NuMetalManiak Posted July 10, 2014 looks like i got one keyboarder aroused, we'll see if SteveD can actually finish it this time. also i didn't use SLIGE. i just drew inspiration from a certain community project inspired by SLIGE. @Demon of the Well and dobu: having seen joe's first map in this project, it isn't that good, but having playtested two of his NOVA II submissions, one of which I found to actually be very good (Brick Trick Break or something), I can see joe-ilya improving as well. let's hope he does! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phil1984 Posted July 10, 2014 Map10 - “Sligeneous” by Getsu Fune UV pistol start on pr-boom+ Deaths - Too Many / Kills - 100% / Secrets - 100% So as I said earlier, this is my favorite map of the set so far. I just loved the open-nature of this map where all paths are open to you from the start. I died many times before I finally found a route that allowed me to not only survive, but thrive as I pummeled the minions that had given me so much trouble. I really enjoy that kind of challenge. It's a puzzle in monster form. And while Map 06 often left me frustrated when I died as yet another shotgun blast hit me while I was running about in the open, here the game-play felt much more fair. The ammo was constantly tight, the battles required good use of the structures around you, but if I died, it was because I did something wrong, and not because the games RNG decided to screw me over. The architecture was pretty bizarre looking I'll grant it that, but it served its purpose in creating the game-play better. There were many different ways I could approach a room and kill the demons in the middle of it thanks to the way the rooms were set-up and the interconnectedness of it all. So not the best looking of the set so far, but certainly the most fun i've had. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Solarn Posted July 10, 2014 MAP10, "Sligenous" by Getsu Fune. Played in prBoom+. I didn't like this map. It was confusing, there was no indication that the switches in all the side areas actually did anything and I found the ammo way too sparse for the amount of monsters in each area. I was also not a fan of the map design, too many tight corridors and weirdly vertical areas where you couldn't target the monsters at the top/bottom but they could target you just fine. There were also more teleporting monster traps than in any other map before, which really frustrated me. Overall, the map wasn't absolutely terrible, but I wouldn't want to play it again. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted July 10, 2014 MAP10 The way how everything is connected is wonderful, but if it weren't with the secrets. The map would have been impossible to beat, I managed to run with the plasma gun in this map and I used it on strong monsters, I really don't know what would I do without it? I can't just saw through barons and mancubuses, but at least I found the berserk pack, it helped alot. This map needs more health and ammo, because the secrets are mandatory if you wanna beat this level with a maximum kills. I also managed to push the caged switch from outside of the cage. 4/5 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 10, 2014 Map10 - “Sligeneous” by Getsu Fune Well congratulations, you made a map that I gave up trying to play. The sheer number of ways this map annoyed me was enough that I just couldn't be bothered to fight my way to the finish. It looked so horrible that I didn't even want to waste my time god-moding to see the rest of it. Maybe the dodgy dribble-of-ammo-and-no-health gameplay could have been acceptable if the visuals were cool, but they were awful. The pity is that it was kind of promising in some ways, the fact that you could choose from a lot of different paths was cool, but every way you can choose ends up with a whole load of monsters ripping you to shreds while you continually run out of bullets. A few stimpacks are dotted around, but hardly enough to counter the damage you will take. There is a medkit out of reach on an annoying shelf for some reason, instantly appearing chaingunners, a switch whose only immediate purpose seems to be to summon a bunch of monsters to kill you, annoying uneven floor, annoying enemies hidden at the bottom of steep drops. I'm assuming the chainsaw was intended to make up for the lack of ammo, but the type and number of monsters plus no health made it useless. And the weird thing is, I don't even think more ammo and health would have helped, because the challenge is the only thing to distract you from the exceptionally ugly visuals. A strong contender for least favourite map of the wad for me. Man I never thought I'd be saying that after map 04. