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Preacher - final version on idgames

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Preacher - a musical CONVERSION

Preacher is a religious themed Boom mapset with:

- open non linear layouts;
- random player starts;
- chaos (hopefully);

The goal is to create a chaotic environment where players have a different experience every time they play. Depending on the starting spot player is spawned (and the path he chooses thereafter), there will be a different weapon progression, some fights will vary according to the angle they are approached, also monsters have a lot of freedom of movement through the maps so they can be at different spots from one play to another. This is my first Boom project and any feedback, critics or suggestions are welcome. God bless.









map01 - Pagan Temple

map02 - Babel

map03 - Sacrificial Altar

map04 - Dark Tower

map05 - 40 Days in the Desert

map06 - Noir

map07 - Sanctuary

map08 - Witch Hunt

map09 - Crown of Thorns
map10 - Judgment Day

Songs by Those Poor Bastards;
Sky by Skillsaw;
Tommy Gun from Blood, centered by JoeyTD
Rocket launcher and revolver from Powerslave
Textures from American McGee's Alice, Voodoo Guns, ICO, Shadow of The Colossus, Bittersweet, NeoDoom, Sunlust and Aquatex;
Zombieman mask by Ezepov
Medikits from Epic 2
Sounds from Blood and Deathtrap Dungeon;
Intermission screen by Alex K;
betatesting by scifista42

"And when the Lord your God delivers them into your power for you to defeat, you must exterminate them." Deut. 7: 2

original post:


Yeah, everybody hates musicals, but I'm trying to make one here. And a gospel one. Well, not really; music is by Those Poor Bastards: they were nice enough not only to answer my request, but to allow me to use their music in this wad.

So, each map will feature a song and will be themed accordingly. Most lyrics are religious, so that will be the main theme of this wad. I'll try to keep action as fast as possible, and that lead to non linear slaughtermapping. I want this to be very playable though, so there are lots of resources.

Edit: It was originally for Zdoom, but although it's designed for classic gameplay, no mouse look, jumping, crouching, it will be for Boom now.

Turn volume on!

** Oh, it contains some explicit lyrics, so, if you're not old enough, turn music off :P


Edited by Darch

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I was hoping for something to do with the graphic novel, but this looks pretty damn slick either way. Digging the first screenshot. :)

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A musical? Okay, why not. Music track of Whitemare MAP32 also had lyrics, and it was interesting (though the particular map played oddly). Here in Preacher, the track was quite well complementing the map. I didn't like how the one guy was screaming "Haleluja!" in an ear-tearing way, no offense of course, otherwise it worked for me.

Slaughtermapping? That's not really my thing, at all. However, your slaughtermaps are apparently balanced even for non-expert players. I know that you don't make unfairly punishing maps. I appreciate it (typical slaughterplayers maybe won't). I'd call it that you're popularizing the genre (I mean, slaughtermaps) by making this unique wad.

Monsters, but also ammo, health and even more health were lying all over the place... I don't dare to complain, since I was able to complete the map without dying! Which is either a miracle, or the map is balanced very generously but also cleverly, because I felt punished as well. I had to resign on killing everything, and towards the end I pretty much just ran past every enemy. Otherwise I wouldn't probably succeed soon, or at all. Normally I would blame the map design (along with my own player's skill) - but I'm still satisfied by being able to finish the map. And considering the obscurity of this wad (the thing with the "musical"), I'm inclined to overlook the strange balance, and just be glad for the game. ;)

This definitely appeals me like an interesting obscure project. The maps might even have a replay value for a low-skilled player who wants to moderately challenge himself. I'm curious how you will continue with the concept and how it will eventually turn out, anyway good luck.

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Obsidian said:

I was hoping for something to do with the graphic novel, but this looks pretty damn slick either way. Digging the first screenshot. :)

Thanks Obsidian! I never read this novel, but I think I've stolen its logo; might change it in the future. And yeah, that sky Skillsaw made is really beautiful ;)

scifista42 said:

I didn't like how the one guy was screaming "Haleluja!" in an ear-tearing way, no offense of course, otherwise it worked for me.

