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Does anyone play Dos Doom netplay?

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I've successfully connected from east coast United States. Everything seems to be working fine. We need to schedule a few games now.

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Im going to try connecting now, just to see how it goes. I live in Australia, East Coast. We are 10 hours ahead of US east coast, for reference.

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fraggle said:

Server is now running: try:

ipxnet connect ipx.soulsphere.org 10000
The server is located in Amsterdam, so if you're not in Europe you're probably going to have a bad time.

Sorry for such a noobish question, should I type this before or after mounting C:\DOOM (or c:\DOOM2) ? How do I then confirm that another player is connected, or start/join a net game? It does say IPX Tunneling client connected, so that must be a good sign.

I apologize for how noobish this might seem. I'm really keen, though!

EDIT: I would like to play D1 or D2, I don't mind either way. I typed IPXSETUP and it said "attepmting to find all players for 2 player netplay. PRess ESC to exit. Looking for node...." - Is this the right track, or am I way off?

EDIT 2: Great! Using the IPXSETUP executable, I was able to get two computers successfully connected to fraggle's master server. It lags like mad, but that's true every time I play Doom online anyway, even with a source port.

Is it possible to add custom WADs, and change the gamemode to deathmatch? Im sure it is, but I cant figure out how. Overall though, Im stoked!

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Is it possible to add custom WADs, and change the gamemode to deathmatch? Im sure it is, but I cant figure out how. Overall though, Im stoked! [/B]

You should be able to use the -file and -deathmatch parameters.

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Oh boy people are actually doin nilla doom Internet play, I have awaited this opportunity for many years. I need to get my new 98 machine up and running it needs a new sound card and my copy of doom no longer works apparently so I need to get another, (lol "new 98 machine") then connected etc then I'd love to join I'm afraid I'll have a lot of lag though if the server is in Europe I'm in the Midwest of the United States.

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Mrs. Nesbitt said:

You should be able to use the -file and -deathmatch parameters.

Thank you, it worked like a charm!

What do you guys say about making some public arrangements on this thread? I'll be idling in fraggle's server from 12 - 2 PM Australian Eastern time, which is about 10PM - 12AM US East Coast time. I'll de doing vanilla Doom2 v1.9 deathmatch as my setup. You guys should get IRC too, it makes scheduling this kind of stuff really easy.

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I wished the DOSBox servers had a main chat which could also display the number of clients connected, similar to ROTT netgame setup or even DWANGO.

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A DOS chatroom that doubles as a netdoom frontend surely would not be impossible, right? So long as everyone goes to the right IP address? That's a brilliant idea actually, a DWANGO like client for online DOS play would probably bring in a few players. Hell, I would probably spend most of my online Dooming time there as opposed to one of the modern ports. Anyone out there willing to (attempt) to create something like this? Times like this I really wish I was a programmer.

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I ping around 122 to it, is that worth a shot?

Mrs. Nesbitt said:

I've successfully connected from east coast United States. Everything seems to be working fine. We need to schedule a few games now.

That's quite a high ping, you might not do so well. With a bit of work I can probably run another server on the US East Coast though.

Doomkid92 said:

Sorry for such a noobish question, should I type this before or after mounting C:\DOOM (or c:\DOOM2) ?

It shouldn't matter.

How do I then confirm that another player is connected, or start/join a net game? It does say IPX Tunneling client connected, so that must be a good sign.

You can't - you'll have to coordinate with another player to join the server at the same time, using your favourite chat / instant messaging program.

Maybe using something like Doomatic could help make the experience a bit nicer.

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Curious to hear peoples' experiences with this. Are you guys still using it?

Might see if I can get that US East Coast server up and running this week.

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I haven't played with anyone here yet. Would anyone be willing to join a Steam group if I created one, or would anyone have any ideas that would work better?

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Connected to it just now. I'm not doing much right now...

Edit: Typed in IPXSETUP and I connected or did something I don't know what help.

Oh God there seems to be another player in here, but he's not moving much...

Edit edit: Uh oh, did I just break something? I saw a message saying "Player 2 left" just as I joined.

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So now the clients just run ipxsetup.exe, right?

Edit: Yeah, that was me, but the game crashed almost immediately after I joined.

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I also got a consistency failure (-17778 should be -30054)

Edit: Oh, that might be important. I'm using the Doom 2 I got from my CD-Rom.

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Alright, I just got my copy of Ultimate Doom installed. I guess we probably should have made sure we were playing the same game before we started.

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I have Doom 1.9 and Doom2 1.9.

You guys should join the Zandronum, Odamex or Zdaemon IRC channels. I'm always idling there, message me and we can do a 3-man deathmatch using the -nodes 3 command (i think that's right at least)

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Alright, I'm logging into Zdaemon's irc servers. Also, Dwango5 makes me hang at listening for network start info...

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I don't have ZDaemon installed atm. When I ran setup -file DWANGO5.WAD it simply kicked me back to dos, presumably do to the error on your end. Never tried IPXSETUP though.

Let me see if I can get on over to you guys somehow, I have doomseeker installed so that might work

Edit, got it work, are you -file dwango5?

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Well, nearly a dozen or so hastily typed out forum messages later, I think I finally figured out why the -nomonsters command exists. Heh.

Played with Nesbitt tonight; vanilla Doom was silky smooth and it was a real blast. Thanks for playing dude. :D

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'Twas a blast. Thank you as well. Definitely want to do it again some time.

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Wow, excellent! I'd love to join you guys next time. I saw BlueFeena connect to the Zandronum IRC as I was about to go to bed. Glad you guys got a match going!

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