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Breezeep Posted July 10, 2014 I think you guys are getting closer to my map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demonologist Posted July 10, 2014 Map10 - “Sligeneous” by Getsu Fune Seems like mouldy felt a little bit of my everlasting disgust towards everything. First, this map makes my eyes bleed with its appearance that I don't like at all, I'd go as far as calling these visuals oldschool to the bone, mid-90s style (that's an insult from me). Second, it's gameplay that causes bleeding as well, but on poor marine controlled by the player. I can say only one thing: if you want to annoy me - make your map extremely tightly balanced, and here you are, I'm cursing your name and spitting in your disgusting face. Challenge based on insufficient supplies is the worst fucking thing ever, fuck it for all eternity and burn everyone responsible. And yes, finishing this map without getting at least some of the secrets would be a fucking chore not worth time that could be potentially spent on it. So, while I appreciate the nonlinearity and interconnectivity - it fails crushingly in both aesthetics and gameplay. Annoying above all, up there with Obsidian's stuff. Fuck. What I do like, however, is the music track. Nice piece. Still, it's not enough to redeem this map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Marcaek Posted July 10, 2014 Wow, you're really being a mad asshole. It's one thing to hate a map but man you are really making it personal. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 10, 2014 yeah i agree, that was something even Tarnsman wouldn't pull off. that wasn't even critical like what mouldy or Demon did. I know my map seems to be the most controversial (mine and Obsidian's, it looks like) in how there's almost an equality between love and hate for it, but that was just fucked up, man. I don't have any bad blood for mouldy though, at least he tried to be helpful to me when I need it. also just to let some people know, TheMionicDonut is holding off on idgames release until this wad gets played through by DWMC, so this means I do have time to fix up some things when necessary. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phil1984 Posted July 10, 2014 I also really enjoyed Obsidian's map, so word to wise map makers, if you want your map to be loved by the community as a whole do NOT get me to play-test it it seems! But yeah, there is a difference between being honest in your views (a good thing, imo) and being a dick about them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demonologist Posted July 10, 2014 "You" stands for abstract "you", not Getsu Fune or someone else, so no need to take it personally. I apologise if I was understood incorrectly, the map and the mapper's identity are of little correlation for me in general. But - I'm not letting something like kindness hold my hand that is about to unleash the compulsory anger at someone's creation when I feel the need to do so. Dub me whatever you feel like, but keep in mind that I'm not here for personal vendettas. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 10, 2014 Map10 - “Sligeneous” by Getsu Fune Oh deary me, lets just get this over with and say this is the worst map I've played since playing Joe Ilya's first attempt of making map20 for D2INO. The obvious standout here is the complete lack of any plan or idea for this map, as you can see with the hap-hazard layout and texturing which is all over the place. It's just a load of rooms cobbled together with no real sense of progression. So in all the layout is just a jumbled mess rather than a true non linear map. Also the use of height variation is a real issue here, again it's all over the shot. So layout and design sorted, one last thing here, those blocking hanging bodies, they killed me half a dozen times. Thanks :/ Gameplay, again real issues here, the ammo is ok I guess, but the health is way too little. The monsters placement again is not very good, this made worse by the layout of the map and the room design. I think that is all. I don't know what to suggest here for improvements apart from start again. I know you can make some decent stuff, your Nova stuff wasn't bad at all. Just take your time and come up with an idea instead of simply swamping the 2048X2048 with random stuff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 10, 2014 Map10 - Sligenous by Getsu Fune - Kills - 105, Items - 93, Secret - 40. Death Count - 16 Getsu Fune said:we'll see if SteveD can actually finish it this time. Yes, one never knows where The Ancient Doomer, who's prowled this world since swamp creatures ruled, will finally meet his end. Here, perhaps? As if!!!!! ;D And yes, folks, we seem to have yet another polarizing map. And what of this map? Well, as I said in my original comments during playtesting, it reminds me a bit of the style of maps found in the Amiga-platform's