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Sky - PrBoom vs. zDoom problem

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Just when I thought, that I finally had the new sky texture under control, this happens in zDoom:

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As you can see it looks a lot better in PrBoom+ (the insert). It's a 4 piece sky. Each part is 256x128 pixels.

What's going on? Any ideas on what I need to do to fix it?


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Probably you wrote RSKY1 in MAPINFO instead of SKY1.
(SKY1 is the name of the texture that is used as the first episode sky and RSKY1 is probably just one quarter of it)

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Thanks for trying to help, Memfis. I appreciate it!

As far as I can see, I've named everything correctly. I had a MAPINFO lump, but I deleted it.

The screenshot doesn't show it, but the sky seems to be working with all four pieces loading to form the complete 1024 wide sky. The error you can see in the big part of the screenshot is where the ends of the first and last part meet.

PrBoom seems to make the ends meet perfectly, but zDoom does something "wrong".

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Da Werecat said:

Seems more like a patch is shifted upwards. Not sure what could cause this.

What's the size of the texture?

Thanks for trying to help. I have one texture called SKY2, which is 1024x128. Then there's SKY2B, SKY2C and SKY2D which are all 256x128.

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Oh I see, I thought the problem is that you have just one quarter of the sky repeating four times. Could you post the TEXTURE lump?

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Hmm, it seems I have found the problem! It's got something to do with the TEXTURE2 lump. There's something wrong with patches for SKY2 and their corresponding offsets! It's messed up. I guess zDoom is much more sensitive to that than PrBoom.

Edit: Thanks again! Your suggestions helped me in the right direction! :)

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