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Concept sprite for a lever-action shotgun


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So I got this thing so far.

Before I go any further, I'd like it if I could get some feedback on the design and more importantly, the style. I'm absolutely aware that there's just something off about the sprite but I can't quite put my finger on what. I'm posting this in case you guys have any idea what that would be that I'm missing.

edit: I literally just remembered that lever-action shotguns don't have an ejection port. You never saw anything!

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The thing that looks the most "off" about this sprite is the direction of lighting. Most Doom weapons have the lighting coming from the upper-left side of the gun; this one is lit from the other direction, which makes it look inconsistent with a very large chunk of existing graphics (especially Freedoom's current pistol).

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Very duly noted. It instantly looked less weird when I flipped it.

I'd really appreciate it if any comments regarding the design could be made now before any more sprites are made, so that I won't have to reproduce any changes several times over.

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Guest Unregistered account

Certainly looks way better than the current cartoony, unsatisfying-feeling one. Let's hope, if this gets in, that the sound will be updated too.

Good work! :D

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Looks better than the current one we have.
However the pickup sprite looks a bit strange and i mean the buttstock.
Could use some improvement, don't you think?
Just sayin'.

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^ Might do.

Right, so I've had a day half-spent spriting and this is what I've got to show for it so far.

I've made a wad of it and nothing seemed to tear out my eyes in motion. The edges on C and D are way jagged because it was 2AM and I couldn't be arsed. If nobody's got any comment, I'll work out the jagged edges and work on palettising it once I've had a night's sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long night, that was. Had a hard time finding a moment between the SGDQ and the comic pages I weekly force out of myself. Here's the stuff tweaked and paletted.

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