Doom clone Alien Breed 3D. Getsu at the time said he had no idea what I was talking about, but had he simply followed the link provided to a complete playthrough of this game, he would have beheld the wonders of a Doom-alike with deep water, freelook, and even an over-and-under 3D engine, created by 3 or 4 communists in a rabbit-hutch in London, so take that, id losers! ;D But apart from these miracles of modern science, the briefest look at this game would reveal the staggering truth that its textures are hideous and the map layouts are bizarre beyond belief. Actually, Getsu's map is much more attractive and logically laid out. So score one for Getsu. I have to say that I was ultimately won-over by this map. Yes, the ugly tech textures of Eternal Doom look grainy and rotten, and yes, that bit with the ultra-steep stairs guarded below by Sergeants was super-cheap. And, well, the Revvies popping out of the wall is a terrible gimmick, but hey, it was in the IWAD, too, and in this case you get a Plasma Gun, so fair enough. And, let's see, the monsters popping out of solid floors is a pet peeve of mine, but is rather widespread in the community, and hey, I was doing this all the way back in '97 (Elfstomp!), so who the fuck am I to talk? I didn't think this map was overly short on resources. It was tight in places, especially with health, but not short in the sense of being insufficient. I finished with 75 bullets, 47 shells, and 104 plasma cells – quite an arsenal, especially for a keyboarder who misses a lot, especially when he panics. ;D Had I taken the path to the wall-popping Revvies immediately, I'd have had far fewer deaths, though I did have an opportunity to engage in fun experiments, such as – Question: What happens if I try to chainsaw this Mancubus? Answer: I die. Most of my deaths occurred in the early part of the game. I probably died 5 times taking that lift down to Mancubus Hall because I decided to be stubborn. I also got wiped in the exit room by that combo of Hell Knight, Caco, ground-based Sergeants, elevated sniping Sergeant, Imps, and Lost Souls from above and below. Yeesh, that was hard! But once that area was conquered, I had relatively little trouble. That irksome steep staircase guarded below by Sergeants caused me much save-scumming grief, and when the PE came down that hallway, it spelled disaster, but thanks to the interconnections, I went back to Mancubus Hall and rode a lift down that allowed me to fight the PE first, then go down the hall and kill the Sergeants, afterwhich I was able to door-camp that troublesome room just below the exit, killing the Hell Knight, Lost Souls, and Revvies sequentially. It was easy enough to be a bit tedious, frankly, and considering DoTW's question about whether a mapper or a player is responsible for cautious door-camping, I'll say that in this map I did a lot of save-scumming, trying to win fights without taking a hit, because while the ammo was sufficient, the health was scarce, and I'm just not skillful enough to play hellbent-for-leather in that kind of situation. So in my view, for my playing ability, it's really a confluence of factors that led to some cautious play. I can't really blame anyone, it is what it is. But thanks to my save-scumming, I was also able to play aggressively, especially once I realized I was over the hump. Because I played with Risen3D, I had no monster/secret counter, but I could feel the end approaching, and knew I had enough health and a well-loaded PG -- I found that secret! -- so I was gonna fucking win! I knew I was unstoppable at that point, and it was kind of a cool feeling. I think it was the possibility of strategic play – never a strong point of mine – that made this map fun for me. By figuring out better ways of attacking situations, I felt a sense of triumph and accomplishment which, in my view, outweighed the tedious door-camping. I exited this map several times, first running for it because I didn't want to tangle with Archie, but then I said to myself, “That's bullshit! What would DoTW say?” So I opened a save and killed Archibald McJagoff, and then went back and assassinated the Hell Knights I left prowling the lower corridors, finally achieving victory with 41% health and 43% armor. So good show, Getsu Fune. I had fun. Can't wait to see what you do when you're trying to make an attractive map rather than emulate Slige. ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 10, 2014 Forgot to mention, I also liked the MOD track in Getsu's map. Very good! