-explosions without fiery flashes). Ammo for real machinegun cannons have more or less a similar destrcutive effect to that of a typical hand grenade - that's one handgrenade per round!
The chaingun cannon shouldn't be as powerful as that (of course not - hitscan rockets??? No thanks), but it should still make the old chaingun cannon that the original SM wielded seem pathetic and whimpy. But it would be nice if the SM has some extra abilities apart from ripping the player apart with its chaingun cannon - like creating quakes or other such things.

Then there's a different question: WILL the Spiderdemon Mastermind BE in Doom 3 at all? Zaldron finds both it and the cybie too cheesy (not to accuse you Zal or anything), but wouldn't it be a possibility that id could change them in a way so that they become creepy and scary despite their former cheesiness?

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without risk of this thread sounding like a broken record, dark city ownz. atmosphere like a motherfucker...

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dsm said:

Then there's a different question: WILL the Spiderdemon Mastermind BE in Doom 3 at all? Zaldron finds both it and the cybie too cheesy (not to accuse you Zal or anything), but wouldn't it be a possibility that id could change them in a way so that they become creepy and scary despite their former cheesiness?

I'm sure they'll be there, just really differently done. I'd really love for the spidy to be put in a dark map with a little light and it would hide from you in the shadows and when it was behind you attack you. I also want it to be able to run fast like a real spider. oh, and there has to be a lot of spider webs and cacoons in that map. Call it "The Spider Web" or something. That and everything I said about the chaingun and it won't be cheesy in my mind. I'm sure they'll also make it look absolutly frightening.

EDIT: It should also be quiet like a real spider, so when it attacks the sound of the heavy deep toned cannon ball shower comming from it's chaingun will make you jump.

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orion said:

I'm sure they'll be there, just really differently done. I'd really love for the spidy to be put in a dark map with a little light and it would hide from you in the shadows and when it was behind you attack you. I also want it to be able to run fast like a real spider. oh, and there has to be a lot of spider webs and cacoons in that map. Call it "The Spider Web" or something. That and everything I said about the chaingun and it won't be cheesy in my mind. I'm sure they'll also make it look absolutly frightening.

EDIT: It should also be quiet like a real spider, so when it attacks the sound of the heavy deep toned cannon ball shower comming from it's chaingun will make you jump.

See, that's why I mean. In this case they should take out all of the "cyber" shit, cause I'm pretty sure that would look bad. Orion's concept is really cool, but completely different from its old incarnation. What's the point of "bringing back" monsters if they have to do so much changes? I really wish there is a creature like this, but of course this time it should have a fitting name.

"Spider Mastermind" is bad, and let's not talk about "Cyberdemon".

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Zaldron said:

See, that's why I mean. In this case they should take out all of the "cyber" shit, cause I'm pretty sure that would look bad.

If they made the spider a little differently it could look cool. Like add cool circuit textures to it's body along with some sophistikated yet sleek looking gizmos and make the whole thing just look Dues Ex style. It can be done, and it could be atleast fitting to the story of doom1 and 2 since after all it is a sequel.

Hopefully they won't try that for the icon of sin. I say just completely ignore it, don't put it in the game, it's lame (it's a freaking wall!). I know they could make it actually look 3d and shit, but still I just don't like stationary bosses. Like the opp fo boss was just soo gay, c'mon, it was green, it was stuck in one place cause it was soo damn fat, and it had a vagina with a sparky thing in it.

For doom3, I want something new, cool, and original, no more freaking demons with horns.

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What I meant is that the stuff should be deeply tied to it's flesh, not some strictly mechanic replacement. Think of the Strogg.

Problem is to archieve a stylized machinery-type implants. The Mastermind's support is pretty laughable, with 4 skinny, flunky legs and even a cartoonish control panel with 2 sticks.

If they're recreating this monster they surely need to make him a body, not orthopedia.

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Zaldron said:

What I meant is that the stuff should be deeply tied to it's flesh, not some strictly mechanic replacement. Think of the Strogg.

Problem is to archieve a stylized machinery-type implants. The Mastermind's support is pretty laughable, with 4 skinny, flunky legs and even a cartoonish control panel with 2 sticks.

If they're recreating this monster they surely need to make him a body, not orthopedia.

Heh, they could easily recreate the SM's body and make it look far cooler - the stick legs could be turned into something more "sophisticated"
About orion's spider idea - I'd reserve that for the arachnotrons and keep the SM a large, titanic beast, capable of trambling down stuff with its mechanical legs.
If Raven can make a silly looking Strogg like the Gladiator look awesome (see the concept art released by Raven), I bet id could make BOTH the spider mastermind AND the cybie cool.
I mean, the new gladiator looks more like a gunner than a gladiator, but it's imo the best thing they could do with it.
I say id should bring back these two cyber-horrors and improve on them.

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Well, take a look at the Giger pics - can you say for sure where there a flesh and where there mech-tech stuff? Thats the way how it should be imo. With that, i think id will bring them back totally rearranged. Those two can play important role in the storyline so their imagemakers will create them as ugly as the real once in Hell, heh :P...

About idea of having the real spider stuff: nahh, he is not an insect however...
About SMM and CD names and appearence: well, im not sure that their real names will suit well (Arghonidermeniontragrthogneth and Mahajivanaradevanakarihnion... >:); with that, they can appear not like an usual monsters, standing and waiting for you...

Due to the main topic: SMM can use TUNE in Hell to control hellish tenticals or whatever, and Cybe can TUNE all electromagmetic stuff (hmm, simple trick with light ON, light OFF can scare enough smtms... :) so he'll be able to control all tech stuff...

EDIT: ...exuse my morbid english...

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Bah, id won't screw up the monsters. They might screw up everything else, but not the monsters.

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The original balance between organic and cybernetic creatures in the original games was, in my opinion, spot on. Rather than toy too much with the old creatures, some new ones would be welcome. I'd love to see the Baphomet as it was before it's head was wired into place at the Icon Of Sin - Huuuuuge big bastard demon stomping about the place...

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Weedster said:

Ahhh, Dark City...one blissful movie.

Yah, I had to wait like 18 months from when I first saw it at the theater till I could get the widescreen video, but it was worth it.

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