Heh yeah, this music style is kind of weird, if you don't like the music, you probably won't like the wad.

scifista42 said:

I was able to complete the map without dying! Which is either a miracle, or the map is balanced very generously but also cleverly, because I felt punished as well. I had to resign on killing everything

That's the idea, keep you running. You don't have the comfort of cleaning one room, moving to the next, cleaning it, and so on, but also you don't have to dodge 1000 projectiles at the same time without resources to survive. Maybe I shouldn't have used the term "slaughtermap", as it delivers the idea of insanely hard gameplay. That's not the case here, but since it has 200+ monsters in a relatively small map, I think it qualifies as one :). Besides, that's just the first map, I wanted to have room to increase difficulty in the next ones without going nuts.

scifista42 said:

I'm curious how you will continue with the concept and how it will eventually turn out, anyway good luck.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback, scifista!

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Obsidian said:

I was hoping for something to do with the graphic novel, but this looks pretty damn slick either way. Digging the first screenshot. :)

Exactly my experience of this thread. :D

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Gave it a go. And even recorded a silly FDA in zdoom 2.7.1 for whatever reason, here it is if you don't mind some retarded playing:
Well, this was pretty fun actually, and nice-looking as well, but so far it's hard to judge what would it be with more maps. Noticed issues - exit switch has poor horizontal alignment and missing texture on the left.
So, make more and we'll see how it turns out. Hellalujah.

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Thanks for the motivation, guys!

Demonologist said:


Woah, an FDA! Great, I thought it was a privilege of Boom mappers only. I considered converting this to PRBoom+ since it's the intended gameplay, but didn't feel like resizing all floors to 64x64, changing switches and etc. But maybe its worth the work. Judging by your demo, I think I will add more monsters on UV. Thank you!!

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Another FDA, also ZDoom 2.7.1

I assumed you would change the MAPINFO to disable freelook, jumping, etc., but I was able to do those things, so I just went with it. Didn't make too much difference apart from sniping some lost souls. I even jumped twice, but one was just to see if there was a caco hiding beyond the wall, and the other was just for fun at the end :p

Nice map! But I think it's maybe not as chaotic as you were going for. I did die once to an arachnotron at the start. But once I cleared out the central courtyard, it was not too hard, as the fights were kept to one direction only. I ended up having enough leftover powerups to exit with 200/200, and I wilfully wasted at least one megasphere, so I think that's a sign that you could afford to beef up the enemy count some.

Anyhow it's a great concept, and I like the aesthetic choices you've made quite a bit. Hallelujah indeed!

edit: Rewatching my demo, one thing that would change the gameplay considerably is significantly reducing the supplies in the centre of the map, making players to explore earlier to get enough ammo and health. Don't know if it would work or not but it would certainly force the player to go out into the chaos instead of hanging out in the middle and carving out a safe zone.

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@ Darch: No problem. ZDoom is actually the only thing that bugs me here since I see no real reason for using it instead of more 'traditional' engines other than being lazy with flats/textures. So, transition to Boom format would be very welcome from my side, if you care about my useless opinions.

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Your opinion seems to be shared by most players here, people seem to use Boom a lot. I started mapping for ZDoom, so its a bit hard to get used to platform / door limitations, and floor texturing. Converting the map seems harder then starting it with boom already, actually. But since I'm not using any major ZDoom feature, I'm still considering converting it before I start map02.

plums said:



plums said:

I think it's maybe not as chaotic as you were going for.

After watching yours and demonologist's FDAs, I think I failed to achieve the pace this map was supposed to have. As you suggested, I reduced a bit the resources at the first room, but if I reduce too much, I get too many deaths right at the start, which is frustrating. But I moved some power ups, so they're not so close to the first room, and added some monsters on UV. It's a bit harder, but it's still possible to "clean" the first room, which shouldn't happen. I considered moving most ammo away from the first room, but I don't know how frustrating it can be to find yourself with a pistol against a horde right out of the gate. I think I'll use the excuse that it's just the first map ;) Thank you for the FDA and feedback!

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Tx grouchebag! Here goes one more map!

