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Holding off until the release

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It might be a bit early to talk about this but hey, the DOOM Beta is announced, Wolfenstein: The New Order is out so just maybe we're getting somewhere. So let's forget all the drama for a minute, all the rumours, delays, restarts and everything and think of something else.

Some of us WILL buy DOOM 4 day one, regardless of everything, right? Personally, even if it gets bashed in reviews and first impressions, I will sure as hell get it as soon as possible. So here's the thing: if I'm 100% positive I'm getting it, how about staying in the dark until the very release?

It's a rare opportunity to anticipate a new DOOM game and we're in this bittersweet position of still not knowing anything about it. So I had this thought, wouldn't it be cool to play the game knowing absolutely nothing about it and having seen no media at all? A completely pure, unspoiled experience.

I have to say that avoiding info and media would actually be the least of a problem. The thing is I'd probably regret not participating in the pre-release hype after so many years, over-analyzing every screenshot and trailer and such. But that's really the only concern I have about it. It's worth noting that I never do that. I always watch at least the first one or two trailers, then I stop to avoid spoilers but I've never tried going in completely blind.

So the rules would be simple: once the game is properly announced, avoid EVERYTHING related to the game except the release date. No info, no interviews, no screenshots, no trailers, no nothing. Then, buy the game and see it for the first time once it's ready to go. Tempting. At this moment I'm not sure if I want to try that but it seems like an interesting idea.

Anyone up for the challenge? ;)

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Do I still count if I pre-ordered Wolf:TNO for the beta?

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I read somewhere that id is actually aiming to reveal an absolute minimum content before release. They feel they showed to much to early of RAGE, so they don't want to do that again.

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Not me. I had way too much fun following Doom 3's pre-release coverage: looking at really early demo builds in grainy video feeds; reading articles talking about features that would never make it into the final game (like the red key card, and PDA's that would give you maps); and of course, all the buzz around the E3 demo leak. I fully plan to participate in the beta as well.

Would it be nice to go in totally unspoiled? Sure. But I'd rather be able to say "I was there" when the beta became available. :)

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MFG38 said:

Do I still count if I pre-ordered Wolf:TNO for the beta?

Well, it's not like you have to do anything here. :) But the idea is going in completely blind so Beta is out of question.

imp1979 said:

I read somewhere that id is actually aiming to reveal an absolute minimum content before release. They feel they showed to much to early of RAGE, so they don't want to do that again.

Yeah, Carmack said it two years ago at QuakeCon, that they've messed up messaging with RAGE. I guess their plan is still to basically wait until the game is in good shape. Then again, I'm sure they'll release a bazillion trailers for it once the hype begins.

Megamur said:

Not me. I had way too much fun following Doom 3's pre-release coverage: looking at really early demo builds in grainy video feeds; reading articles talking about features that would never make it into the final game (like the red key card, and PDA's that would give you maps); and of course, all the buzz around the E3 demo leak. I fully plan to participate in the beta as well.

Would it be nice to go in totally unspoiled? Sure. But I'd rather be able to say "I was there" when the beta became available. :)

I hear ya. It's fun that's why I'm not sure about this whole idea. But I still might do it.

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Touchdown said:

But the idea is going in completely blind so Beta is out of question.

Oh well. I suppose I'm out of this then.

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Holy shit, you have no idea. I went on a ride outside, I come back and check the Bethblog thinking "nah, it can't possibly..." and then I see the logo. Haven't watched it... but wow. The timing of this thread was just perfect. :D

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Don't worry this trailer doesn't really show anything so you can watch it without being spoiled. It's just CGI plus a some VERY nifty tidbits in it.

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The trailer looks very promising. Yeah, it's likely that it's pre-rendered footage, but the important thing is that, artistically, id appear to be going in a fantastic direction. The Martian-ish landscape is cool, though it makes me wonder if Earth will be involved. There needs to be a diversity in the environment rather than just a better looking Doom 3.

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I actually know already because sites are posting the pic from it everywhere. But it's within the limits. I mean, I'm not gonna live under a rock for a year or so. But I will avoid info / screenshots whenever possible. :)

At least until QuakeCon. The hype will make my head explode when the real reveal happens.

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BJ Blazkowics has had his legs blown off and replaced them with cybernetic ones. He is again in a coma and after 30 years the nazis have conquered the solar system and have a research facility on Phobos and have even more futuristic tech...you know what happens then

I'm dead serious man! BJ Blazkowicz is the Doomguy!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the thread bump, but I think I'm doing almost precisely what the the OP is suggesting. For a long time I've kinda had this speculation that Doom 4 is going to suck and there's no saving it. But for the time being, I think I'm just going to stay away from all the confirmed "Doom 4 is going to be like this" messages and gaming articles, videos, and other media.

