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DOOM Lives! Teaser trailer inside.


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Patrol1985 said:

A NEW approach for demons to be merged with mechanical parts?...

... you did play DOOM and DOOM II for more than 5 minutes right? ;)

I did play D1-2, but there was nothing in the game that show it, for me they just are like this since they were in hell.

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Kaskaum said:

I did play D1-2, but there was nothing in the game that show it, for me they just are like this since they were in hell.

Mancubus had two flamethrowers instead of arms. Cyberdemon had a rocket launcher. Revenant had two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Spiderdemon and Arachnotron were also technologically enhanced.

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Patrol1985 said:

Mancubus had two flamethrowers instead of arms. Cyberdemon had a rocket launcher. Revenant had two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Spiderdemon and Arachnotron were also technologically enhanced.

But in icon of sin level, it brings demons from hell all the time, the ones with guns like mancubus and arachnotron even recently teleported from hell to earth by icon of sin, have already guns.

So it means they already have guns, by their on nature, in hell.

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It doesn't look big and fearsome as a Cyberdemon. I think it's a kind of Baron of Hell, like the Cyber Baron. Maybe they have changed the design to make all monsters cyborgs with laz0r cannon arms instead being able to materialize magic fireballs out of the air?

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Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

It doesn't look big and fearsome as a Cyberdemon. I think it's a kind of Baron of Hell, like the Cyber Baron. Maybe they have changed the design to make all monsters cyborgs with laz0r cannon arms instead being able to materialize magic fireballs out of the air?

For me it looks the same size as D1-2 Cyberdemon(maybe even bigger). yes they are very small compared to the giant cyberdemon in D3(yes it was meant to be the final boss, not like D1-2, considered normal monsters by having more than 1 cyber in the game).


The reason they showed the Cyberdemon in the first trailer is, maybe, because there are new and more menacing monsters than the Cyber in this new Doom.

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Stygian said:

Holy fucking dick nipples.

It's a Doom 2 remake.

I think it's a reboot, but they could simply make a Doom on earth game. Just have a different nameless avatar and some brief back story of UAC experiments told through second hand encounters.

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But his head looks nothing like a Cyberdemon, specially the Horns. The first thing with similar design that comes into my mind is the Doom 64 Mancubus.

About the size, well, if there is going to be some bigger guys that will dethrone the Cyberdemon's place as the most powerful enemy, I'm ok with it.

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Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

But his head looks nothing like a Cyberdemon, specially the Horns. The first thing with similar design that comes into my mind is the Doom 64 Mancubus.

About the size, well, if there is going to be some bigger guys that will dethrone the Cyberdemon's place as the most powerful enemy, I'm ok with it.

Expect to see very different designs for all monsters, but at least, it looks much better than D3 design.

This cyberdemon looks to be inspired is some cool deviant artworks.

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Technician said:

Awesome! I can't wait to be disappointed!

What's the over/under on the timeframe this forum will take to realize how bad a game it really is after release? Doom 3 didn't take more than a 2 or 3 years, but SS and painkiller were decade long holdouts.

I have confidence as the general air cynicism kinda holds at much higher levels than in years past. Thus I'm placing my bets at 6 months.

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Quast said:

What's the over/under on the timeframe this forum will take to realize how bad a game it really is after release? Doom 3 didn't take more than a 2 or 3 years, but SS and painkiller were decade long holdouts.

I have confidence as the general air cynicism kinda holds at much higher levels than in years past. Thus I'm placing my bets at 6 months.

Doom 3 had most of us in denial after it's release. I really wanted that game to be the next Christ and id did a great job hyping it up beyond practicality.

I honestly don't have any expectations for this game at all. I'm not even going to pre-order it. Unless it's an actual stellar game, I'll wait until it's on the shelves before I think about buying it.

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I'm glad they're actually making the demons resemble the classic designs this time around instead of grey blob-men. The game itself could go many ways; good, bad, alright.

We shall soon see...

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Jaxxoon R said:

I'm glad they're actually making the demons resemble the classic designs this time around instead of grey blob-men. The game itself could go many ways; good, bad, alright.

We shall soon see...

The new, radical monster designs of Doom 3 was my favorite aspect of the game. I didn't care for the few monsters (rev and Arch) that stuck closely to the original designs.

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I have to admit, for the friggin' FIRST TIME IN THE ENTIRE DOOM 4 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, I'm hyped. It looks good. It looks like friggin' Doom - no Birdman crap here (no offense to Birdman fans, just that thing didn't do anything for me personally). It's another retelling, though, apparently, which... I dunno, I guess you gotta have a reason to set it on Mars. I just... this would be the third retelling, and each one keeps getting worse in my opinion. Doom 3 was kinda ridiculous with the whole Betruger nonsense, and then there was the movie with evil chromosomes (and yes, I'm counting the movie in the context of retellings). But yeah - I think it's a good call opening with the Cyberdemon, given how goddamn iconic it is - and really shows "Yeah, this is friggin' Doom people!"

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Patrol1985 said:

Wolfenstein's recommended requirements include a Geforce GTX 460, which receives 2664 points in one benchmark.

Key word being "recommended".
I hope you aren't one of those spergs who think the watermark for video cards is the ability to play a brand new game at 1080p on high settings and everything else is shit.