This map went nothing like planned, the original idea of "running from 111 pinkies" lasted very little, and ended at a structure that was no photogenic at all, so I made another video, instead of taking screenshots. This is my first abstract map, btw. Maybe its even too abstract, I don't know. I took the liberty of using lights and shadows without placing any light sources, and the map moves by itself. Hopefully the gameplay will be chaotic this time.

Here's the video:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hm, this slipped by me earlier. Just played MAP02 now. Fun stuff again. Here's a ZDoom 2.7.1 FDA: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/attachment.php?postid=1284488

I almost beat it by fighting things, after a few tries, but then die to being dumb against revenants. So from that point I just try to rush to get all the keys and exit, which is also quite fun, and I do succeed eventually. Playing in ZDoom, allowing things over things, definitely helps - I ride on top of a sea pinkies at least once.

The only place I'm not really sure about in this map is the chainsaw cavern, it's such an easy spot to sit and camp and saw a few pinkies at a time. Seems counter to the chaos everywhere else.

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Hey, thanks for the fda plums!! I see what you meant about that chainsaw place, I'll make the pinkies able to get there somehow, and maybe open the entire wall to the yellow key room.

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  • 5 months later...

So, one more map for this project. This will no longer be a Zdoom project, since it is not using any major feature and asking players to configure Zdoom exactly like Boom because I'm lazy probably wouldn't work. So here it goes, my first attempt at Boom mapping:

* tested with PRBoom+, I can't even run Boom yet.

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Nice! Here's an FDA for ya.
Didn't like map02 in zdoom edition much to be honest, seemed to be quite messy for me, both gameplay-wise and in terms of appearance. This one is nice though, again with an interesting style. A bit too curvy for my taste perhaps, but heh, who am I to judge with my rectangular rooms syndrome. Still nice-looking.
Seems to be finely balanced and crafted, too. Getting ssg so late was more like my fault, eyes in the ass and all that. Nothing I'd like to really complain about, there are some possible instances of getting blocked by infinitely tall monsters below with layout like that, but none of those cases seems to be too severe. Teleporters in red key room were pretty awkward though, leaving one rev in front and teleporting one behind was enough I think, no need for additional teleporters that take whole company hell knows where. Also, mastermind is quite inefficient as its movement is severely restricted, I guess adjacent areas could be expanded a bit, so that it could wander the whole plateau if left alive.
Still, as I said - nice map, will be waiting for more.

P.S. Almost laughed my ass out on faith bonus, green bible and Jesus sphere. Oh dear god in heaven... Genius! And all these "Hallelujah!" screams in bgm immediately reminded me about this song, just like the last time you used it in zdoom version. Nice.

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Here is FDA by me as well. This is a sympathetic kind of slaughtermap for me, I can actually beat it with ease. Really impressive architecture, the semi-realism itself does wonders - you're a great author of semi-realistic maps! The layout is also comfortable to move around and relatively intuitive, ammo and health seemed well balanced... I liked the map. The new sprites for some guns and pickups were a nice touch. :)

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Thanks for the feedback guys! Here's some fixes based on your fdas, if someone still wanna check it out:
I'm keeping the older link so the fdas are still watchable.

There are really minor changes, just expanded some places were movement was a bit restricted, including freeing the mastermind around the plateau. I didn't notice that a column added later blocked her previous right to come and go. Also added some block monster lines where monsters could scratch players from 200 ft below. And fixed the hud unaligned ammo.

I kept the SSG a bit hidden, I wanted players to use all weapons and the SSG kind of steals the show. Judging by your fdas, I think I succeeded in that :) Also kept the crazy teleporters... in Demonologist's case, everybody teleported away and it was a bit awkward, but it's not always like that; there are some random events that I want to keep because... hm I tend to replay my stuff a lot, and I want every run to be different. I think you guys didn't noticed the main gimmick of this map, which will carry through the entire set :)

Something I forgot to ask, does anybody know where are the Epic 2 rocket launcher sprites from? It's not clear in the credits.

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Haven't had time to check this out yet, but I do happen to know that Epic 2's RL sprites are nicked (and somewhat questionably palettized) from another FPS called "Powerslave", or "Exhumed" in the UK (and maybe other parts of Europe?). In that game, they were used for a flamethrower weapon.

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  • 1 month later...