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phil1984 Posted July 10, 2014 Long Live Terminal Velocity 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Magnusblitz Posted July 10, 2014 MAP10: Sligenous by Getsu Fine 100% kills, 3/5 secrets If the point of this map was to demonstrate how butt-ugly the extra textures are, it succeeded. Gameplay is interesting. As Memfis says, the challenge comes from the very lacking amount of ammo, pushing the player into the next rooms to find some only to find more monsters. I admit that I missed the relatively early chainsaw and SSG because of the path I took, but I don't think it would've made much difference. I was very reliant on the plasma gun secret(s) and the berserk pack ... not sure how doable the map is without any secrets. The instant pop-up monsters is a big negative for me. I also think the "hit the switches to exit the map" needed better telegraphing, probably by at least using the same switch picture for all of them. As it is, it just feels like hitting random switches. Overall, I can't say I really like or dislike this map. I appreciate the Tom Hall-esque design of interconnected hallway/room vomit, and the limited ammo makes things interesting. Actually to the point of covering up the absolutely wretched texture use, which didn't bother me as much as it usually does, probably because I was more focused on trying to find ammo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Seele00TextOnly Posted July 10, 2014 Map11 - “Escape” by Jaws in Space I kind of like the sparce grey texturing and rocky intricate landscape here. Not always cramped or open, usually some mixture of the two which felt interesting. Surprised to see an Archvile so early, I flee around the corner to fight my way to a SSG and head back to finish him off. After Chaingun sniping a Revenant I get back to exploring. Find a teleporter and wow does this put one in the thick of things. Took a few tries to figure out what on earth I could get away with post-teleport. Take out the Arachnotron. Start picking off the Revenants, proceed to plow my way through meat to the Red Key. Repopulation time! I opt to dive down and take the teleport back up, hoping for some infighting. Past the Red Bars I get shot to shit by hitscanners but manage to survive. Clear out everything that had ported in and dart up some stairs to find popup Revs. Avoiding the Blue Key I dart over the side to get the solitary Secret of the map, a Rocketlauncher. Starting to definitely feel the health crunch of this map. With so many new waves of monsters porting in over and over, a shame no new health is becoming available. Pick up the cells and BFG and finally get the Blue Key. A wall instant lowers revealing an Archie and all sorts of friends, but I figure I can just go for the Exit and do so with no danger. Returning to a previous save though to actually kill everybody, BFG'ing a bunch of the flying guys and Chaingun sniping the remaining PE, followed by cleanup duty. Then it's time to Rocket the Archvile and his Revenant buddies. Bug: An Arachnotron never left its closet; fifth closet down from the top. I'd say this map was a challenging fun time. Could use some closet opening up at some point that has some replenishing health maybe, or just put more past the Red Bars so that would function as the go-to place. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Solarn Posted July 10, 2014 MAP11, "Escape" by Jaws in Space. Played in prBoom+. Now this was a proper canyon map, lightyears better than MAP04. The texturing was a bit drab, but the architecture made up for it. It was a really hard, almost slaughtermap-ish affair, but not in a way that ever felt frustrating or unfair, except for one dickishly placed Vile and its two Revenant cohorts that were nearly impossible to target. The Revenants weren't much of a problem, but avoiding the Vile's flames while I was fighting a horde on the other side of the map got old after a while. It was also a fairly short map, although I probably doubled my play time trying to get every secret. The exit being a space rocket was also a nice touch. Overall, the bullshit Vile prevented this map from being my uncontested favourite so far, but it still ties with Mayhem Town for first place. If this is an omen of things to come, it's a good one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dobu gabu maru Posted July 11, 2014 MAP11: This is one tricky bastard of a map. Jaws did his best here to make the level as chaotic and lethal as possible, pitting you against an AV only a short walk in and then throwing baddies your way non-stop. I enjoyed it more than the previous map, though this one was equally as grueling at times with its traps (I feel like normal warps would’ve worked better than silent ones). Once I got the blue key I got fried by the AV in his massive panopticon which I thought was really unfair, so I just gave him the bird and ran for the exit. Good map, if not a bit unfairly balanced at times. