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Plasma Gun


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If they're going to have a high-tech gun in Doom 3, hopefully it'll make sense.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. Guess how we most commonly see it... lighting. Yep, super hot ionized air atoms. Basically, it's electricity. So the plasma rifle should be nothing more than a big powerful stun gun. At least call it something different that makes sense.

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Plasma is also a liquid type state, so my guess is that the plasma rifle shoots balls of plasmatic energy in a thick liquid form.

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I disagree. As long as it looks wicked cool then I don't care how the high-energy weapons are supposed to work or what physics they are based on. These guns are beyond our technology anyway.

Well, as long as they don't implement a "Potato-powered Annihilator Blaster." : )

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Plasma: what you get payed $50 to donate at the local blood bank. You wanna make a gun using that definition?

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Nowadays there are two kinds of plasma: Blood plasma and the plasma in the Sun.
Did you ever consider that mankind might come across other types of plasma?
What if the Doom plasma rifle is based on an as of now unknown plasma type which isn't as unstable as the plasma in the Sun?

At any rate, I would NEVER accept that the Doom 3 plasma gun (if it's in the game) wasn't like the old one.
The plasma gun a big powerful stun gun??? Gimme a break man.

[edit]The plasma rifle should be to Doom 3 what the flamethrower is to RtCW - wicked looking!
I can only drool at the thought of how the plasma pulses will look like in the new engine :-P~[/edit]

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Crix said:

I disagree. As long as it looks wicked cool then I don't care how the high-energy weapons are supposed to work or what physics they are based on. These guns are beyond our technology anyway.

Yeah, it wouldn't really matter really, but if it's not going to be the way the real thing is then just give it a different name. Not that important, but atleast we would have more accuracy.

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More accuracy? I think everyone will agree with me when I say that id is more concerned with taking care of IMPORTANT matters.

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I always figured that the Plasma Gun shot out small balls of plasma, kinda like mini-stars that just fried flesh and boiled blood (thus the occasional imp being liquified by one).

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Doom already has high tech weapons, Don't you remember the BFG? Then there's the plasma rifle, All id needs to implement to the marine's arsenal is "handgrenades" and the "claymore mines" or some kind of proximity charges and that's pretty much the basics of standard light-infrantry soldier combat-gear.

First line Equipment:
Boots, socks, uniform(BDU'S) hat, scarf, thick gloves, maps, watch compass, medical kit, pocket flash light.

Second line Equipment:
Combat Vest, Flexable kevlar vest, LBV(Load-Bearing Vest) magazines and ammuniton, grenades, strobe-light, 2-to-4 canteens, elbow,knee protection-pads, shin guards, head-cam phones, combat knife, cutting torch, pen flares, battle dressing, snap link, Combat helmet(Visor)
gas mask, Personal Weapon(Assault Rifle) 2ndary weapon(Handgun)

Third line Equipment:
Rucksack, radios and batteries, cammo-net(6ft sq) Demolition material,
Clamore mine(2-to-4) poncho and liner, ground sheet, spare uniform, more ammo,magizines,grenades, more battle dressing, NVG(Night Vision Goggles, bolt cutters, binoculars, water filter, GPS(Global Positional System)receivers

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tsareppsun said:

Doom already has high tech weapons, Don't you remember the BFG? Then there's the plasma rifle, All id needs to implement to the marine's arsenal is "handgrenades" and the "claymore mines" or some kind of proximity charges and that's pretty much the basics of standard light-infrantry soldier combat-gear.

First line Equipment:
Boots, socks, uniform(BDU'S) hat, scarf, thick gloves, maps, watch compass, medical kit, pocket flash light.

Second line Equipment:
Combat Vest, Flexable kevlar vest, LBV(Load-Bearing Vest) magazines and ammuniton, grenades, strobe-light, 2-to-4 canteens, elbow,knee protection-pads, shin guards, head-cam phones, combat knife, cutting torch, pen flares, battle dressing, snap link, Combat helmet(Visor)
gas mask, Personal Weapon(Assault Rifle) 2ndary weapon(Handgun)

Third line Equipment:
Rucksack, radios and batteries, cammo-net(6ft sq) Demolition material,
Clamore mine(2-to-4) poncho and liner, ground sheet, spare uniform, more ammo,magizines,grenades, more battle dressing, NVG(Night Vision Goggles, bolt cutters, binoculars, water filter, GPS(Global Positional System)receivers

The time setting Doom 3 is WAY beyond the current standard issue combat gear for troops today, I think.