Eh, you could've told that the new map is map01, I launched 02 and thought to myself, wtf, hadn't I been here already?

Wasn't sold on this new one tbh, weird gameplay and equally weird visuals, kinda reminiscent of that chessboard-like level from American McGee's Alice, but sadly not that convincing. Didn't feel like persisting 'til the end, sorry, not really my style.
I guess scif will have something more useful to say this time around. Right, scif?

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Did this launch means you were recording a fda? ;) I'd like to watch it, even if you didn't finish.

Indeed this level was based on Alice's "Pale Realm". And its on slot 01 (oops). I'll place all new maps there because I remember in my last project, I'd post a new map, for example MAP05, and then get feedback like "played it until MAP03. cool".

Anyways, tx for playing, feedback is always welcome, specially critics, so I can improve. If you want to say some things that discouraged you from playing it, I'd like to hear. I also felt the other map was better, but don't know exactly why.

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I started recording indeed, but upon feeling that the map I'm playing isn't what I like - I just stopped and deleted the demo, sorry for that.
Things that discouraged me... well, from the beginning it seemed largely like hitscanner galore without any adequate weaponry in the vicinity, small chunks of health, ammo and armor (mostly armor) scattered throughout and a definite amount of meaty monsters (spectres, cacos, arachs) in crucial spots that aren't going down that fast with shotgun fire alone. Felt pretty tedious to be honest, the previous map offered more multilayered opposition, yet at the same time it also offered weapons located nearby and lots of "panic escape" routes that worked much better in such a vertically stretched-out layout. This map seems to lack that feature, as it's more plain and in-your-face in its nature, and it kinda speaks against it. There are ways to make cool chaotic maps without overwhelming hordes that force player to move all the time (kssht.wad is one example off the top of my head), yet in here I was mostly eating bullets, trying to get some health to compensate, then eating some more bullets, until eventually bumping into another annoying meat party that I refused to shotgun to death. Hopefully you can make any sense of all this...

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Here is my FDA - I warn you: It's long. By the way, it sucks that the map has neither a name, nor a fixed mapslot.

This is just my personal preference, but I didn't like the grayscale art style and usage of almost-solid-color textures among detailed textures, it reminded me of didi's Bauhaus in a bad way. I prefer colours. Level structure also reminded me of Bauhaus, this time in a good way. I REALLY liked the overall interconnection. Along with the realistic-like architecture (which you're so good at), the resulting structure was completely awesome.

Gameplay was slow paced, actually. Typically Darch style. Not a slaughtermap style, which tries to punish the player, lets the monsters chase him down and don't give him a rest anywhere and anytime. I'm comfortable with it, as I'm no slaughterplayer. I can see why Demonologist isn't. I had a good time with the map. On my 2nd attempt, I've managed to get past the high-HP monsters until I got a powerful weapon, it became easy from that point on, all I needed was to keep paying attention. Searching for secrets was fun too. Watch the very end of my FDA, I've reached the 5th secret using SR40 with a run-up, was it the intended way?

The pentagram teleporter which teleports you to a random place in the map was a nice and well done idea. Last thing to say, I like all the custom resources, they're fancy, well thematically fitting and original (maybe not 100%, but you know what I mean).

Good job! :)

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I very like your wad. Maps look cool with grayscale textures and realistic-like architecture. Gameplay little hard for the first levels.
I played Preacher with Trailblazer.

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Tx for the feedback!

I see Demonologist's point... this problem was even worse when I started populating the map, I had to remove lots of shotgunners and chaingunners, apparently not enough... there's also a chance that he spawned in a bad starting point, this map has too many starts, some less balanced then others... guess I'll make less starting points, so all of them can be balanced properly, like the previous map.

About that secret, Scifista, you don't need that strafewalk, there's a much easier entrance at the other side. That was supposed to be the exit of that area. Btw you didn't need all that juggle to get the blue key, either. There's a switch nearby that uppers a sector that acts like a bridge.

I was waiting till somebody mentioned the random starts, this will carry along all the mapset. I love how people have different experiences in the same map, Scifista had a slow paced one, I watched a friend getting SSG right away and having a fast paced play, and demonologist just hated everything. heh guess I'll try to change the hateful parts, at least.

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