I'm going to use the rest of the time before the game is released to slowly withdraw all my expectations, and more importantly, my firm beliefs of what Doom 4 should be, and simply let the game run its course instead of getting all bitter that no one on the team listened to my desires (especially since I've made zero effort to make my opinions known to them)

I'll just trust them to make a decent violent hell-themed killing game and leave it at that.

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Nice, welcome aboard. :) I'm still doing it, by the way. I'll probably disappear from the DOOM 4 section completely when QuakeCon starts.

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I agree, we can pay attention to previews, but try to remain as neutral as possible. We gotta avoid hype, because unless this game is made by god himself, it won't live up to the high standards we probably will set it to. We certainly don't want a repeat of duke nukem forever now don't we?

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I don't see the point of doing it, it it were a CoD that launches every year ok, CoDs work more or less the same and still will be the most successful FPS of all time followed by Halo and other 343i - Bungie games.

But I'm curious to see how it's going to be, so I'll check all gameplays-trailers-screenshots they launch as I did to Wolfenstein.

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On the contrary, there would be no point in doing it for CoD for the exact reason you have mentioned. Because it launches every year there's no debate on what it might be, it's pretty much obvious. There would be no surprise.

DOOM however, nobody knows what it's gonna be like. That's the biggest mystery that people have been trying to figure out for years. It might be anything so the reveal of that secret is pretty significant, regardless of what it actually is.

The thing is that during QC, we will learn what the game is and we will have to live with that knowledge for a year+ (at least) while consciously or subconsciously dissecting, overanalyzing and familiarizing ourselves with it. We will become used to it to some degree. My goal with staying in the dark is to keep the reveal of the biggest mystery until I can actually play the game, hopefully maximizing its effectiveness. I know what it's like to swallow all media released and getting worn out by it in the process. So this time I'll try something different.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even though the 'Reveal' turned out to be a marketing bait (go to hell Bethesda), I'd assume there's gonna be new info coming out from QuakeCon, maybe even shaky cam footage. Please do not post ANYTHING about the game in this thread. Literally anything: no info, no details, no matter how insignificant. Don't say anything about DOOM (4) here, thanks.

Here's the info that I want to know though, so if that's revealed at any point, feel free to post it in this thread:

- Platforms (PC/360/XO/PS3/PS4? PC/XO/PS4?)
- Project Leaders (who's in charge)
- Progress (how far along is the game)
- Release Date (duh)
- System Reqs (once those are out)

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I'll make sure to write whatever we find out about those points. Unless of course GoatLord does. He's attending after all :D

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There won't be BETA for PS3 and XBOX 360, it pretty much confirms that DOOM will be released only for PS4 - XBONE - PC with a chance of 99%.

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So, is there anything you guys can say on the topics I mentioned?

Also, what were the general impressions? Positive, negative, etc?

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General Impressions?

- There was a standing ovation at the end of the live gameplay demo.

I know you don't want to spoil the excitement of a new Doom game with any details, and I respect that... but if it was out of fear of a bad game, the demo seems to have put that to rest.

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Based on the impressions the good sides:

- It will bring the horror feel of D3 but with a more intense action and bigger scenarios;
- Corpses don't disappear;
- The visor of the marine will have information so there is no need to look at a Tablet anymore like D3;
- A faster pace than D3 and slower than classic Doom, which is a good idea in my opinion, it seems it will have a pace similar to Quake 4.

Bad sides:

- No reloading weapons, I don't like the idea even having a ubber explanation;
- Gaining heath by killing monsters is a bad idea, it would be better to have a semi regenerative health like Wolfen.

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Touchdown said:

Did you even read the thread you're in? I made a specific list of things I want to know, NOTHING else.

I'm guessing you are talking to that Kusaum fellow? I hope you didnt read too far into that and get too much spoiled for you :-/

It is pretty obvious by the title of the damn thread what you were trying to do, and he shit all over it. Really sucks.

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Touchdown said:

- Project Leaders (who's in charge)

If I understand it right, Marty Stratton is the executive producer.

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There have been almost zero comments about the graphical quality. This coupled with the few that have been points towards nice graphics that are neither here (bad) nor there (groundbreaking). I expect it to be way better looking than its idtech5 counterparts, but not something that will blow anything else out of the water. That's more or less impossible these days anyway.

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