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted July 11, 2014 Map 11 -- Escape - 102% Kills / 100% Secrets Speaking of mapper improvement, Jaws in Space has certainly come a ways....This little launch site situated in a wind-carved granite ravine is a far cry from that Tom Hall layout plastered in peanut-brittle where I first made his acquaintance. Not the most glamorous thing in the world, this--very grey, and there are some weird alignment issues on different faces of some of the Petersenesque irregular rock formations (very Slough of Despair)--but it's vastly more thematically coherent than the last few maps, and Jaws made much firmer decisions in the gameplay department than any of his previous maps have shown, as well. There are still some rather questionable decisions, as well--for instance, the use of a silent teleporter to beam in monsters to guard the red key right before the player's eyes looks extremely bad--but as far as fundamentals go the map steps up to the plate. Most of the 2048x2048 space has been used to depict the ravine (referring to the building the escape rocket is situated in as a 'base' is probably too generous), although there's a little cave off to one side where the combat shotgun can be acquired. Unless you want to count the key-locked barricades, there are no doors in this map, and the whole thing flows so much better than anything in maps 09 or 10 as result. The launch structure is easily reached via a teleporter pad on the ravine's floor, and from this higher vantage you can leap down to just about anywhere else in the map. The height change isn't just cosmetic, though, you can also hop around on the various rock formations to gather some extra supplies, and it's very much worth doing--the official secret is a rocket launcher that can be reached with a careful jump from the highest point (or, if you're a dullard like me, you can also reach it with SR50 from a lower point), but the real prize is the BFG and two extra cell charges which afford you an extra shot with it. Naturally, monsters spend a great deal of time firing down on you from high vantages early on, and then from across considerable distances later on. There's a lot of monster variety at work, and so there are many different attack types to dodge throughout, with the most problematic element being the arch-vile perched in the large fissure that opens up in one of the ravine's walls when the player goes for the blue key--the distance is not too great for him to use his immolation spell, but it does outdistance Doom's autoaim functionality, and even if it didn't there would still be the issue of the flying tomatoes and....levitating truffles (work with me here) running interference. Now, granted, if you make your way back over to where the red key was you can effectively snipe him to death while enjoying the relative safety of some solid cover from there, but if RNG is unfavorable and he begins his attack as soon as he appears, it's extremely difficult to get away from him without taking a hit even if you know he's there, short of by plunging forward into the waiting arms/maws of the other monsters that appear on the ground level at about the same time (very bad news if infinitely-tall things are in effect). This underscores what I imagine will be most players' main issue with the map: its health balance is extremely tight, but its monster placement is also designed to inflict a variable amount of chip damage largely independent of the average player's actions (short of playing like a turtle, I suppose, which may not even be possible for players not using mouselook). I wouldn't go so far as to say it's disastrously imbalanced or categorically unfair (since you CAN minimize damage fairly effectively once you know the lay of the land), but perhaps there's room for some tweaking before the WAD's final release in the name of smoother flow--replacing a couple of the stimpacks with medikits would probably do the trick, or perhaps replacing the green armor with a blue one. Jaws' style has certainly grown--this is a very reasonable offering, with its own sense of character. Its main fault is perhaps that it's the sort of map that's liable to play very differently depending on one's port/control configuration--mouselook or not, infinitely-tall things or not, etc.--especially in light of its fairly unforgiving balance vis-a-vis taking damage. At the end of the day, though, there's really only so much an author can do about this, I suppose....suffice to say it's very completable in the target port/settings, although a bit of a strict mistress that way. Edit: Oh yes, the Boom HUD informs me (and IDDT confirms) that one of the monsters never leaves its teleport closet--my kill score was the result of arch-vile resurrections. Edit 2: She beat me to it this time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
