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Clay Cacodemon

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I made a cacodemon out of pottery clay, but he sort of shattered in the kiln, so then I lazily covered him in Sculpey and baked it in the oven. So now he reminds me of the snaggle-toothed shark from Strange Wilderness.

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that's pretty cool how big is it, any plans to make more?. I would just make them out of supersculpey and forget the pottery clay.

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Thanks, the feedback is very much appreciated! And a few things:

1. He's really not all that big. That behind him is a piece of college-ruled paper folded in half. He's a heavy mother though, if he fell on my foot his horns'd probably do me some real hell.

2. Covering him in Sculpey III was more an attempt to salvage him than anything, and making him out of pottery clay was in itself a failed experiment; It probably would have actually worked if I had remembered to hollow him out a bit before he dried out too much. But having seen just how elegant the use of Sculpey is I'll definitely have to order some more in bulk (And a box of disposable gloves while I'm at it) to practice around with before I'll tackle this again.

3. His proportions are all kinds of fucked. Just look at those horns! It's like he was just too stupid for one dunce cap.

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stay away from sculpey 3, just stick to superscupley or premo. also why use disposable cloves with the polymer? the company has removed the plasticisizers that can give you prostate cancer.

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