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How to help the time pass till e3?

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gesh... it feels like it's so far to e3!!!!

I've been trying to find things to help the time pass like trying to find community made Doom 3 wallpaper etc... It seems like all that I end up doing is

1) re-watching the doom 3 videos for like the billionth time
2) configure my unix systems at work with mplay so I can watch the video there...
3) review the available images with gimp/photshop at 500% mag and use false color filters to try and locate new things in them
4) play the original 3 doom games
5) locate recreations of the doom levels in quake 1 2 or 3. (deja maps and the like)
6) read every possible thread in any forum I can find related to doom 3 regardless of how lame the topic sounds (like this one)
7) locate every doom 3 related fan site I can possibly get google to locate (and then try to locate Quake 4 info only because it's harder to find and more of a challenge) and then translate the foreign sites into english with babblefish or the like and read them
8) reload the game news sites like shacknews and bluesnews every 15 minutes in the hopes Id will release some images before e3
9) read and re-read the doom bible to imagine what possible story lines might be like
10) come to grips with the realization that Star Wars eps II is more and more a way to make the time between now and e3 go faster than it is anything else.

sigh.. how many days now?

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I've got plenty to do while waitin' for E3:
1. Read school books in preparation for my exams.
2. Check the DW forums for interesting posts worth replying to while I take a break from reading.
3. (see 1.)
4. (see 1.)
5. (see 2.)
6. (see 1.)

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Zaldron said:

11. Morrowind.

Exactly! :) and with a GeForce IV together with it :)

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Dima said:

Exactly! :) and with a GeForce IV together with it :)

I'm willing to give it another try, and as zaldron recommended I'm getting a chainsaw to take care of the pc case. Just need to wait for a price drop on the G4 so I can afford the chainsaw. Hmmuahaha!

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