plums Posted July 11, 2014 Bit of catchup: MAP06 was very fun and quite hard. I don't think it needed too much more health though, once you know how to pace yourself and survive the start without taking too much damage, there's enough to finish the rest of the map. Very good use of space inside the 2048 box, and detail outside it. MAP07 was indeed a gimmicky map, but there was a warning. It wasn't bad, not really memorable apart from the map shape though. MAP08 was good, the interconnectedness helped to make it feel a little bigger than it was. Last fight seemed a bit weak, and the crushers were random and fairly ineffective at doing much of anything. Enjoyable otherwise. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 11, 2014 Map11 - “Escape” by Jaws in Space Again this map could have done with a bit more health as this map can kick your butt pretty quickly here. design and visuals are pretty decent and the gameplay is fine too if a little on the tough side. Maybe the bigger weapons could have been easier to get perhaps as well. It's a decent map though and it's great to see such improvement from your offering in Nova :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phil1984 Posted July 11, 2014 Map11 - “Escape” by Jaws in Space UV pistol start on pr-boom+ Deaths - 3 / Kills - 91% / Secrets - 100% This map could had been significantly improved with 1 of the following 3 things. 1) Up each sectors lighting by 64 or 2) Remove many of the Specters or 3) Add a little more health. I normally play Doom with Gamma off but had to set it too its highest level in this map and even then those damn specters were almost impossible for me to see as they blended into the gray textures particularly well. This left me more frustrated then challenged as specters I just could not see at all nipped my health away. The other frustrating thing for me in this map was the secret + all the platforms you had to leap on to get the cell ammo. It was just an exercise in frustration rather than being genuinely difficult or a puzzle to work out. Now I have the negatives out of the way lets talk about the positives of this map. Firstly this is a chasm map done right and is a relief to see that that is actually possible in the 2048 limit after Map 04's disastrous attempt at it. There is some fast and furious game play, particularly in the upper area that really scratched my itch and the map was constantly repopulating with monsters keeping things interesting right untill the end. The final trap, of the wall disapearing with an Archville/Pain Elements and Reverants hiding up there was also done well although ultimately a little bit pointless as after I expended my BFG and rocket ammo to no avail I simply ran to the exit with no resistance. The trap would had been better off if monsters spawned behind you as well IMO. Also, the whole map (while too dark imo) does a good job at actually resembling a chasm. It looks good! So overall I enjoyed this map but it could had been so much better with just a minor tweak or two in my eyes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Magnusblitz Posted July 11, 2014 MAP11: Escape by Jaws in Space 88% kills, 0/1 secret Demon of the Well said:Speaking of mapper improvement, Jaws in Space has certainly come a ways....This little launch site situated in a wind-carved granite ravine is a far cry from that Tom Hall layout plastered in peanut-brittle where I first made his acquaintance. LOL...not gonna lie, that map always popped in my head as well for awhile whenever I saw Jaws' name. I think it was a bit of a mistake to try and use Alpha doom maps with the Monochrome Mapping guidelines... he's certainly capable of making much better maps, but first impressions and all that, ha. So yes, this map. Pretty decent canyon, with a jump up above to a rocket to escape. The going here can be fairly tough at times, but doesn't feel that unfair - just difficult. For example, there's a good mix of enemies that come in during the red key grab, but there's enough room to maneuver (and the canyon to jump back down into safety) and there's also the ability to cause monster infighting. The canyon texture isn't amazing but it's not bad, and it also makes the spectres a lot more dangerous since they blend into the dark grey. However, like last level, I felt there was too much difficulty caused by lack of ammo. I couldn't figure out how to get the rocket launcher, and by the time it came to open up the red bars I was basically dry. Ended up using my last BFG shot to kill the hitscanners, then had to run around the imps to pick up the shotguns left behind. Certainly didn't have enough to fight the AV and flying pumpkins at the end, but it's a quick run to the escape rocket. Also, the insta-pop (I guess more insta-port) monsters are a big pet peeve of mine... though it worked to some hilarity in this map when I triggered the revenants grabbing the red key, and then triggered the hell knight to appear out of thin air just in time to absorb a revvie rocket for me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