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tsareppsun said:

Doom already has high tech weapons, Don't you remember the BFG? Then there's the plasma rifle, All id needs to implement to the marine's arsenal is "handgrenades" and the "claymore mines" or some kind of proximity charges...

What for proximity charges in assault squads? Hgranades are OK, but what for claymore/ pipe bombs? We are attaking, man...

tsareppsun said:

First line Equipment:
Boots, socks, uniform(BDU'S) hat, scarf, thick gloves, maps, watch compass, medical kit, pocket flash light.

Watch compass in space? >:) *i'd better take thing with calculator...

tsareppsun said:

Second line Equipment:
...combat knife...


tsareppsun said:

Third line Equipment:
...GPS(Global Positional System)receivers...

...in space: Alfa Centaur galaxy, alfa solar system 3456-54656 USC 4RD and other scientific crap, heh... I heard that only one army in the world use that stuff... Maybe its new US PassingBy-KillingAll squad?

Nah, dsm's (or space marines) should be tacktical squad like YouSayWhatToDoAndWe'llDo... Of course they are not ther plumers, you know...

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tsareppsun said:

Doom already has high tech weapons, Don't you remember the BFG? Then there's the plasma rifle, All id needs to implement to the marine's arsenal is "handgrenades" and the "claymore mines" or some kind of proximity charges and that's pretty much the basics of standard light-infrantry soldier combat-gear.

First line Equipment:
Boots, socks, uniform(BDU'S) hat, scarf, thick gloves, maps, watch compass, medical kit, pocket flash light.

Second line Equipment:
Combat Vest, Flexable kevlar vest, LBV(Load-Bearing Vest) magazines and ammuniton, grenades, strobe-light, 2-to-4 canteens, elbow,knee protection-pads, shin guards, head-cam phones, combat knife, cutting torch, pen flares, battle dressing, snap link, Combat helmet(Visor)
gas mask, Personal Weapon(Assault Rifle) 2ndary weapon(Handgun)

Third line Equipment:
Rucksack, radios and batteries, cammo-net(6ft sq) Demolition material,
Clamore mine(2-to-4) poncho and liner, ground sheet, spare uniform, more ammo,magizines,grenades, more battle dressing, NVG(Night Vision Goggles, bolt cutters, binoculars, water filter, GPS(Global Positional System)receivers

I would imagine that half of these things are implemented in the Doomguy's helmet - at least stuff like compas and binoculars.

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To bigbadgangsta:
Yes,I agree. But you must understand the foot-soldier,Grunt or SpecOp must have all those things just to stay alive in hostile territory.I know what I've written seems like alot,but what I written is the basic tactical gear of your average (SFO)Special Forces Operator, whether their Army LRRP,Marine Force Recon,Navy Seals,Green Barets or Special Air Service. And they always carry lighter loads than most regular GI's. And besides, According to some of my books,survival gear for the foot-soldier hasn't changed that much since WW1. And I see,most if not all the little things I,ve written being straped to our soldiers going to "Endless Night"(Space) and beyond....

And to all the rest of ya'll, The real reason I've written that is because I'm hoping id browses these forums,maybe they'll use what I've wrote as "Inspiration" for designing the lastest look for the Doom Marine. I'm not saying he should be carring "AVERYTHING",but just
alittle reference on basic ruck and tactical gear. And just give,em a futuristic makeover, that all... SHEEEESSHHHH!!! >:P

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JavaGuy said:

If they're going to have a high-tech gun in Doom 3, hopefully it'll make sense.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. Guess how we most commonly see it... lighting. Yep, super hot ionized air atoms. Basically, it's electricity. So the plasma rifle should be nothing more than a big powerful stun gun. At least call it something different that makes sense.

