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Let's Plays with Good Commentary?

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Are there any LP'ers on YouTube or the like that play Doom levels but actually speak about the WAD they're playing? You know, like level design, texture choices that kind of thing.

Most of the Doom LP's I've come across tend to be speed runs or quick playthroughs with little to no speaking at all which are fine if you like that but I find it a little dry. Others I've found would be Balames87 who talks you through the levels but he tends to concentrate on Wolf mods and General Lotz but he just uses the footage as eye candy for vlogging...

Thanks for any pointers. :)

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Personally, I hate playthroughs with commentary, because it usually involves utterances such as: "WOW! DID YOU SEE THAT?! I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS!"

... sure you did... you've evidently been through this level hundreds of times so don't act all surprised because you only sound like a douchebag. I prefer players to just shut up and play.

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You could always check out the Doom Radio series Where's All The Data? The hosts, Tarnsman and Alfonzo (usually joined by a guest) will play through the entirety of a wad on stream, generally commenting on its design and criticizing aspects that could be better (while praising the good parts too!). They also have a podcast review component that is recorded after the playthrough is completed, so you can listen to that as a summary of their thoughts. It's a great show, really!

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Aquarius199 (known these parts as N!troACTIVE) makes a mean text-only playthrough of wads. He talks (or to be apt, writes) about the detail and some design things while he goes on.

Also Kikoskia did a playthrough of Doom which I found the commentary nice rather than annoying.

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Bigmacdavis1 does all the things, from the music to the author. He's currently plays through scythe, but he takes a break now.

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I've seen on youtube there is a person named Valkhorn who talks good in his videos and does many wads.

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I try, and the ones that do have commentary have the word "Let's Play" or are titled "Doom WAD Let's Play" in it.

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Mr. Chris said:

I try, and the ones that do have commentary have the word "Let's Play" or are titled "Doom WAD Let's Play" in it.

Hey I was watching your Doom 3 videos and noticed you're using my weapons mod in them. I'm Viktor Mondell and I appreciate you giving credit to my weapon pack in the video descriptions. Glad you enjoy it :)

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i made a few doom lp's a few years back, i think theyre alright, although a bit amateurish. But still remarks on the levels are frequent. Gamefaceletsplay if you're interested.

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I know of a quite a few.

There's a good friend of mine, Major Arlene, who does level play throughs. Her commentary tends to be a little more casual, and is always fun.

Another is Paul of Paul's Gaming (or PieceofPieSoftware). His commentaries are more detailed about the designs and quirks of the individual maps he plays, yet he goes off into weird tangents, and is sometimes lewd, just as a warning.

The most detail driven commentator of Doom let's plays I know of is Altima-Mantoid, who expounds deep into the overall design aspects of each level, giving his full thoughts and opinions about why certain things do or don't work. He also tends to give background history on a maps development, its author, etc.

I hope this helps. :)

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Most of my content is commentaryless, which would be something Patrol1985 would like. The amount of Brutal Doom content is becoming less dominant and more non-BD Doom content has been added over the past month or two.

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Thanks folks. That's quite a lot to sift through! I've got some free time this evening so I'll get stuck in to these reviewers then. :)

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Please allow a shameless plu... wait, darkreaver already mentioned me :3 It is a good feeling.
I only have three complete Doom LPs though. Knee Deep in Phobos (old one and with less design commentary, if any), DTS-T and Doom 2 the way id did. Although if I was to advertise my LPs, it wouldn't be for my own commentary (which is, while maybe plentiful, usually pretty trite) but rather for the involvement of authors, in DTS-T the sole author of the whole wad was a frequent guest and in D2TWiD Alfonzo was in every episode without exception with plenty of "inside trivia" and stuff.

But nevermind all that, if you ever for some reason want to pick only one person/channel to watch for doom playthroughs with good commentary, Alfonzo and Tarnsman's adventures on twitch (also has some other random games) are most certainly something you need to check out. I can't overstate this, I'm such a huge fan of those videos and I believe it's for a good reason. They are strangely inspiring and almost universally interesting to watch.

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Patrol1985 said:

Personally, I hate playthroughs with commentary, because it usually involves utterances such as: "WOW! DID YOU SEE THAT?! I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS!"

... sure you did... you've evidently been through this level hundreds of times so don't act all surprised because you only sound like a douchebag. I prefer players to just shut up and play.

this. one can either focus on making meaningful comments or on playing the map, but hardly on both. hence i prefer when people play and record their comments later.

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