plums Posted July 11, 2014 MAP09: some interesting ideas, weird execution though. Bugs which other people have mentioned. Some things work but on the whole it just feels a bit gimmicky and disjointed. I like the outside views from the pipe tunnels though. MAP10: Visually it's kind of a wreck. Gameplay isn't bad. Music is awesome. I now see why Getsu Fune posted that other thread about texture use... anyhow it was fun, you really need to find some secrets to survive from pistol start though. MAP11: Really liked this one, apart from the silent teleports which I really did not like. If I ignore those, it was good. Surprisingly I did not die on this map, spent a whole lot of time in the bottom of the canyon promoting infighting between the monsters in the higher areas. And then again when more appeared. I didn't figure out how to get the rocket launcher, not sure if it needs an AV jump or I just can't make the SR jump or what. Also it's really nice to see some maps where you get a BFG without instantly needing it, or even having one particular spot where you're expected to use it. One of the reasons I still like Inferno as an episode is that you can find lots of BFGs around, just because they're cool and it's fun to blast away enemies with an overpowered weapon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phil1984 Posted July 11, 2014 You can make the RL jump in Map 11 with an SR-40 jump, it's just bloody hard to do. Made me wish I knew how to SR-50 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted July 11, 2014 MAP11 I found no difficulty to reach the RL, I made it on my first try from the blue key uphill. What a ridicilous map! Started nicely with a zombieman an imp and a demon and all of the sudden I have to battle an AV with a chaingun! This map needs more health because I ended up walking with 30% health on fucking HNTR!! And if you think UV is beatable then you're a complete geek, serioiusly! Who put a tons of cacos on high places and then an AV makes you rush for safety and a hideout. 1/5 Only the detail and the level design are good, that's about it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
plums Posted July 11, 2014 Hah, I just tried it again and got it on the first attempt. Oh well! BTW, I've completely had enough of the extra stuff in retres.wad and have just made a custom version of MAYhem without the statusbar, ugly imp recolour, or any of the sounds, and I plan on using it from here on in. I guess if it's really necessary for any of the maps, I can add in some other dark imps... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 11, 2014 Map11 - “Escape” by Jaws in Space Interesting map, I like the rocky location with the base built into the cliff, works well. Some of the textures looked a bit dodgy, that swirly stone panel one looks a bit out of place for instance, but on the whole it looks good. Gameplay from pistol start involves a lot of scrounging for resources. There is just enough ammo to keep you going up until the end when pain elementals and archvile make things problematic (I didn't manage to get the rocket launcher) but by that time the exit (unmarked, naughty) is available so you can always escape if you want. Health seems very limited, a light dusting of stimpacks in various corners, it was just enough to keep me on low health, which is good for making things tense, but it reached a point where a stray rev missile would kill me, so not much room for error. The enemies weren't especially numerous, and a lot of them were positioned in ways that ended with them killing each other, so that helped. Instant magically appearing monsters won't be to everyone's taste, I'll admit I've used them myself before, but I try to avoid it now as it just looks weird. The disappearing cliff face at the end also looks a bit odd, though its probably the only way to achieve the intended effect so there you go. I could hear an arachnotron outside the map who never materialised, maybe he was connected to the secret I never found. A nice map, great atmosphere and interesting layout. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 11, 2014 plums said:MAP10: Visually it's kind of a wreck. Gameplay isn't bad. Music is awesome. I now see why Getsu Fune posted that other thread about texture use... anyhow it was fun, you really need to find some secrets to survive from pistol start though. one more thing I forgot, rushed development, I said this a few posts back and in the other thread if someone could help me while I couldn't map this. thing placement and some textures were mostly improvised when I could map this. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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