Actually a more common form of plasma is fire.

Plasma is also a liquid type state, so my guess is that the plasma rifle shoots balls of plasmatic energy in a thick liquid form.

Plasma is not liquid. It is neitier solid nor liquid nor gas...It is a completely different state of matter. So yeah the 'plasma rifle' would basically be a fusion reactor...to create the plasma and then expell it down a barrel. Well it wouldn't be a barrel, more like a magnetic field that repels the plasma along it and flying out the end...

Crap crap crap...sorry.

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Ultimate Demon said:

Where do the Marines sleep or s*it? They can't just sleep everywhere if there are Demons after ya....

Wtf does this have to do with the topic?
I don't think marines waste time sleeping, eating or shitting when they're in combat.
Soldiers are usually given a minimum of sleep to get them better prepared for events where they don't get much chance to sleep.

So in this case, the Doomguy doesn't get to eat, sleep or shit until he has cleared out Phobos, Deimos, the part in Hell he visits in Doom 1 and wherever episode 4 takes place.
And after getting a bit of rest after all this (during which he probably eats, shits and sleeps), he wont get any rest until he returns home after destroying ol' Icon o' Sin.

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Ultimate Demon said:

Where do the Marines sleep or s*it? They can't just sleep everywhere if there are Demons after ya....

Ever read Starship Troppers? A god combat suit will let you eat, sleep, and shit where you stand.

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If id plans to build D3 more on realizm, Then I would think id would have to put a sizable "BATHROOM" area on every level of the space station levels,and yes,they should have sections where people go and sleep when they're not working,like room cubicals or something. I would also like to see large "CAFETERIA" area where the UAC take thier lunch break and junk, And a large "IMFIRMARY" section, where they had to put all those "VOLUNTEERS" through the not so perfect GATES the 1 page storyline implies, complete with former human strapped down on beds, and also some wondering around with those stupid hospital shirts with the back is open.....

And to humor "Ultimate Demon" All you have to do(As the DOOMGUY)is creep in Bathroom, recon it, you know, make sure it's monster and former human free,If the bathroom has front door, CLOSE AND LOCK IT!! Go to to toilet cubical, drop your trousers, sit down hold the little door cubical open, point your shotgun at the front entrance door and let the shittin rip!!

And if the monster horde happen to CRASH ON IN while your shitin, WELLLLLLLLLLL.....................YOUR ON YOUR OWN,KID!!!!!!


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And a large "IMFIRMARY" section, where they had to put all those "VOLUNTEERS" through the not so perfect GATES the 1 page storyline implies

That wouldn't make sense, since the volunteers blew up from the inside - there wouldn't be anything but bodyparts. An infirmary is for WOUNDED soldiers, not DEAD soldiers.

And to humor "Ultimate Demon" All you have to do(As the DOOMGUY)is creep in Bathroom, recon it, you know, make sure it's monster and former human free,If the bathroom has front door, CLOSE AND LOCK IT!! Go to to toilet cubical, drop your trousers, sit down hold the little door cubical open, point your shotgun at the front entrance door and let the shittin rip!!

And if the monster horde happen to CRASH ON IN while your shitin, WELLLLLLLLLLL.....................YOUR ON YOUR OWN,KID!!!!!!

Nah, why would id waste their time programming this shit? Not only is it a Duke3d ripoff, but it's not even fun - there should be bathroom areas and all and we know that Doom 3 will likely have bathroom areas, remember the infamous "bathroom scene" with the pinky eating the "space janitor"?
The only real humour Doom 3 needs is the face in the UI which grins broadly whenever you scoop up a weapon you don't have already - or a hidden area with a dopefish - anything else would be undoomish, ridiculous and would take out the feel of horror to it.

I want Doom, not Duke Nukem.

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To dsm: Yes,I know, BUT, How long is the time-span after those volunteers transformed into former humans onto the time they "POPPED"

And that thing I wrote to ULTIMATE DEMON? I didn't mean that to be in the actual game,I was just messing around, gigging, funning off his quote,that's all.....

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