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Bucket said:

Key word being "recommended".
I hope you aren't one of those spergs who think the watermark for video cards is the ability to play a brand new game at 1080p on high settings and everything else is shit.

Far from it. I'm just wondering myself if such a significant difference in benchmark results doesn't disqualify Intel HD even from "minimum requirements". Bear in mind that Doom 4 is still in development and I assume we won't see it earlier than in one year and those games keep requiring more with time.

Rage and the new Wolfenstein use the same engine, but there is quite a difference in each game's system requirements.

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They better not fuck this up because if it is, it is the last straw for Bethesda and id.

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I kind of doubt it will be anyone's last straw. A metric fuck-ton of people are going to purchase this game based on pure brand-recognition. And many people are going to rediscover the old games, buy the entire collection for $10 and pay homage to the great big lineage of Doomers. They have so much word-of-mouth advertising working in their favor and their fan base is enduring, not to mention all the people who have played Doom and will want to introduce their offspring to it out of sheer nostalgia.

I would be willing to bet this game will make them way more money than Rage ever did.

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I like what I'm seeing. Yes, the classic sounds are a cheap gimmick. But that cyberthing, whatever it is, shows a much more mature and intense artistic direction than Doom 3. I'm debating whether or not the footage is prerendered. Some of the E3 footage from recently looks noticeably more refined than the last gen consoles, so there's reason to believe this is realtime. Id clearly wants to maintain a position on the importance of dramatic light and shadow, seeing as Doom, Quake and Doom 3's engines all emphasized those elements heavily.

It's clearly supposed to be on Mars, what with the "Aliens"-esque interiors and the fact that it's called "Doom" instead of "Doom 4." That's just a bit disappointing to me. I think Mars has been explored enough, so much that it would not be a violation of Doom's "essence" to choose a new location.

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No actual gameplay footage, just some Cyberdemon closeups and someone talking. You'd think if they had something to show - like levels for example - they would have included it in the trailer. So this doesn't look encouraging.

If that sounds harsh, remember that it's six years since development of Doom 4 was first announced, and three years since development was abandoned and completely restarted. After all that time this is all they have to show. At the same time we see rumours from former employees about internal problems while a bunch of high-profile old time Id employees have quit.

The classic door sound was a cute touch I guess, but it struck me as maybe a desperate move to try to appeal to older gamers. Something notable in what's otherwise a pretty dull, empty trailer.

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GoatLord said:

I'm debating whether or not the footage is prerendered. Some of the E3 footage from recently looks noticeably more refined than the last gen consoles, so there's reason to believe this is realtime.

In this industry, you really think anyone sizable enough is going to advertise honestly? I find it highly unlike that this teaser isn't prerendered. And E3 is meaningless. Remember Watch Dogs? Remember Forza Motorsport 5? Even if something is rendered in real-time, it's likely on a super-beefy machine that won't reflect how it will look on the consoles. And lazy developers tend to bring their multiplats down to the lowest common denominator for the release version. And id has proven themselves to be an exceptionally lazy developer in the past 3 years.

Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Maybe they have changed the design to make all monsters cyborgs with laz0r cannon arms instead being able to materialize magic fireballs out of the air?

If they do that, I will be pissed. It is just as blasphemous as the "evil chromosome" thing the movie pulled. I don't care about twisting Doom into something closer to scientific plausibility, it's fiction about demons and Hell. Just play it straight, the audience's experience will not be ruined by lack of believability, if anything, the opposite is true. Chances are, id isn't that stupid and will just play it straight.

The only thing that id could do worse than the above is if they take inspiration from Brutal Doom in any way.

Mike.Reiner said:

It serves two clear purposes to me.

1. As you noted, get people excited for a new Doom game (results may vary, like in your case)

2. Officially announce that more will be shown at QuakeCon.

Doesn't seem meaningless to me.

It is no different than practically every other teaser trailer in existence. Just a tease.

True, but it might not have been so different if they simply put out a press release stating that they'd do a true reveal at Quakecon. (Barely) showing one monster and flashing a logo doesn't tell us much at all. We already know the project exists, we already know that they're going in a completely new direction. Still, I suppose a little audio-visual stimulation might get people talking more than just a short text blurb on a screen.

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Cool teaser...the classic sound effect was a nice touch. I wonder how much of a "reboot" this will be...the same UAC-experiments-gone-wrong story? I hope it doesn't have some silly stereotypical evil guy like DOOM 3 did.

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It seems the teaser is in-engine made, I hope the actual game gets closer to this visual(PC version).

After seeing the in-game engine trailer of Uncharted 4(Naughty dog always deliver its games with graphics as close as possible to the cutscenes(which run in real time, not CGI). Since Uncharted 2 they have never disappointed their fans. I hope ID can be as awesome as Naughty Dog.


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Quast said:

What's the over/under on the timeframe this forum will take to realize how bad a game it really is after release? Doom 3 didn't take more than a 2 or 3 years, but SS and painkiller were decade long holdouts.

Hey, I still use Doom 3 as a positive example in game design conversations. Sometimes it's the negative example, but usually not! Completely ignoring the expectations that come with the brand, it's a solid shooter with challenging but intuitive gameplay, well-constructed levels and a lot of visual variety.

I like games but I never play them new. I'll see if I can pick this up for cheap a year after it comes out.

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